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PVP Shout outs!


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Shout out to Joldoch from The Nightmare Legacy, really good Merc and I like grouping with you and any of The Nightmare Legacy guys to be honest. Your pretty good lot to be around.


A shout out to Undercon as well who choose the right time of day to fight pug Imp groups, but nowhere to be seen when the hardcore Imp premades are about. I guess that is as good as we will get from Undercon :(.


omg i have a fan club!!! finally rofl cant wait to get recognized on laet for mah heals when i get mah gear :D already got 1.7 mil hoping to get more!

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A shout out to Undercon as well who choose the right time of day to fight pug Imp groups, but nowhere to be seen when the hardcore Imp premades are about. I guess that is as good as we will get from Undercon :(.


So as you said to frequencyz


prove it.

Edited by eavn
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Shout out to Death Smile:

Bamacare/Spurs – For ALL of the advices in WZs, being an awesome GM, and being all 007 up in here!

Vengeanc/EvilHarisonFord – For the operative/healer advices :)

Straticus – For never passing the Huttball to me, you know better! ;)

Rexx/Jalgo – For being more mature than the adults most of the time :D

Merr – For messing up in the WZs with me on purpose to get under Harison’s skin

Krom – Glad you’re back!

PVESuck – For pretending to be Chris Hemsworth for me <3 <3

Jankar – For being out of CONTROL!

Kira – For being one of the coolest female gamers I know

Flo – Also for the awesome advices in WZs :)

Freq – For defending our GREAT State


Shout out to CVN from KFT – Thanks for all the guards :D

Shout out to Spikey from Ctrl Alt Del – I really hate it when you’re on the opposing team :(


Shout out to FatEdd – Thanks for this interesting thread. I have been so bored lately but reading this has entertained me quite a bit and I had many laughs concerning the majority of your posts here. Plus, I kind of read your comments like how Yoda would speak but with a British accent, which also had added to the fun.


Honestly, you contradicted yourself so many times that it confused me at some points. Then I thought, Oh, this must be FatEdd and his mindtricks. You tricksey Hobbit!


However, you really should go and reread your posts/comments. You wanted proof that you were racists (though, you’re more of a hater than a racist from what I’ve read so far) and sexist:


Page 112

Also when have I been sexist or racist,lol?. I am just speaking my mind pal, just because I am not fond of Americans does not make me racist. That would make probably 90% of the world racist towards America if everyone trusted and went on your say.

Page 114

1. Instead of making claims, it is about time you prove it, solid proof of these "indefensible" things I have supposedly undertaken. Not a bunch of people who will back your every word because they are ya pals mate, who will agree with everything you say just to incite further trouble.


Haterism Proof One: Page 104

Considering it is the 6th largest economy in the world, and remains THE most influencial country on the planet, forget the states mate, no one trusts the states your lying bastards no one likes ya, and they rely on the UK to back you up when you drag us into one of your bloody wars that are illegal. So please, do not even go there regarding GDP, or anything that you try to mark up the United States, because it has severe poverty which you fail to mention, it bullies the rest of the world, does not give a monkeys about anyone outside the United States and you just use everyone.


Haterism Proof Two: Page 111

I think your problem Frequencyz is you are disdainful towards my genuine comment towards "Texas". Live with it, trust me most people in this world are fed up the States, I am not the only one I can assure you and I have a right to air my views as do you. If you can not take the criticism though which we know most Americans can not, than may I suggest you do not criticize yourself?.


You categorized all Americans as lying bastards and we use everyone. There was also another post that you deleted on how Americans try to live their dreams and people like you just **** them over. That would have been a good one to quote off of but sadly, it was deleted and rightly so. Someone has been drinking too much Haterade.


If you did say “genocide is appropriate for Americans,” then that is considered racist, for your information.


Sexist Proof: Page 111

People do let me know what goes on, and quite frankly you are like a woman, if ignored you get stroppy and go into one.


Many women, including myself, would find this offensive. If I was ignored, I’d just move on or do whatever myself but I also considered myself a very independent woman too, so /shrug. Though, maybe you should rephrase that to “you’re like FatEdd, if called out on you get stroppy…” Yikes!


This is my Vietnam mate, and I am going to boot you out.

Please don’t put yourself parallel to the events in Vietnam. This forum is open to all of the SWTOR community and I highly doubt you can boot anyone out.


That being said, people, including you, are entitled to their opinions. It doesn’t mean your opinions are always going to be right so of course people will argue it. It’s just natural to do so.


Just don’t attack people and expect them not to defend themselves and don’t reverse it to make it seem like you’re the victim. You first attacked Freq, then Texas, then Lookin Cute Feelin Cute, then the States, then Death Smile, and now Undercon. When are you going to stop? You honestly need help somewhere, whether it’s IRL help or from your guild members. Either way, some self-reflection should be done.


Lastly, please forgive my English if there happens to be any errors, it being my 2nd language and Vietnamese being my first. :)



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Hey Fatedd, i did some digging.


MirrorGod, Pagey and Yendaj all say hi, apparently you've been acting childish for longer then we all thought.



edit: i did more digging fatedd, many people i have talked to have said you were never part of BOB (which you claimed to have started) or the red alliance.


more research shall be done.

Edited by eavn
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(sorry pubs, but maybe you can goad him to do it in /s)


Way ahead of you there. I've got a talking to by his pub alt after a match against his merc and i think Taikan has gotten 2 talkings to by his pub alt. Fun stuff. However i didn't try to enrage him, and i flat out let him know i was trolling him to get a response.

And to be fair,in my case, he wasn't being belligerent or too offensive.

Edited by DirtyDusty
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Shout out to Death Smile:

Bamacare/Spurs – For ALL of the advices in WZs, being an awesome GM, and being all 007 up in here!

Vengeanc/EvilHarisonFord – For the operative/healer advices :)

Straticus – For never passing the Huttball to me, you know better! ;)

Rexx/Jalgo – For being more mature than the adults most of the time :D

Merr – For messing up in the WZs with me on purpose to get under Harison’s skin

Krom – Glad you’re back!

PVESuck – For pretending to be Chris Hemsworth for me <3 <3

Jankar – For being out of CONTROL!

Kira – For being one of the coolest female gamers I know

Flo – Also for the awesome advices in WZs :)

Freq – For defending our GREAT State


Shout out to CVN from KFT – Thanks for all the guards :D

Shout out to Spikey from Ctrl Alt Del – I really hate it when you’re on the opposing team :(


Shout out to FatEdd – Thanks for this interesting thread. I have been so bored lately but reading this has entertained me quite a bit and I had many laughs concerning the majority of your posts here. Plus, I kind of read your comments like how Yoda would speak but with a British accent, which also had added to the fun.


Honestly, you contradicted yourself so many times that it confused me at some points. Then I thought, Oh, this must be FatEdd and his mindtricks. You tricksey Hobbit!


However, you really should go and reread your posts/comments. You wanted proof that you were racists (though, you’re more of a hater than a racist from what I’ve read so far) and sexist:


Page 112


Page 114



Haterism Proof One: Page 104



Haterism Proof Two: Page 111



You categorized all Americans as lying bastards and we use everyone. There was also another post that you deleted on how Americans try to live their dreams and people like you just **** them over. That would have been a good one to quote off of but sadly, it was deleted and rightly so. Someone has been drinking too much Haterade.


If you did say “genocide is appropriate for Americans,” then that is considered racist, for your information.


Sexist Proof: Page 111



Many women, including myself, would find this offensive. If I was ignored, I’d just move on or do whatever myself but I also considered myself a very independent woman too, so /shrug. Though, maybe you should rephrase that to “you’re like FatEdd, if called out on you get stroppy…” Yikes!



Please don’t put yourself parallel to the events in Vietnam. This forum is open to all of the SWTOR community and I highly doubt you can boot anyone out.


That being said, people, including you, are entitled to their opinions. It doesn’t mean your opinions are always going to be right so of course people will argue it. It’s just natural to do so.


Just don’t attack people and expect them not to defend themselves and don’t reverse it to make it seem like you’re the victim. You first attacked Freq, then Texas, then Lookin Cute Feelin Cute, then the States, then Death Smile, and now Undercon. When are you going to stop? You honestly need help somewhere, whether it’s IRL help or from your guild members. Either way, some self-reflection should be done.


Lastly, please forgive my English if there happens to be any errors, it being my 2nd language and Vietnamese being my first. :)




double ouch

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Just wait until they see this ****....


They may not notice...they never seem to notice any of the drama here...


PoT5 over one weekend...Well, some body made a thread to compliment a guild. That thread ended up getting pretty large with trolling and some interesting things about some of the guilds members coming. Mostly negative things at that. Such as how this guy likes to flirt with every women he comes across in game and ends up harassing them in the process. We learned about past drama and how someone's phone number was posted on kraig's list looking for other gay men. Then there where as all this raging and two more threads popped up.


Didn't take long for it to all disappear when Monday rolled around.


Hell, didn't take them long to delete comments made in a thread that was about listing the top PvP guilds in rank.

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Hey Fatedd, i did some digging.


MirrorGod, Pagey and Yendaj all say hi, apparently you've been acting childish for longer then we all thought.



edit: i did more digging fatedd, many people i have talked to have said you were never part of BOB (which you claimed to have started) or the red alliance.


more research shall be done.


Mirrorgod now that is an old name. I was never a part of BoB, and never said I was,lol?. Your wires are crossed, and Mirrorgod got his come uppers on quite a few occasions and glad to hear he is well.


The problem with Mirrorgod and his wife Yendaj is they are still angered by my support of Outlaw Jenner which I am proud to say very much p1ssed them off indeed :). I am sure they failed to mention that one to you of course and to this day I still have support for Outlaw Jenner. Maybe you might like to check that out in your research. Outlaw Jenner was a thorough thorn in there side, and I assisted him in numerous wars against Mirrorgod and his wife Yendaj.


I ran Mirrorgods corp and built it up, I guess he failed to mention that to you as well,lol??. But because of my support for Outlaw Jenner and his corporation many years ago this caused a fracture in the relations, as I sore that Mirrorgod like yourself is a complete nub end. You need to dig a lot deeper.


As for Red Army and Red Alliance, I was very much at the forefront of building it. You have to remember, Mirrorgod is I believe a 2008 player onwards, not a 2003 player. He only came into the fray once I switched allegiance to people more respectful and of a different level. I am sure none of this has been mentioned, as to this day Mirrorgod and his wife have a far bigger concern with there arch enemy, Outlaw Jenner,lol. Get your facts right, then challenge me.


I give you credit for trying to find out about my history in EVE, but unfortunately on this occasion your facts have proved incorrect, again. I proper expect people that have been owned in EVE, such as Mirrorgod and his wretched wife to make complaints, and of course add in there own theories which are flawed and basically lies. Of course someone with your mindset and dagger eyes is going to believe everything they say, afterall there real dislike is for Outlaw Jenner, I just supported the guy to stop them from bullying him basically. I can post up some pictures of Mirrorgod and his wife, so you can see that you can not take his words quite literally :). I can tell you a few home truths about that guy, that I can assure you of :p.

Edited by FatEdd
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