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PVP Shout outs!


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Shout out to Meme for um....fearlessly charging into the big pile of imps on Oricon. Repeatedly. And dying. Repeatedly. You should get a tittle for that. <3


I was having **** tons of fun just knocking 10-20 Imps around like fly's, prior to subcoming to ALL THE DAMAGE!!!


You also may not have noticed, but your entire force had a Taunt damage de-buff after my lovely Kamikaze runs :rak_03:

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Was solo queuing last night and ran into <Ctrl Alt Elite> (Caedo, Reich and others). Shout out to you guys for one of the most intense Alderaan's I've played in some time. Also, a big shout out to Recursion (sp?) from <Unconquered> who ended up on my team. His beast mode was in full gear and he ended up with something like 18 medals. GGs all around for a very close win.
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Shout out to Pubstar, my new favorite Marauder!


The two of us held 6 of the enemy team in the middle of nowhere in Hypergates, allowing the rest of our team to run orbs for days. This went on the entire round, and somehow it was the explosion that ended up killing us (along with the 6 repubs)


Later the same day, we clutched the last round of an arena. We had no healer, they had one. We won the match!


Shout out to Shield Rating too. I upped it about 7% and it's making a very noticeable difference.

Edited by Arlanon
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Shout out to Pubstar, my new favorite Marauder!


The two of us held 6 of the enemy team in the middle of nowhere in Hypergates, allowing the rest of our team to run orbs for days. This went on the entire round, and somehow it was the explosion that ended up killing us (along with the 6 repubs)


Later the same day, we clutched the last round of an arena. We had no healer, they had one. We won the match!


Shout out to Shield Rating too. I upped it about 7% and it's making a very noticeable difference.


Was nice to see Churb I mean pubstar back. I do have a question is cherb a new toon or an imposter? Inquiring Chiss operatives want to know!

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I have to say my poor scoundrel healers bottom is still sore from that Ancient Hypergate a few days ago when I think it was 3-4 CTRL ALT ELITE, and 3-4 KFT... I believe there was 1-2 pugs. There was 5-6 smash on their side and a power tech and sniper... our guys kept on running in one at a time while me and a friend were running for our lives (while trying to get my 360k healing medal ofcourse) :p


So I believe the answer is yes we can not withstand smash of that magnitude:eek:

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Shout out to Atreus no player in this game has impressed me as much as you. You are a legend in your own right.


So I give u the absolute and all powerful /B.O.N.K


The one the only Atreus may pvp have mercy on your soul.


You seemed pretty impressed with my sniper roll score in huttball :rolleyes:


All i remember is the all caps nonsense in ops chat.

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And shout out to Undercon and KFT and all the amazing pvpers I'm lucky enough to be teamed with when I solo. You all keep me playing.:)


So Thank you.:)


you play because of us? and here i thought it was the sparkles :confused:

Edited by eavn
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Breaking the rules a bit...


Shout out to guildies Dreadnok, Shazzam and Trixxy. It's been awhile since I've laughed that hard for that long...and thanks for the win streak last night :D. Shout out to the Eternal guys for that hard fought Novare too.


Apologies to Chasso and Paterius who grouped with me on my Jugg awhile ago after not playing him for two months :o. I'm back in the groove (as the fellas above will attest). Here's to redemption.

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Sparkles are just the tool through which happyhappyjoyjoy is expressed.


Chasso aka Zachariah why did you have to treat my smuggler so bad last night. Qaos has now sought out help from her local psychiatrist and yes I am sticking you with the bill of 1 billion credits, payable in installments of course. Just kidding good games and as always please keep it funky.

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Chasso aka Zachariah why did you have to treat my smuggler so bad last night. Qaos has now sought out help from her local psychiatrist and yes I am sticking you with the bill of 1 billion credits, payable in installments of course. Just kidding good games and as always please keep it funky.


Hah, sorry man :D Always fun playing with and against ya - With more than against! To be fair, I was having a bit of a vendetta against stealthies last night.



It's only because I really REAAAAALLY don't like being shot/stabbedin the back. Those bang/shink sounds keep me up at night. ;)

Edited by Jherad
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Hah, sorry man :D Always fun playing with and against ya - With more than against! To be fair, I was having a bit of a vendetta against stealthies last night.



It's only because I really REAAAAALLY don't like being shot/stabbedin the back. Those bang/shink sounds keep me up at night. ;)


Omg now I have to relive it, lol gg. Next time I am gonna put a gun in your back, but know this though it will be done with love :-). I got a lot of tough love from you only fair I return the goodwill.

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Shout out to a certain operative for calling out they were going to win the voidstar on kills after they had more kills than our team when they were on offence.


We ended up capping in around 2-3 mins. Only thing I wish we had of done was just left it to win on kills as we were burning them up very quickly when they were on defence. Now days a lot i will go and guard our node of hang back when it is clearly a whitewash (in our favour), but that really did rile me up a bit, hard to do that outside of people doing foolishness in pve now days:eek:

Edited by Itchy_Bum
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A shout-out to my two favorite pvp studs who always mysteriously find their way to me or me to them. I will continue to woo you both until I win one of your hands and we can speeder off into the sunset with margaritas in hand...


;) You both know who you are.



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