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PVP Shout outs!


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lmao obiwonjabroni... awesome name. My sniper's name is Ty'rizzle. He wears rags and has /furious mood so one eyeball is huge and the other squinted. anyway yeah.


Shout out to Maliken for being a good Juggernaught that doesn't perform well because he's Vengeance. That guy is so hot right, just like that Hansel. This video proves it imo.


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Shout out to Maliken for being a good Juggernaught that doesn't perform well because he's Vengeance.


Ah, Vengeance, my favorite spec in the game. There is some hope; see Jugg Q&A, numbers 1 and 3. Root on Ravage plus Unstoppable...yes please.




PS: Requesting nerf to KungFu Treachery. They are everywhere (shout out to Moods, Elektra, Trixxy, Chasso/Zachariah) and they hurt.

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ooooooo u forgotz stuffz like if they use the MEDIC 2 PIECE BONUS they have have a 15sec on hold the line so that you can always have it up when pulse cannon is ready since that also has a 15sec cd. o and that they're the only advanced class to have a baseline pull plus tactics is on a 35sec cd and they have an aoe STUN that lasts for 2.5 secs and 3secs if u use the TECH 2 PIECE BONUS.:p



and yes vanguards/powertechs got overbuffed for no reason but i blame the smashy smashers no one used tactics b/c smash was just o so much better. Medics and bodyguards next pwees and nerf operative concealment they stunlocked me to death.


Where tf did you go? Donnnaaaaa....

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Shout out to Evilharisonford and Sittinon-toilet for healing and all the other dps in that epic solo ranked match that went the distance for all 3.


Also shout out to all the former Sith Renegades now in KFT and Maliken and Bake. It's great to see you guys again. Darth Bandon server for life!

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Shout out to Evilharisonford and Sittinon-toilet for healing and all the other dps in that epic solo ranked match that went the distance for all 3.


Also shout out to all the former Sith Renegades now in KFT and Maliken and Bake. It's great to see you guys again. Darth Bandon server for life!


The combatants formally known as <The Sith Renegades> (now mostly KFT) reciprocate the shout the out! We are alive and well under the KFT colors.


Shout out to other DB refugees for their continued participation in the carnage that is Shadowlands PvP.



-Soldier of KungFu Treachery

-Pocket heals for Drednok and Shazzam

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Shoutout to the PUG team that went up against our <Nex Angeles> pre-made in Huttball. After scoring 2 goals we grabbed the ball and dropped into the box for your pit and stayed there for 8 minutes. We passed the ball back and forth and you couldn't kill any of us XD. So yeah, thanks for the most amusing Huttball I've ever been in ;-D
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Shoutout to the PUG team that went up against our <Nex Angeles> pre-made in Huttball. After scoring 2 goals we grabbed the ball and dropped into the box for your pit and stayed there for 8 minutes. We passed the ball back and forth and you couldn't kill any of us XD. So yeah, thanks for the most amusing Huttball I've ever been in ;-D


aww you must be so proud to have steamrolled a pug with a premade :rolleyes: Who wouldve see that result coming?!?! :D

Edited by Dage
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Big shout out to Ma'kor and Cherry'skoal.


I hadn't been accused of hacking once in all they time I've played, but in the last few days, you two have made up for lost time. Thank you, both of you, for making me feel special.


<-- leet haxor now.

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Shoutout to the PUG team that went up against our <Nex Angeles> pre-made in Huttball. After scoring 2 goals we grabbed the ball and dropped into the box for your pit and stayed there for 8 minutes. We passed the ball back and forth and you couldn't kill any of us XD. So yeah, thanks for the most amusing Huttball I've ever been in ;-D


Easy eh? Try it on a pvp server where pugs know how to play. You won't go there because you like easy wins, right?

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Shoutout to the PUG team that went up against our <Nex Angeles> pre-made in Huttball. After scoring 2 goals we grabbed the ball and dropped into the box for your pit and stayed there for 8 minutes. We passed the ball back and forth and you couldn't kill any of us XD. So yeah, thanks for the most amusing Huttball I've ever been in ;-D


Let's not be too harsh on Nex Angeles. They've just set their sights a bit low. Here's some more achievements you can shoot for:


1) Kick puppies

2) Pull wings off of a fly

3) Burn ants with a magnifying glass

4) Visit the GTN

5) Queue for a SM FP and complete it

6) Sell some grey gear to a vendor

7) Read one page of any book (to include comic)

8) Use the remote control to turn on the tv

9) Flush a toilet

10) Successfully wipe yourself


I'm sure there are others.

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Let's not be too harsh on Nex Angeles. They've just set their sights a bit low. Here's some more achievements you can shoot for:


1) Kick puppies

2) Pull wings off of a fly

3) Burn ants with a magnifying glass

4) Visit the GTN

5) Queue for a SM FP and complete it

6) Sell some grey gear to a vendor

7) Read one page of any book (to include comic)

8) Use the remote control to turn on the tv

9) Flush a toilet

10) Successfully wipe yourself


I'm sure there are others.


Cute. Again, I'll tell you to try reading. I stated that I know this was not an accomplishment :p

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You probably couldve worded your shout out better. Like a shout out to your fellow guildies for the fun huttball. No need to call out the pugs on the other side who were probably not having a such a fun time. Mentioning the pugs gives everyone else the idea that you enjoyed stomping them.


If you have to mention them, you shouldve given them a shout out for enduring your fun and being good sports. Not highlighting the fact that they couldn't kill you.

Edited by OMGitsCHARLIE
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