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PVP Shout outs!


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end it? Heck I'm having,too much fun trolling fatedd , in effect providing entertainment for the server, btw people I take donations for this :p


:D creating a character in EVE right now purely for turning my dollars into Plex and then ISK. I have enough spare change you could pay a couple of Corps to hunt him down...many times over.

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I'd like to give another shoutout to all the bads on this server that either quit a game before the match even starts, or quit as soon as the going gets tough. Do you think all the good players got better by quitting warzones even if the odds were against them?


So to all those players that have awareness and support the team by playing objectively, focusing fire and not overextending like MORANS (get a brain), I salute you.

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Mirrorgod now that is an old name. I was never a part of BoB, and never said I was,lol?. Your wires are crossed, and Mirrorgod got his come uppers on quite a few occasions and glad to hear he is well.


The problem with Mirrorgod and his wife Yendaj is they are still angered by my support of Outlaw Jenner which I am proud to say very much p1ssed them off indeed :). I am sure they failed to mention that one to you of course and to this day I still have support for Outlaw Jenner. Maybe you might like to check that out in your research. Outlaw Jenner was a thorough thorn in there side, and I assisted him in numerous wars against Mirrorgod and his wife Yendaj.


I ran Mirrorgods corp and built it up, I guess he failed to mention that to you as well,lol??. But because of my support for Outlaw Jenner and his corporation many years ago this caused a fracture in the relations, as I sore that Mirrorgod like yourself is a complete nub end. You need to dig a lot deeper.


As for Red Army and Red Alliance, I was very much at the forefront of building it. You have to remember, Mirrorgod is I believe a 2008 player onwards, not a 2003 player. He only came into the fray once I switched allegiance to people more respectful and of a different level. I am sure none of this has been mentioned, as to this day Mirrorgod and his wife have a far bigger concern with there arch enemy, Outlaw Jenner,lol. Get your facts right, then challenge me.


I give you credit for trying to find out about my history in EVE, but unfortunately on this occasion your facts have proved incorrect, again. I proper expect people that have been owned in EVE, such as Mirrorgod and his wretched wife to make complaints, and of course add in there own theories which are flawed and basically lies. Of course someone with your mindset and dagger eyes is going to believe everything they say, afterall there real dislike is for Outlaw Jenner, I just supported the guy to stop them from bullying him basically. I can post up some pictures of Mirrorgod and his wife, so you can see that you can not take his words quite literally :). I can tell you a few home truths about that guy, that I can assure you of :p.


still like outlaw jenner eh? https://gate.eveonline.com/Profile/Fat%20Edd says otherwise


also you only ran the industrial part of mirrors corp, heretic logistics (which was fully staffed when you were put in charge), and you weren't kicked out for supporting jenner, rather for trying to shut down the corp and stealing the assets (which you failed at)


you then joined jenners corp and set war or mirrors corp, and was thus smashed






and again, i highly doubt you and jenner are on good terms seeing as he was extorting money out of you and you were pissed at him for not continuing a war against people who kicked you for stealing. then you started Nutterz Inc. which failed. also outlaw jenner quit the game and sold his account, so if you really "had connections" you'd know that.



quit your lying you imbicile. its childish.

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it could be made of tauntauns and varactyls.


After all, I never did find that petting zoo he spend quintillions of credits on.


you need juice i got juice for you buddy


we don't talk about the petting zoo anymore... things went south pretty fast...

Edited by kamikrazy
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it could be made of tauntauns and varactyls.


After all, I never did find that petting zoo he spend quintillions of credits on.


Mmm....Sounds delicious.


man...he really hates north america?....and wants you to die...I think threatening your life is a ban-able offense


Missed the mention of north America...


But yankies...isn't that a reference to people in the US though? Before that, he said "your country"...Never said anything about "your continent"...Contradiction?


Also, doesn't he realizes the US already went into the middle east in a war against terrorist and then the UK ended up backing the US of their own free will.


Terrorists where killed...regime's over thrown...and pretty sure in came democracy something I'm pretty sure most people where happy with.

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and so it begins!

place your bets!

what crazy conspiracy theories will fatedd be spewing out about the us in the middle east now?



i think hes going to claim to be controlling the whole thing! guys were dealing with a serious dictator here!


also for a guy with a much more "powerful" thinking ability, he sure uses stupid insults a lot.

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Da***k is a "wind up merchant"? Urban Dictionary where are you? And how do you go from being called an agent of commerce ;) directly into America's foreign policy in the Middle East? Here's to hoping this thread is dug up years from now and follows him to his next MMO.


My poor attempt at keeping the thread on topic: shoutout to X-Raided last night in the 30-54 bracket. Good games, put all those snipers away. My 30 Shadow has bruises this AM.

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Da***k is a "wind up merchant"? Urban Dictionary where are you? And how do you go from being called an agent of commerce ;) directly into America's foreign policy in the Middle East? Here's to hoping this thread is dug up years from now and follows him to his next MMO.


My poor attempt at keeping the thread on topic: shoutout to X-Raided last night in the 30-54 bracket. Good games, put all those snipers away. My 30 Shadow has bruises this AM.


wind up merchant is basically a british term for troll. i know, soooo rich coming from him. nomnomnomnom. if i'm ever feeling down, i'm going to read that chat excerpt to brighten my day up.


I want to give a shoutout to Cielo because **** me, he hurts. If he's on the other side, I know it's going to be a tough match.

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My poor thread. :(


PS: I could have sworn Fatedd you were in BoB before you joined DJs then when you left DJs you did another short time with BoB. Or was that the other Fatedd I know? I'm so confused. I think I'll go back to playing with myself in the corner.

Edited by KyarraKyndheart
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