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Quickbar 5 and 6 Bug: Loosing abilities and items during zoning and logout


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I don't care about inspecting bug, I don't want some random Joe's and Mary's nosy in my inventory anyway. If anything, there should be an option to not allow it at all. I sure would use it.


As for the hotkeys then yes, this happens with those 2 new bars all the time. Targeting something or anything does not fix it, sometimes some abilities re-appear, some do not, most of time times it's totally random. So yeah, the "perk" for subscribers right now is completely bugged...


Well if they want to sell more Cartel Stuff then they want to get that inspection bug fixed ASAP. :)

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I "finally" experienced this bug once. It was while manually triggering a world instance switch. Thanks to having red this thread before, I did not attempt to set the missing skills back in the slots, but instead I just logout to the character selection screen and all was back to normal afterward.. until next time it will happen :p
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I only discovered this bug during a boss fight... which went slightly pear-shaped shortly after as I scrabbled to find some of my healing abilities and put them back where I had them...


Didn't even know it was a bug until I read this post.


Could we have a fix?



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From what I've been able to tell you don't actually loose your abilities. On quickbars 1-4 if you cannot use an ability it is grayed out. On the new quickbars it goes invisible instead of gray but is still there. That's why targeting someone will bring most of your skills back. If you have the new slots hot keyed you will always be able to use the skill. You just won't be able to see the icon until the required event takes place, target enemy, take cover, exit combat etc. As a work around you can only use the new quickbars for skills that are always available or just fluff items like pets and speeders.
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