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Commando Healing Advice.


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I've got a 'Mando healer that I've recently started gearing and I've been looking for some up-to-date stat advice.


Currently I've got about:

590 Bonus healing

1914 Aim w/ exo stim (still need to augment myself out)

581 Power

41% Crit (about 341 rating)

78% Surge

12.14 Alacrity


With the exception of my weapon, offhand and a few mods and one armoring I'm rakata geared and up. Looking to run at least a few Lost Islands to try and get the columi mainhand at least, I had no luck with the mainhand on the SM TfB (which my guild decided was a good Op to break me in on...) run I did earlier today.


Just looking for some insight because most of the guides i've looked for haven't quite given me the answers i've been looking for.

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Stack main stat (aim) because it boosts your crit. Drop some other of that crit for more power.


Fully buffed I am sitting at

2300 aim

925 power

40% crit

78% surge (I have to check)

17% alacrity


A lot of other cms I know will move that excess alacrity I have to power. It is really up to you and your play style.

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A lot of other cms I know will move that excess alacrity I have to power. It is really up to you and your play style.


YOu can't really drop alacrity for power... modding doesn't work like that.



everything beyond 8% aclarity is hurting your power managment because your medical probe is faster cast then your max regen rate.


With my current Alacrity + First Responder my Med Probe has a cast time of about 1.74 seconds. Max regeneration rate is .6 cells per second, so about 1 cell every 1.55-1.6 seconds.


Edit: Also, I'm still working on augmenting out my gear with atleast the 16 Aim augs, the kits are a ***** and a half to make though.

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It takes some doing. (Creds/grinding) but you can get more power over alacrity


None the less you have to try different builds to see what you like.


I like my build. A lot of people don't. That is fine by me

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It takes some doing. (Creds/grinding) but you can get more power over alacrity


No, you can't.


Excluding anything that is of no interest to CMs:


Mods have aim with either power or crit rating. So you can trade crit and power here.


Enhancements have endurance with either power or crit and either alacrity or surge. So enhancements come in 4 flavors: power+surge, power+alacrity, crit+alacrity, crit+surge. You can trade crit and power back and forth, and/or trade alacrity with surge. You cannot trade alacrity for power.


Implants and earpieces come in the same stat combinations as enhancements, adding aim.

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Currently I've got about:

590 Bonus healing

1914 Aim w/ exo stim (still need to augment myself out)

581 Power

41% Crit (about 341 rating)

78% Surge

12.14 Alacrity


Seems mostly reasonable to me...although my personal choice would be much less crit and more power. Certainly from here out, you want the mods that give you the highest combination of aim+power. My Campaign/DG commando has:


Bonus Healing: 765.8

Aim: 2327

Power: 1076

Tech Power: 1298

Crit Rating: 71

Surge Rating: 288

Accuracy: 288


*With rakata aim stim and all raid buffs.


I recently abandoned healing on my commando, but when he was a healer, the only change is 288 alacrity instead of accuracy.

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The problem I have with having crit that low is because of First Responder proccing. I want to make sure it has 100% up time...


I would not worry too much about maintaining 100% uptime for first responder because any crit will proc it.


Auto attack has 3 chances. Kolto bomb has up to 4. Trauma probe can crit and proc it.

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I would not worry too much about maintaining 100% uptime for first responder because any crit will proc it.


Auto attack has 3 chances. Kolto bomb has up to 4. Trauma probe can crit and proc it.


And don't forget about the HoT that AMP applies. Plus my crit chance isn't really all that low; 35.22% in heal spec.

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there is a lot of debate on the issue. i have about 43% crit on mine (much higher than my dps build) and 735 bonus healing (along with the on-use power relic) for more burst healing.


some prefer to go for more power for better sustained healing.



i think both strategies are viable, and it really just comes down to personal playstyle and preference

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