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Boss damage issue in False Emperor (Input Please) [SPOILERS]

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in false emperor is behaving oddly in phase 3. When he goes to do the assassination in phase 3, it is hitting for a very large amount of damage (7k ticks). 1-2 of these ticks is survivable with max heals, but will not return from stealth until his target is dead.


The target that gets targeted by the boss is initially hit by an incapacitate that lasts somewhere over 7 seconds. It is possible that Hk-47 would return from stealth when the incapacitate breaks, but I don't think it's possible to live that long without bringing in a second healer.


The player cannot break the incapacitate with any CC breakers, and even our tank couldn't survive the assassination attempt with a smuggler defense CD up. We also used stealth detection CD's but during the actual damage dealing portion of his stealth, boss was completely invisible.


We found no way to avoid this massive spike in damage, and the fight seems to be completely blocked from our end.


My best Conclusion is:

A: We missed a major component of the encounter

B: The Damage on his assanition attack is too high

C: He is supposed to be returning to visible phase after 1 attack, but something in his ability definition/Combat AI Brain is causing it to loop.


If anyone else has done this encounter, we would love to hear your experience. And as always, any note from a yellow just saying the issue is WAD or being looked into would be great

Edited by Zilrota
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Do you know if this encounter is WAD?

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He puts a dot on that you can dispell ran it yesterday with my guild no one died.


You can't dispel the incapacitate he does during assassination protocol. You have to aoe on top of the player affected to draw him out of stealth before the incap ticks kill the person.

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