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Long break, just returned, need help!


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As the title says, I haven't played in quite some time. Hopped onto my 50 Juggernaut, and realised I now have no idea what I'm doing.


I've tried searching through these forums and the stickies, but it seems to be either outdated information, talent builds with no explanation of rotations or priorities on abilities, or threads on how to buff vengeance. :p


So, where do I start? I enjoy primarily being a DPS juggernaut, with no real interest in PvP. Any advice, links to good advice and so on would be lovely!

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As the title says, I haven't played in quite some time. Hopped onto my 50 Juggernaut, and realised I now have no idea what I'm doing.


I've tried searching through these forums and the stickies, but it seems to be either outdated information, talent builds with no explanation of rotations or priorities on abilities, or threads on how to buff vengeance. :p


So, where do I start? I enjoy primarily being a DPS juggernaut, with no real interest in PvP. Any advice, links to good advice and so on would be lovely!

there are some good post on the jedi gurdian forums i have read to tired to look them lol just browsing the fourms b4 bed

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Welcome back OP :)


here's a quick and dirty:


1) stats should be focused on getting up to 30% crit, 70+% surge, and then stack power. don't need to get more detailed then that. You will end up mixing and matching mods to do this. And try not to sacrifice str to do this...it's your best stat overall. Endurance should not be part of your priority..it will be on your gear in plenty, so don't gear for it.


2) PvE rotation is focused around keeping bleeds up as much as possible. As Vengeance, they are a big percentage of your damage. an easy rotation is sunder- X - Y. pretty much it. Ravage is priority if it procs and is available. so it really looks like:


*Ravage* Sunder - X - Y (retaliate)


basically sunder and then 2 skills, wash rinse repeat. my usual pairs are: impale/Shattering blow, and scream/smash. retaliate thrown in there when it procs. not critical tho. all other skills are as needed/when they proc essentially. Yes, that does sound basic,because I made it so. you have at least a dozen other skills that will all be helpful during the course of a conflict, but they are all woven in around that basic process.


3) best place to start is running daily quests. Black Hole area on Coruscant, and Sectino X o belsavis are newest and have the best cycles for quests. BH is a good place to start and get used to your rotation.


4) Start with quinn healing you as your comp. you can tinker with the others, but I'd suggest him for normal use as Vengeance.


5) basic spec: Basic Venge Spec


Any other questions, holler! But that should get you started, most everything else you can learn on your own. Or ask here :)

Edited by Elyxin
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