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Anybody else not gonna subscribe to the game if the queue problem isn't fixed?


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Hey, spent first year of WoW in queue, was so bad ppl didn't even log out when going to work but parked their chars running in to walls (which didn't really help the problem).


Also spent the launch of Cata queueing for 2h+ with constant crashes and laggy servers.


Due to the high population on Bloodworthy (where we were assigned) my guild realised quite fast it was not going to be good so we swapped server. Unfortunately this ment that our pre-launch guild programme was in vain and our guild name was taken on our new server (that we've had since 2006)...


We got over it though. Queues for new server is 5-20mins which is not so bad.

Edited by Vattenglans
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If I was working on this issue for Bioware I would have dropped the server cap on busy servers to a very low level at launch so they show full straight off, I would then monitor the queues throughout the day upping the cap slowly to alleviate the wait times but maintain the full status.


Whilst this is going on all my new servers are showing as light, so the the new people know where to go, I would then repeat this until the downtime on the 22nd where I would increase the cap to the highest yet stable level.


I wouldn't tell anyone I was doing it though so people don't get wise and work around it.

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If I was working on this issue for Bioware I would have dropped the server cap on busy servers to a very low level at launch so they show full straight off, I would then monitor the queues throughout the day upping the cap slowly to alleviate the wait times but maintain the full status.


Whilst this is going on all my new servers are showing as light, so the the new people know where to go, I would then repeat this until the downtime on the 22nd where I would increase the cap to the highest yet stable level.


I wouldn't tell anyone I was doing it though so people don't get wise and work around it.


This is what I had hoped they'd do but increase the caps on launch day...Didn't happen

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i will sub because its a great game but honestly not very impressed with the whole pre launch and further thing ,i think it was poorly handled and not a lot of thought was kept in it despite for last 12 months it been the most talked about mmorpg .
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I wanted to maybe give a go at Hammer Station before I go to work. No way, says the login queue, you're only midway through a 15 min. queueue after half an hour of waiting. Oh, and I've got to go in 30 minutes now.


The dilemma now is this - should I log off and then be stuck in 3 hours long queue once I'm back from work (no swtor for you, sir!) or leave the pc on hoping I will not get booted for AFK on char selection screen.


Queues are ridiculous and one might think (I did, heh) that such an experienced publisher as Bioware Mythic finally managed to nail down gating process during the launch of (for part of the team) their third MMO.


Release or not, these queues are ridiculous. Why didn't they either lock Early Access servers after some time or offered free migrations to low realms?

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You're free to join a server with light population, stop whining about you not being able to play when you refuse to choose a server with low population.


Yes, after being assigned to a low population server with my guild in early access and leveling to over 20, i should start all over again because BW can't manage their servers.


Makes perfect sense.

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You're free to join a server with light population, stop whining about you not being able to play when you refuse to choose a server with low population.


Yes - maybe BW could reset your character to level 1 every 3 days. I mean, not like you'd complain or anything...



Maybe read what people are saying first eh?

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40m queue is nothing, after a month there will be none


just relax


Alot of ppl does not have 1-2 hours during weekdays and certainly not 3-4 hours during weekends to sit around in queues. Those that can't wait that long canät play at all. Should they just relax or quit their jobs or stop taking care about their kids because Bioware can't manage to look at the number of preorders and match server capacity to that number? Why did we even stresstest the servers during beta if they threw those tests out the window?


They knew exactly how many that had preordered (and more people will buy the game after release) and not the servers to take care of all the people. Almost all the PvP servers have queues now on the Europe side and that has to be a sign of something being seriously wrong.

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If I was working on this issue for Bioware I would have dropped the server cap on busy servers to a very low level at launch so they show full straight off, I would then monitor the queues throughout the day upping the cap slowly to alleviate the wait times but maintain the full status.


Whilst this is going on all my new servers are showing as light, so the the new people know where to go, I would then repeat this until the downtime on the 22nd where I would increase the cap to the highest yet stable level.


I wouldn't tell anyone I was doing it though so people don't get wise and work around it.


But that would be smart.

And they showed in this case that they are not.

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You're free to join a server with light population, stop whining about you not being able to play when you refuse to choose a server with low population.


Well now that's the problem isn't it...


we didn't CHOOSE, we were ALLOCATED.


how hard would it have been to apply some simple calculations based on server capacity


ie - each server can hold 10000 people, lets allocate 8000 people thus leaving room for new friends at launch.


I kept my mouth shut during pre-launch because the fat lady hadn't sung however we are now in the pay zone (yes i know 30 days free but you paid for that free time when you paid for the game)


this doesn't strike me as rocket science. I understand the desire of the company to keep efficiency high. high efficiency is probably great for the company...not so great for the customer...

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1why are you playing a game if you think re rolling is a waste of your time. Video games are literally a waste of time.

2 calling everybody a fan boy that has a differing opinion then you is only going to hurt you.

3 this game probably has about 2 million people playing it. That's more then any mmo at launch I do believe. Wayyy more. Ques are inevitable with that many people.

4 why is it bw fault that people are dumb and pick full servers to roll on? For the us it was prime time hours and easy to see which servers are heavy. People still pick thos.


Honestly having said all this if you get so mad and frustrated over so little then we won't miss ya bro.:eek: I know shocking.

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But that would be smart.

And they showed in this case that they are not.


Armchair developers...gotta love them.


It's not like a gazillion people still would have wanted to get on the full servers because friends, guilds, whathaveyou were on those, right?


It's not like people complained like crazy when the first servers showed at full. They OBVIOUSLY wouldn't have complained if the servers had shown as full even sooner. No...no way. People on this forum are responsible and rational.


But it's always amusing to read when people think they know EXACTLY how to handle an MMO launch. Obviously, people with no Metrics, no user data, no statistical data and no experience have a much better grasp on the actual situation than the guys at BW right now.


And obviously, people will label me a fangirl for posting this. But hey...rational, responsible people, remember? XD

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Why are people like you posting on this forum.


Its called trolling :) And he got a few bites.


The queues bug me, I rolled onto a server in pre launch which quickly became the most popular in EU, which means I have a long wait if I try to log in anytime in the afternoon/ evening. Luckily, I'm on holiday, so I can park myself in a q then go and do something else until ready.


What really bugs me are the queue indicators saying 60 minutes, and then saying 30 minutes 3 hours later (true story).


As far as I'm concerned "every MMO has the same problem" is not an excuse, it just shows the apathy of people who are used to being ripped off and accept it. And the people who come onto the forums to troll the people who are justifiably a bit unhappy with the situation are fairly contemptable to be honest.


But I'm afraid you will just have to live with it, or not play. Because the majority of players are prepared to put up with it.

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"If the queue problem"


How is popularity for a game a problem that Bioware can fix?


The only thing that causes long queues are people picking crowded servers.


That isn't something Bioware can fix



Please don't speak such sense to the kids it only confuses them.

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