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Is this a bug? No sound with Hammer Shot.


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Just re-subbed after a 9 mo hiatus and opted to level a Trooper. I've got a lvl 50 Merc, Jugg, and Sniper so I wanted to experience the republic side of the game. I had played my Merc as a healer off and on so I'm accustomed to the heat/ammo concept. One thing I liked about my Merc when I healed was shooting healing shots at teammates. On my Trooper I noticed when healing my Hammer Shot shoots a solid green beam at my teammates, but there is no sound effect attached to it. Is this a bug? Or is there simply no sound effect with Hammer Shot when healing? It is really disappointing not having a cool sound effect for this ability.
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It's hard to describe, but there is a sound effect on the healing Hammer Shot. Sure it's not noticable like the flechettes from Merc, but there is definitely a sound effect. Maybe you didn't noticed it, or you effectively had a bug.


I must be bugged, because I cranked up my volume and I hear absolutely nothing. Even tried multiple weapons, still no sound effect for Hammer Shot when using it to heal.

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