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PVP Shout outs!


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Shout out to the KFT squad and the repubs that played in this tight voidstar...we armed with 15 seconds left and it literally went off with 0 seconds left in the game. Those 3 commandos were lighting us up and bombay played great stealth defense.




I had the pleasure of solo queuing against that group three times in a row...some devil's brew of Death Smile, Death Sentence and KungFu. On defense, it was spawn into a Smash and Death From Above nightmare, die, rinse and repeat :D. Can't believe it was as close as it was, because it felt a lot worse than that. Good games, time for some scotch to go drown my sorrows.

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I had the pleasure of solo queuing against that group three times in a row...some devil's brew of Death Smile, Death Sentence and KungFu. On defense, it was spawn into a Smash and Death From Above nightmare, die, rinse and repeat :D. Can't believe it was as close as it was, because it felt a lot worse than that. Good games, time for some scotch to go drown my sorrows.


Hahahaha "devils brew of death smile, death sentence and kungfu" that cracked me up

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there's a bugged relic?


Yeah, the absorb one for tanks. Should absorb ~1500 damage per second when procced, but instead grants six seconds of total damage immunity on a 30-some second cooldown. I don't believe you have to be a tank class either. Also, the Power relics stack as well, Conqueror and Obroan.

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Shout out to the folks who accused me of hacking cause I wasn't overheating on my AP PT and not taking huge aoe damage. :rolleyes:

how to arena

Step 1 - have all 4 teammates eat proto flamethrower and smash (definitely don't stun or disrupt this in any way)

Step 2 - have tank completely focused on dps while out of guard range of own healer (how else you gonna kill their healer)

Step 3 - lose, accuse other team of leet hax (it's really the only logical conclusion)

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Shout out to the folks who accused me of hacking cause I wasn't overheating on my AP PT and not taking huge aoe damage. :rolleyes:


:D I was accused of hacking after a Huttball match on Tuesday night. Apparently I killed someone with an 11K railshot "without critting", according to some third party program this dude told me he was running. Except the scoreboard at the end of the match showed my biggest hit was 6K...and my Merc is only level 25...and no amount of gear currently will ever let you hit a RS that high even if it crits...and I'm still posting...:rolleyes:

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As many of you are aware we recently got a new patch for SWTOR. It seems that a few people either A) Don't understand the new mechanics that were implemented in this patch or B) Don't understand a few classes/specs at all.

The only major changes that were made to the skill trees in 2.4 were in the Powertech/Vanguard advanced classes.

I'm here to explain those changes so that all the talk of cheating can be cleared up. I'm going to explain this slowly and clearly so that my message is not lost or ignored or misinterpreted. I'm going to explain this from the perspective of a Vanguard because it seems that people that understand the least about all these changes are on the Pub side so it might be easier for them to understand. There is a lot to go over so strap in because I'm pretty sure no one touched Tactics when Vanguards were good (because people just face rolled with Assault) and people are just now figuring out that Vanguards are good again.


For those of you who don't have a very long attention span or who don't want to figure out why Tactics/AP are so good now I left you a TLDR at the every end.


2.4 buffed a few parts of the offensive parts of the Tactics tree of Vanguard and a few of the defensive parts of the Assault tree (for both Commandos and Vanguards)


Tactics already had 30% increased critical strike bonus to Stockstrike, Fire pulse and Gut but now they also have 30% increased critical strike damage of Pulse Cannon. Every use of either Fire pulse or Ion pulse gives a stack of Pulse Generator which increases the damage that Pulse Cannon by 20% reducing the cost of it by 2 energy cells and slowing all affected targets by 30%. All this stacks up to 3 times so if we do some simple math we get 60% more damage, reduced cost by 6 energy cells, and 90% slow if you are caught in it. Pulse cannon has a 10 meter range and hits everything in a cone in front of it. Unlike smash it can hit any number of targets (but in arenas the most it can hit is 4) Pulse cannon is elemental damage not kinetic meaning it is not mitigated by armor and it cannot be shielded in any way. This means that "Tanks" take just as much damage from pulse cannon as any other class. If you hit a guarded healer and the tank in the same pulse cannon the tank is going to take damage from the pulse cannon and 50% from the healer. The people who play Vanguards often refer to this as "melting a tank" because the tank can take upwards of 20k damage if he is caught in a 3 stack Pulse Cannon with his healer. People still don't understand this concept and pretend that Pulse Cannon is some downgraded version of smash. You can stick to your fantasy and think this is the case or you can wake up.


Another thing that they buffed a little is the critical chance of Stockstrike. They increased it by 6% which, combined with the 4 piece combat tech set gives Stockstrike a 21% increased chance to crit. Even with 0 rating on your gear you will have over 40% chance to crit on Stockstrike. With the 30% increased crit strike rating you can easily get 5.5-6k hits every 9 seconds.


Patch 2.4 Increased the damage of Fire pulse which now hits about 6.5k+ on a crit. With Battle Focus up (25% more crit chance) You are looking at over 65% chance to crit on Stockstrike 45% chance to crit on any other tech attack. High Impact Bolt gets an auto crit (usually around 4.5k) so that's not really an issue.


That's all the offensive buffs and tools that Vanguards now have. 2.4 didn't give any changes to the defensive capabilities of the Vanguard but since no one played their Vanguard after Assault got nerfed no one knew about these abilities.


A few of the most notable defensive capabilities that the Tactics Vanguard has are: 30% AOE damage reduction, 30% less damage when stunned and 3 seconds off your Reactive Shield every time you get attacked. What this means is that if you get hit by a smash tard while your Reactive Shield is up you will be taking about 3k damage from it. If you are stunned while this happens the smasher will be lucky to deal 2k damage to you. Tactics is one of the only classes that benefits from being stunned. If you want to try to kill a Tactics Vanguard stunning him first is usually not the way to do it. This might sound dumb but I will eat about 90% of stuns people use on me (even if I'm at low health) because its going to be more difficult for them to deal damage to me.


Every time you hit me I'm going to be getting 3 seconds off my Reactive Shield. It's up around every minute or so (down from 2 minutes) giving us even more damage reduction in sustained fights. With reactive shield up I'm getting over 50% damage reduction from all kinetic and energy based attacks.


Now for some fun stuff. The new "most overpowered" part of Vanguards is the tank hybrid you can run. This is essentially playing Tactics but you run in Ion cell. This gives you over 50% damage reduction, the ability to guard friends, but all the other perks of Tactics. The only thing you give up is the ammo regeneration talents from the Tactics tree but you still get the increased Pulse cannon damage and the faster Reactive Shield.


TLDR: If you did not read this DO NOT qq about PTs/Vanguards being cheaters because their class got buffed a ton. Did they need buffs to Tactics? No, but they got them so either learn how fight against them or go play yours.


Shout out to people who don't read patch notes or only play smash and whine about not rolling over every class now.


- No-Retreat, 55 Advanced Prototype Powertech

- Interdict , 55 Tactics Vanguard

Edited by TyrannisWP
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TIL if any class besides mara and sniper can do a decent amount of damage in pvp it is OP and needs to be nerfed.


Pls give force leap an auto-proc on power relics, off the timer of course. Also make ravage uninterruptable And give snipers immunity to CC at all times, and no longer need LOS to cast.


And yes, nerf operatives for good measure. Except for the healers... they are struggling, give them some help.


Oh... and I should give a shout out...


Shout out to GTA:O for giving me something else to waste my time on.

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TIL if any class besides mara and sniper can do a decent amount of damage in pvp it is OP and needs to be nerfed.


Pls give force leap an auto-proc on power relics, off the timer of course. Also make ravage uninterruptable And give snipers immunity to CC at all times, and no longer need LOS to cast.


And yes, nerf operatives for good measure. Except for the healers... they are struggling, give them some help.


Oh... and I should give a shout out...


Shout out to GTA:O for giving me something else to waste my time on.


Anyone else here playing GTA:O? I've been having a blast, but the I'm not used to this whole open-world pvp concept.

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the truth about tactics/advanced prototype



as many of you are aware we recently got a new patch for swtor. It seems that a few people either a) don't understand the new mechanics that were implemented in this patch or b) don't understand a few classes/specs at all.

The only major changes that were made to the skill trees in 2.4 were in the powertech/vanguard advanced classes.

I'm here to explain those changes so that all the talk of cheating can be cleared up. I'm going to explain this slowly and clearly so that my message is not lost or ignored or misinterpreted. I'm going to explain this from the perspective of a vanguard because it seems that people that understand the least about all these changes are on the pub side so it might be easier for them to understand. There is a lot to go over so strap in because i'm pretty sure no one touched tactics when vanguards were good (because people just face rolled with assault) and people are just now figuring out that vanguards are good again.


for those of you who don't have a very long attention span or who don't want to figure out why tactics/ap are so good now i left you a tldr at the every end.


2.4 buffed a few parts of the offensive parts of the tactics tree of vanguard and a few of the defensive parts of the assault tree (for both commandos and vanguards)


tactics already had 30% increased critical strike bonus to stockstrike, fire pulse and gut but now they also have 30% increased critical strike damage of pulse cannon. Every use of either fire pulse or ion pulse gives a stack of pulse generator which increases the damage that pulse cannon by 20% reducing the cost of it by 2 energy cells and slowing all affected targets by 30%. All this stacks up to 3 times so if we do some simple math we get 60% more damage, reduced cost by 6 energy cells, and 90% slow if you are caught in it. Pulse cannon has a 10 meter range and hits everything in a cone in front of it. Unlike smash it can hit any number of targets (but in arenas the most it can hit is 4) pulse cannon is elemental damage not kinetic meaning it is not mitigated by armor and it cannot be shielded in any way. This means that "tanks" take just as much damage from pulse cannon as any other class. If you hit a guarded healer and the tank in the same pulse cannon the tank is going to take damage from the pulse cannon and 50% from the healer. The people who play vanguards often refer to this as "melting a tank" because the tank can take upwards of 20k damage if he is caught in a 3 stack pulse cannon with his healer. People still don't understand this concept and pretend that pulse cannon is some downgraded version of smash. You can stick to your fantasy and think this is the case or you can wake up.


Another thing that they buffed a little is the critical chance of stockstrike. They increased it by 6% which, combined with the 4 piece combat tech set gives stockstrike a 21% increased chance to crit. Even with 0 rating on your gear you will have over 40% chance to crit on stockstrike. With the 30% increased crit strike rating you can easily get 5.5-6k hits every 9 seconds.


Patch 2.4 increased the damage of fire pulse which now hits about 6.5k+ on a crit. With battle focus up (25% more crit chance) you are looking at over 65% chance to crit on stockstrike 45% chance to crit on any other tech attack. High impact bolt gets an auto crit (usually around 4.5k) so that's not really an issue.


That's all the offensive buffs and tools that vanguards now have. 2.4 didn't give any changes to the defensive capabilities of the vanguard but since no one played their vanguard after assault got nerfed no one knew about these abilities.


A few of the most notable defensive capabilities that the tactics vanguard has are: 30% aoe damage reduction, 30% less damage when stunned and 3 seconds off your reactive shield every time you get attacked. What this means is that if you get hit by a smash tard while your reactive shield is up you will be taking about 3k damage from it. If you are stunned while this happens the smasher will be lucky to deal 2k damage to you. Tactics is one of the only classes that benefits from being stunned. If you want to try to kill a tactics vanguard stunning him first is usually not the way to do it. This might sound dumb but i will eat about 90% of stuns people use on me (even if i'm at low health) because its going to be more difficult for them to deal damage to me.


Every time you hit me i'm going to be getting 3 seconds off my reactive shield. It's up around every minute or so (down from 2 minutes) giving us even more damage reduction in sustained fights. With reactive shield up i'm getting over 50% damage reduction from all kinetic and energy based attacks.


Now for some fun stuff. The new "most overpowered" part of vanguards is the tank hybrid you can run. This is essentially playing tactics but you run in ion cell. This gives you over 50% damage reduction, the ability to guard friends, but all the other perks of tactics. The only thing you give up is the ammo regeneration talents from the tactics tree but you still get the increased pulse cannon damage and the faster reactive shield.


Tldr: If you did not read this do not qq about pts/vanguards being cheaters because their class got buffed a ton. Did they need buffs to tactics? No, but they got them so either learn how fight against them or go play yours.


Shout out to people who don't read patch notes or only play smash and whine about not rolling over every class now.


- no-retreat, 55 advanced prototype powertech

- interdict , 55 tactics vanguard


too much logic you are a hacker im reporting uuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As many of you are aware we recently got a new patch for SWTOR. It seems that a few people either A) Don't understand the new mechanics that were implemented in this patch or B) Don't understand a few classes/specs at all.

The only major changes that were made to the skill trees in 2.4 were in the Powertech/Vanguard advanced classes.

I'm here to explain those changes so that all the talk of cheating can be cleared up. I'm going to explain this slowly and clearly so that my message is not lost or ignored or misinterpreted. I'm going to explain this from the perspective of a Vanguard because it seems that people that understand the least about all these changes are on the Pub side so it might be easier for them to understand. There is a lot to go over so strap in because I'm pretty sure no one touched Tactics when Vanguards were good (because people just face rolled with Assault) and people are just now figuring out that Vanguards are good again.


For those of you who don't have a very long attention span or who don't want to figure out why Tactics/AP are so good now I left you a TLDR at the every end.


2.4 buffed a few parts of the offensive parts of the Tactics tree of Vanguard and a few of the defensive parts of the Assault tree (for both Commandos and Vanguards)


Tactics already had 30% increased critical strike bonus to Stockstrike, Fire pulse and Gut but now they also have 30% increased critical strike damage of Pulse Cannon. Every use of either Fire pulse or Ion pulse gives a stack of Pulse Generator which increases the damage that Pulse Cannon by 20% reducing the cost of it by 2 energy cells and slowing all affected targets by 30%. All this stacks up to 3 times so if we do some simple math we get 60% more damage, reduced cost by 6 energy cells, and 90% slow if you are caught in it. Pulse cannon has a 10 meter range and hits everything in a cone in front of it. Unlike smash it can hit any number of targets (but in arenas the most it can hit is 4) Pulse cannon is elemental damage not kinetic meaning it is not mitigated by armor and it cannot be shielded in any way. This means that "Tanks" take just as much damage from pulse cannon as any other class. If you hit a guarded healer and the tank in the same pulse cannon the tank is going to take damage from the pulse cannon and 50% from the healer. The people who play Vanguards often refer to this as "melting a tank" because the tank can take upwards of 20k damage if he is caught in a 3 stack Pulse Cannon with his healer. People still don't understand this concept and pretend that Pulse Cannon is some downgraded version of smash. You can stick to your fantasy and think this is the case or you can wake up.


Another thing that they buffed a little is the critical chance of Stockstrike. They increased it by 6% which, combined with the 4 piece combat tech set gives Stockstrike a 21% increased chance to crit. Even with 0 rating on your gear you will have over 40% chance to crit on Stockstrike. With the 30% increased crit strike rating you can easily get 5.5-6k hits every 9 seconds.


Patch 2.4 Increased the damage of Fire pulse which now hits about 6.5k+ on a crit. With Battle Focus up (25% more crit chance) You are looking at over 65% chance to crit on Stockstrike 45% chance to crit on any other tech attack. High Impact Bolt gets an auto crit (usually around 4.5k) so that's not really an issue.


That's all the offensive buffs and tools that Vanguards now have. 2.4 didn't give any changes to the defensive capabilities of the Vanguard but since no one played their Vanguard after Assault got nerfed no one knew about these abilities.


A few of the most notable defensive capabilities that the Tactics Vanguard has are: 30% AOE damage reduction, 30% less damage when stunned and 3 seconds off your Reactive Shield every time you get attacked. What this means is that if you get hit by a smash tard while your Reactive Shield is up you will be taking about 3k damage from it. If you are stunned while this happens the smasher will be lucky to deal 2k damage to you. Tactics is one of the only classes that benefits from being stunned. If you want to try to kill a Tactics Vanguard stunning him first is usually not the way to do it. This might sound dumb but I will eat about 90% of stuns people use on me (even if I'm at low health) because its going to be more difficult for them to deal damage to me.


Every time you hit me I'm going to be getting 3 seconds off my Reactive Shield. It's up around every minute or so (down from 2 minutes) giving us even more damage reduction in sustained fights. With reactive shield up I'm getting over 50% damage reduction from all kinetic and energy based attacks.


Now for some fun stuff. The new "most overpowered" part of Vanguards is the tank hybrid you can run. This is essentially playing Tactics but you run in Ion cell. This gives you over 50% damage reduction, the ability to guard friends, but all the other perks of Tactics. The only thing you give up is the ammo regeneration talents from the Tactics tree but you still get the increased Pulse cannon damage and the faster Reactive Shield.


TLDR: If you did not read this DO NOT qq about PTs/Vanguards being cheaters because their class got buffed a ton. Did they need buffs to Tactics? No, but they got them so either learn how fight against them or go play yours.


Shout out to people who don't read patch notes or only play smash and whine about not rolling over every class now.


- No-Retreat, 55 Advanced Prototype Powertech

- Interdict , 55 Tactics Vanguard


ooooooo u forgotz stuffz like if they use the MEDIC 2 PIECE BONUS they have have a 15sec on hold the line so that you can always have it up when pulse cannon is ready since that also has a 15sec cd. o and that they're the only advanced class to have a baseline pull plus tactics is on a 35sec cd and they have an aoe STUN that lasts for 2.5 secs and 3secs if u use the TECH 2 PIECE BONUS.:p



and yes vanguards/powertechs got overbuffed for no reason but i blame the smashy smashers no one used tactics b/c smash was just o so much better. Medics and bodyguards next pwees and nerf operative concealment they stunlocked me to death.

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Now for some fun stuff. The new "most overpowered" part of Vanguards is the tank hybrid you can run. This is essentially playing Tactics but you run in Ion cell. This gives you over 50% damage reduction, the ability to guard friends, but all the other perks of Tactics. The only thing you give up is the ammo regeneration talents from the Tactics tree but you still get the increased Pulse cannon damage and the faster Reactive Shield.


- No-Retreat, 55 Advanced Prototype Powertech

- Interdict , 55 Tactics Vanguard


Not new really. I did this even before 2.0, its just a hell of a lot more viable now. Energy management was a pain in certain circumstances, but still doable.

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ooooooo u forgotz stuffz like if they use the MEDIC 2 PIECE BONUS they have have a 15sec on hold the line so that you can always have it up when pulse cannon is ready since that also has a 15sec cd. o and that they're the only advanced class to have a baseline pull plus tactics is on a 35sec cd and they have an aoe STUN that lasts for 2.5 secs and 3secs if u use the TECH 2 PIECE BONUS.:p



and yes vanguards/powertechs got overbuffed for no reason but i blame the smashy smashers no one used tactics b/c smash was just o so much better. Medics and bodyguards next pwees and nerf operative concealment they stunlocked me to death.

FFS play your Mando Donna. I miss your green beam.

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