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PVP Shout outs!


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You probably couldve worded your shout out better. Like a shout out to your fellow guildies for the fun huttball. No need to call out the pugs on the other side who were probably not having a such a fun time. Mentioning the pugs gives everyone else the idea that you enjoyed stomping them.


If you have to mention them, you shouldve given them a shout out for enduring your fun and being good sports. Not highlighting the fact that they couldn't kill you.


Good point. Thanks, and I appreciate the advice.

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I am the GM of Nex Angeles and I was in that Huttball. Let me start by saying, yes, we were acting like ******es a bit in that match and, in hindsight, we shouldn't have done that, especially after knowing how it feels to be in a PUG that gets **** stomped by premades. That's never fun, and I do not condone talking **** to PUGs (or even other premades) who had to endure such a match. Our guild has been working recently on revamping its play style and its teams in order to become more competitive. Many people who read this will probably laugh and scoff and write us off, and that's fine, but at least we're trying to do something to get better.


I would also add, however, that there are people from both the pubs and imps that run in both PUGs and in premades who seem to find it fun to talk **** about our guild when we have in fact done nothing to them to deserve such disrespect (my guildy's previous post excluded, which will be addressed), and while I'm sure we aren't the only guild to receive such hatred, I do not understand why it has become so prevalent recently. However, I am not here to seek answers to that, because, ultimately, I do not care. People will hate whoever they want, and it is not my duty to change that.


If anyone has any advice to give to our guild on getting better, outside of the typical and expected "stop playing, stop being bad, blah blah blah," we will be happy to listen to you, provided the advice is constructive and not condescending (I can tell the difference).


While I'm here, shoutout to the few people in KFT who have queued with members of our guild the past couple of weeks and given us a fun time (you know who you are). We appreciate the games and enjoy queuing with you all.


Finally, if anyone from our guild has offended anyone here then, as the GM of Nex Angeles, I apologize for that guild member's conduct. The officers and myself take the conduct of our players pretty seriously and try to police disrespect regularly.





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What I don't get is you pvp'ers 24/7 farming pve pugs in gear 66 blue..

Can you be considered a pvp'er when you don't wanna challenge? (pvp server).


Because avid PvPers threaten to hit the Unsubscribe ability (keybound to 1) if they don't queue?


You've kicked, beaten and driven over this horse ad nauseam. You win some and lose some, it's about playing with friends. Thankfully, SL seems to have a thriving PvP community. Stop queuing if it's so awful or make some friends and run in your own premade.

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Because avid PvPers threaten to hit the Unsubscribe ability (keybound to 1) if they don't queue?


You've kicked, beaten and driven over this horse ad nauseam. You win some and lose some, it's about playing with friends. Thankfully, SL seems to have a thriving PvP community. Stop queuing if it's so awful or make some friends and run in your own premade.


Don't worry, I'm a PVE'er playing on the right server, a PVE server.

You guys are PVP'ers, playing on.. eh... :)

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Don't worry, I'm a PVE'er playing on the right server, a PVE server.

You guys are PVP'ers, playing on.. eh... :)


oh my bad :S i didnt know being on a pve server meant im not supposed to pvp, dammit im sorry.


But what if i want to pve and stick with my guildies? does my love of pvp mean im "not on the right server" and therefor i must leave?


Does my guild now need to split in half and half of us transfer to another server?


Please stop beating this dead horse of an argument, you're not going to win it.

Edited by eavn
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Don't worry, I'm a PVE'er playing on the right server, a PVE server.

You guys are PVP'ers, playing on.. eh... :)


Right, and the operation bosses on PoT5 are crying because they're getting owned by a bunch of PvP'ers. You should be ashamed that a PvP server performs better at PvE (going by your logic).

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I like when PVE players blame their gear for poor performance. It's like, even with how dumbed down PVP has become with bolster and deathmatch arenas, they still find excuses as to why they are bad at PVP.


Now I don't claim to be a pro MMO player, but wouldn't knowing how to gear a character be one of the more important skills for someone to have in this type of game?


And if you are running around in PVE gear while flagged for PVP in the open world, thats just your own fault.

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Don't worry, I'm a PVE'er playing on the right server, a PVE server.

You guys are PVP'ers, playing on.. eh... :)


Hands down, worst comment i have ever seen. IQ level, below shoe size.


Heads up, some people.... when i say some, i really mean most, have 1 toon they PvP with and 1 toon they Raid with. So which server should they be on? Cause they are good at both and want to maintain legacy.


Here is a thought, lets transfer all people with your narrow minded opinion, who comments on a PVP thread and states he is a PvE'er and PvP'ers are on the wrong server to a special server. You know where you can all troll each other terribly.

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What I'm saying is: you pvp'ers 24/7 don't wanna CHALLENGE, you guys don't wanna fight other pvp'ers who knows how to pvp.

You form your premade, roflstomp pve casuals pugs because it's easier.

The argument "I'm here because of my friends", 100% of your guild is pvp, why don't you move? Don't wanna pay for it? This part I understand.

I see people complaining that there's no ranked pop, you're in the wrong place. Sorry.

I see pvp'ers complaining that his team sucks, don't know how to pvp... Again, you're in the wrong place.


I want you to have fun, you pay your bills it's not my business. What I don't understand is you saying that you're a pvp'er and don't wanna challenge. King of pvp on a pve server, how big is your e-peen?

There's a player called PVEsucks, wth are you doing here? Go Pot5 fight skilled players.

Edited by NogueiraA
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What I'm saying is: you pvp'ers 24/7 don't wanna CHALLENGE, you guys don't wanna fight other pvp'ers who knows how to pvp.

You form your premade, roflstomp pve casuals pugs because it's easier.

The argument "I'm here because of my friends", 100% of your guild is pvp, why don't you move? Don't wanna pay for it? This part I understand.

I see people complaining that there's no ranked pop, you're in the wrong place. Sorry.

I see pvp'ers complaining that his team sucks, don't know how to pvp... Again, you're in the wrong place.


I want you to have fun, you pay your bills it's not my business. What I don't understand is you saying that you're a pvp'er and don't wanna challenge. King of pvp on a pve server, how big is your e-peen?

There's a player called PVEsucks, wth are you doing here? Go Pot5 fight skilled players.


1. PVEsucks, is a guy i enjoy running with. I promise you don't know him, nor have any clue who he is. Calling him out is completely childish. GROW UP!

2. Sucking at PvP, and then telling the guys who don't suck to leave, childish. L2P.

3. It is none of your business whatsoever why anyone is on any server. You're not entitled to anything, and drawing presumptions on players intent or generalizing everyone who PvPs on this server is childish. GET FRIENDS.

4. You dont want people to have fun, you want to win without bettering your skill. (everyone sees this, your argument is weak)

5. Sorry you suck, L2P, stop attempting this weak excuse of an argument. Stop presuming things about people and play styles. Someday when you grow up, maybe you will become a better player. GL.

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It's pretty clear you are the one who don't want a challenge. You obviously have plenty of free time to level up 16 characters, should probably take some of that time and L2P at least a couple of them. Edited by anwg
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1. PVEsucks, is a guy i enjoy running with. I promise you don't know him, nor have any clue who he is. Calling him out is completely childish. GROW UP!

2. Sucking at PvP, and then telling the guys who don't suck to leave, childish. L2P.

3. It is none of your business whatsoever why anyone is on any server. You're not entitled to anything, and drawing presumptions on players intent or generalizing everyone who PvPs on this server is childish. GET FRIENDS.

4. You dont want people to have fun, you want to win without bettering your skill. (everyone sees this, your argument is weak)

5. Sorry you suck, L2P, stop attempting this weak excuse of an argument. Stop presuming things about people and play styles. Someday when you grow up, maybe you will become a better player. GL.


1 - I have him on my friendlist to see what he do, 100% pvp. This is a server forum, the rule to name calling do not apply here. If I said his name on General Discussion I'd be wrong.

2 - I don't care if I suck or I'm good at pvp, I'm a casual who plays pvp sometimes. Not saying "leave" to the guys who don't suck as you're saying.

3 - As I said, you pay your bills it's not my business. I think you didn't read my post.

4 - I don't care if I win or lose.

5 - I suck at pvp, what's the news here? I already said that I'm a casual, you talk like your dream is to be the best player, I feel bad for you.


You clearly didn't read when I said "pvp'er 24/7".

One example to clarify what I'm saying, Infinite Darkness moved on to have challenge against skilled players, playing ranked and fighting who knows how to pvp. What I see on Shadowlands some people saying "I'm a pvp'er, my rating is awesome" just stomping pugs all day. This is how you have fun? Ok, good for you but you're not a pvp'er.

See my point now?

Edited by NogueiraA
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1 - I have him on my friendlist to see what he do, 100% pvp. This is a server forum, the rule to name calling do not apply here. If I said his name on General Discussion I'd be wrong.

2 - I don't care if I suck or I'm good at pvp, I'm a casual who plays pvp sometimes. Not saying "leave" to the guys who don't suck as you're saying.

3 - As I said, you pay your bills it's not my business. I think you didn't read my post.

4 - I don't care if I win or lose.

5 - I suck at pvp, what's the news here? I already said that I'm a casual, you talk like your dream is to be the best player, I feel bad for you.


You clearly didn't read when I said "pvp'er 24/7".

One example to clarify what I'm saying, Infinite Darkness moved on to have challenge against skilled players, playing ranked and fighting who knows how to pvp. What I see on Shadowlands some people saying "I'm a pvp'er, my rating is awesome" just stomping pugs all day. This is how you have fun? Ok, good for you but you're not a pvp'er.

See my point now?


Can't fix Stupid.

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1 - I have him on my friendlist to see what he do, 100% pvp. This is a server forum, the rule to name calling do not apply here. If I said his name on General Discussion I'd be wrong.

2 - I don't care if I suck or I'm good at pvp, I'm a casual who plays pvp sometimes. Not saying "leave" to the guys who don't suck as you're saying.

3 - As I said, you pay your bills it's not my business. I think you didn't read my post.

4 - I don't care if I win or lose.

5 - I suck at pvp, what's the news here? I already said that I'm a casual, you talk like your dream is to be the best player, I feel bad for you.


You clearly didn't read when I said "pvp'er 24/7".

One example to clarify what I'm saying, Infinite Darkness moved on to have challenge against skilled players, playing ranked and fighting who knows how to pvp. What I see on Shadowlands some people saying "I'm a pvp'er, my rating is awesome" just stomping pugs all day. This is how you have fun? Ok, good for you but you're not a pvp'er.

See my point now?


Your point is that you are bad at PVP, so other players that are better than you at PVP should move to a different server?

You need to stop assuming what other players' reasons for playing are. You can not speak for them, nor can they speak for you. Everyone has their own reasons for choosing where and what to play.


Playing against other players is the definition of PVP, regardless of the skill level of either side. There will always be good players and bad players, wherever you go. Being a PVPer in this game means accepting this and dealing with the randomness of the warzone queue.

If you are bad, expect to be called out for being bad. Because guess what... people like to win.


Casuals on this server are actually lucky, because there are plenty of quality PVP players here that are willing to provide tips and feedback. But if you have the attitude of "oh, you beat me every time, but you aren't really good, go place somewhere else," you are doing nothing but complaining and not trying to rectify anything.

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I like how this guy is automatically assuming that EVERY match on this server is a premade vs. PUGs. There are plenty of games where there are premades going up against other premades. Sure, getting rofl stomped by a premade when you're in a PUG sucks, but most of us know how it feels to be on both sides of that. This server has actually enhanced its PvP play for the most part since patch 2.4. Now, that's not to say there aren't still baddies out there, whether they're casual or not, but to tell people to go to a PvP server just because they want to PvP is obnoxious as much as it is flawed. The only difference between a PvE and a PvP server is that you can fight in more open-world areas on a PvP server, which usually just results in big open-world groups that go around ganking people that are trying to level their characters with the occasional, repeat "OCCASIONAL," full-scale open-world fight with two large groups taking it to each other. I take no pride in crushing PUGs. Moreover, if I'm in a premade going up against PUGs, I generally take that opportunity to work on my class and work on my tactics in the game to prepare for the matches that matter (matches against other premades). PvE server, PvP server, it matters not. What matters is what you enjoy doing, and a lot of people on this server enjoy PvP'ing more than just casually, and you think you can bash them simply because they're on a PvE server? ID was a good PvP guild, admittedly, and everyone knows this, and, yes, they went to POT5, but that doesn't mean that the games on this server are not challenging when two good premades go up against each other. Then again, you probably wouldn't know that considering you only PvP casually and are unaware of the greater PvP scene on this server.


I also like how you came to a PvP shoutouts forum solely to bash PvP'ers, regardless of the fact that you are a "casual" PvP'er. I have no issue with people PvP'ing casually, or doing anything casually, but to openly bash those who take PvP more seriously, regardless of the type of server, is tantamount to bashing your head against a wall and asking why you have a headache afterwards.


Lastly, no one here cares that English is your third language.

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1) Nex Angeles came here bragging about ROFL-Stomping a Pug.

2) They got called out on it.

3) GM sacked up.

4) Others pointed out that if NA wanted a challenge they'd move to PoT5

5) PvP fanboyz got their panties in a wad


The guy's points are valid. Your money is your money. But don't brag about being "PvP all that" on a PvE server.

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First of all, Nex Angeles didn't come here bragging about anything. ONE of our guild members did, and it was not something I condone as the GM of Nex Angeles and it is something that is being addressed. Secondly, his points are not valid, they are misguided and illogical. People PvE on a PvP server, yet you don't tell them to go to a PvE server where the "hardcore" PvE'ers are located.


Regardless of your stance on all of this, why does it matter? Let the PvP'ers PvP and let the PvE'ers PvE. If you get into a warzone in PvE gear, prepare to get *****ed out and called bad. I would expect just as much if I went into a PvE setting (HM's, etc.) wearing PvP gear, but if I said I only PvE casually, your *** would pucker up so tight that you could pull a diamond out of it in three weeks.

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