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Things SWTOR forgot to copy from WoW


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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.



That blasted thing is the main reason the whole WoW community went downhill. No repercussion for being an arse is a bad thing. Let people actually learn to network themselves, make online friends, learn to be polite... if you have a nice list op friendly helpful people you won't be spending a lot of time finding groups.


(On some of the others you have a point though; the UI is to large and not enough bars. I want macros and mods...)

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people complaining that TOR isnt as old as WoW, you do realize your argument makes no sense right?


New games are always compared to older games. WoW is the greatest predecessor to TOR, so get use to that. The value of a new game is based on what it has done new or improved on from older games. When older games are doing things better than newer games, that's cause for complaining.


WoW dungeon finder was good, you can't actually deny that, the real complaint everyone makes is that it was too good, in that it formed groups and transported everybody and made the whole process way simpler than it needed to be. When you queued for a dungeon in WoW you could feel guaranteed that you would get a group. TOR's LFG flag is simply ineffective. LFG for quests should be separate from LFG for flash points, the former should be planet-wide only, the latter should be made galaxy-wide. It doesn't need to be like WoW's but it can certainly be a lot BETTER.


The UI scaling is also a credible complaint. UI comes down to taste. Many games have allowed players to modify or customize their UI in some way to fit their tastes. TOR offers no such feature, which is undeniably a step backward in MMO standards.


I also have a few other features I find frustrating to be missing:

- searchable AH. I mean just being able to open up the galactic market kiosk window and search for an item by name. As it is now you need to know exactly what type of item it is, armor, heavy armor, search, THEN you can filter by name. An extremely convoluted process for what should be a very simple and obvious design.


- shift click names in chat. There's no way to quickly figure out someones class or level. WoW has had this feature since day 1. It is so useful and intuitive. It is so great I did not fully appreciate it until I played TOR and realized I didn't have it. maybe it'd be better if i could quickly /who the player, but...


- /who "name". in WoW typing /who bob found the character bob on your server, or any character with 'bob' within their name and conveniently told you there class, level, and location. typing /who bob in TOR brings up the Who window and populated it with every player currently on your planet. very confusing at first, before realizing it doesnt matter what you type after /who, the only functionality of the command is to bring up the Who window where you then search for the person from there. Turning what should be a quick and easy search into another convoluted mess. I don't want a window blocking up my screen when I'm questing when all I want to do is look up another players level..

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The LFG tool that they have only groups people in the same zone together. If I want to run a flashpoint aboard the Imperial Fleet, there's no way for others in different zones to see that. THIS is why we need a LFG tool that's more robust. Plain and f'ing simple.


The majority of people who are actively looking to do a flashpoint will be on the fleet..so it seems fine to me. Perhaps this system needs some time to grow along with the rest of the game.

In the meantime you should really see about joining an active guild.

I wouldn't mind seeing improvements on the lfg system, along with many other things, all of which have been discussed to death already. The point is, the game is perfectly playable as it is now, and will only get better, so those constantly QQing about the same issues over and over because they want more easy-mode systems in place need to realize launch client is just the beginning, and we have a long way to go. Leave the horse alone, its dead already. Decide whether improvements and changes are something you can wait for or not. If not, try coming back in 6 months.

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TOR already has more and better features than WoW, like AoE looting, companions, VO quests, multi point binding recall and many more


Don't really see your point


And it's missing lots of features it shouldn't have at the same time. Basic features, like Guild Banks, UI customization, and a proper working LFG tool made for the year 2011.


Everyone keeps saying Dungeon Finder ruined WoW when there's absolutely no evidence at all.

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I think the pro WoW crowd fail to realize A LOT of MMO players have been playing MMO's for a decade before WoW. Yes it was a cultural phenomenon but it also brought a segment of MMO player that has ruined MMO's for a lot of folks. Features don't have to be used in every game if they are not relevant.


Currently there is no need for a dungeon finder as I have never spent more than 5 mins looking for a group to do ANYTHING. Dungeon finders can take up to an hour to match up a group. They take all sense of community, stop people from having friends on a server and cause people to act like 4 year olds because there is no reputation or consequences for their actions. I DO NOT WANT A DUNGEON FINDER IN THIS GAME.


Speaking of friends list, you realize you can add every person you ever group with as an option at the completion of flashpoints and quests you group in right? That is something that I LOVE about this game and use quite frequently. I couldn't tell you the last time I added a friend in WoW because there is no need to have friends outside of guildies or people who make things for you.


I'm pretty sure Bioware has employee's that play every MMO out right now and they know what features will improve this game but they also know what features bring in a crowd that are detrimental to the playerbase. Avoid the dungeon finder like the plague as it single handedly made WoW and Rift both games people sit in cities and do nothing. It's funny that the all time subscriber numbers WoW boasted about hit a sharp decline a year after it was implemented, though I don't think it was the only cause, it most certainly was a large contributor to the mass exodus going on over there pre SWTOR.

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Battlegrounds werent there at launch. You actually had to run to Mor'shan ramparts in the begining when WSG came out. same with AV.


The loot rule thing came way later, in WOTLK


Guild bank were introduced in patch 2.3.


Only thing that you thought where there on release date was fishing :p


Edit: 2, 6, 9 where there at launch day. Addons were even there in beta :)


Judging by your post you were not around at launch :eek:


I stand corrected! I was not around for launch, I joined right before BC lauched but I thought some of these things were already in. :jawa_biggrin: that just further proves our point about these features

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The LFG tool that they have only groups people in the same zone together. If I want to run a flashpoint aboard the Imperial Fleet, there's no way for others in different zones to see that. THIS is why we need a LFG tool that's more robust. Plain and f'ing simple.


custom lfg-channel that works for the whole server. works in lotro, if people get used to it, it will work here.

and as Exsidium said, most people looking for a fp are on the fleet anyway. over time it will probably become the the capital where people hang out anyway (every npc/service in one convenient location).

so right now there are enough groups to find, and later when things have calmed down people are on the fleet too.


WoW dungeon finder was good, you can't actually deny that, the real complaint everyone makes is that it was too good, in that it formed groups and transported everybody and made the whole process way simpler than it needed to be. When you queued for a dungeon in WoW you could feel guaranteed that you would get a group. TOR's LFG flag is simply ineffective. LFG for quests should be separate from LFG for flash points, the former should be planet-wide only, the latter should be made galaxy-wide. It doesn't need to be like WoW's but it can certainly be a lot BETTER.


lfg for quests doesn'T work anyway, but people who want to do it are in the zone 90% anyway, so people look for a group there. same goes for FP, it's either fleet or the appropriate zone levelwise. lfg works fine if you don't want to read/write chat, and chat works everytime.



Was I writing about WoW's AH without addons? No. I am giving a working example of how this system should work in MMOs. I don't care what it looks like without the addons, nor was I writing about it.


you complained the current AH is "unusable" (which it isn't) and it should have addon features incorporated - which hardly any AH in any game does. it has the same basic functionality as wow's.


and "should work" is subjective, I doubt the majority needs an AH interface on auctioneer's level.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


Get a guild. Why anyone would *want* to pug is beyond me. I wouldn't even consider running in a non-guild group.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


Scaling is needed, but they have a team working on the UI now. Im fairly certain that their primary goal was to get a working UI for launch, then concentrate on the importan game play aspects of the game.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


See Item 1.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


I hate meaningless caged fights, so I don't do warzones and cannot comment. Will see if the open world PvP is at least somewhat meaningful when I get there.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


Since when did WoW do this (I left before WOTLK was released)? All the same, if this is a major sticking point for anyone, I'd say they are grasping for something to be upset about, this is beyond trivial.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


A minor issue at best.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


Agreed, will probably see this when they release guild capital ships.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


Again, a minor issue at best and one that really isn't even worth consideration at launch.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.



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Bioware completely eliminated a whole host of meaningful and rewarding "Title" achievements.


Thats a huge bummer and stick in the eye to achievement-based game-play. So yea. . .achievements that are recognizable by yourself and which can be displayed by the community are gone. :(

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1. No

2. Yes.

3. Whine Less.

4. Eh, give it time.

5. Not that hard, you don't need the skills, there's trainers everywhere. See 3.

6. No.

7. Coming Soon.

8. Oh god, no. Please, just, no. I don't need constant approval and rewards. Please, no.

9. Precisely.

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Bioware completely eliminated a whole host of meaningful and rewarding "Title" achievements.


Thats a huge bummer and stick in the eye to achievement-based game-play. So yea. . .achievements that are recognizable by yourself and which can be displayed by the community are gone. :(


and you base that on what?

there is still hidden codex stuff which probably not everyone will find/do, just because people use the titles everybody gets doesn't mean there aren't rare ones (I've yet to see a "hero of tython" for example) ;)

Edited by Graburr
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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.



1) i dont want a dungeon finder but to be able to port to the dungeon or port to your teammates would be cool.


2) in fine with the ui, wish it was more customizable, but dont want mods in the game.


3) well group with guildies/friends. its a pug group, if people want to be aholes then fine, just spread the word and they will find themselves not being able to find a group eventually. i think this should be more player controlled than dev controlled. the two hour window to give the item to another group mate would be fine imo, but i think people should be able to roll on anything, especially considering what if a good heavy armor piece dropped for my sorcerer that noone wants, but i can use for khem, with that system I cant even roll on it. id rather have the option, my personal policy is if a person wants it for their main toon then its theirs to roll on, but if noone wants it them im gonna roll on it for companions.


4)im indifferent, dont plan on doing much pvp, huttbal or otherwise.


5) either way is fine by me personally. i dont mind going back to train.


6) dont want addons, personally i think it hurt wow, made people too busy looking at stats rather than if the player was effective or not and the goal was attained. what happened to people playing a toon for a long time to learn what it can do, to me dps meters are unneeded. you should know if your toon is doing more damage or not just by looking at the damage numbers you see in the fly text.


7) more guild features are coming.


8) achievements were a time sink for a game that was getting boring. felt like pokemon.


9) um ok no. they got crew skills.

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1) Go to your space station. The missions' zone-ins are there.


2) Give it time.


3) Are you forgetting companions? No system will stop loot hogs. The 2-hour trade was only useful once for my guild when I played (lost a player during a boss and was able to pass it to them upon their return). A technically difficult addition for a system that would be used rarely. in short, see #2.


4) Learn to play huttball better or leave when you go in. next!


5) This must have occurred from cata on. Sounds like they're trying to keep you from taking a break.


6) Skills are easily figured out when you use them. While questing, try different rotations. It's easier than you think and doesn't require a MS cert in Excel to figure out.


7) See #2.


8) Achievement added very little to the game. Another tactic to keep you playing.


9) This, I agree with.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


I play on a Hi res monitor as well Ui is fine to me. Could use a bit of scaling options and placement, but that will be in a upcoming patch.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.

There is already loot rules in the game. its called master looter.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.

You can select PvP warzones!


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


How is going to your trainer a time sink? it takes couple seconds


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...

Add ons ruin games. In mu opinion. Why would you want everything to be done for you? If you cant figure out how to take down a grp of mobs in a MMO, without the help of some kind of addon, perhaps you should play a different game


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.

This is being worked on


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.

There are achievments in the game.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.



To be completly honest if you miss WOW that much go back to playing it. Why does every new MMO launched have to be like WOW? I agree this game takes things from WOW but I find this game way more entertaining than WOW and its Day 1 of official launch. How long has WOW had to polish their game? oh yea close to 10 years

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Only ones I can agree with are 2 and 3.


2 for obvious reasons. 3 because we apparently have a ton of selfcentered dbags here that'll think up any excuse to take everything for themselves.


Dungeon finder, I agree we need, but not like in WoW. No porting and no cross server. Everything else ... no. Not needed or not wanted.

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Oh... nonononononono


Anything but this. Dungeon finder ruined WoW.


cross server dungeon finder ruined wow, not a dungeon finder in general.


Bad behavior was encouraged because there was no accountability across servers not because of the tool itself.... I support a dungeon finder but am against anything at all that includes cross server be it pvp queues, dungeon finders, anything.

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