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PVP Shout outs!


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Ah, I haven't leveled my sent yet, but it makes me want to play my jugg again. Especially since there are no defensive pvp achievements. At least we can get some healing ones!


Yea, first time I received a healing medal with.my sent I was like "Olol, no way. I'm an op healer." My sent had champ gear at the time and BM gear could still only be bought with BM tokens.

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Yea, first time I received a healing medal with.my sent I was like "Olol, no way. I'm an op healer." My sent had champ gear at the time and BM gear could still only be bought with BM tokens.


Uggghh, BM tokens >_<. I had a 6 week long period of no BM tokens dropping. So much ilum mario cart for jack squat.

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Uggghh, BM tokens >_<. I had a 6 week long period of no BM tokens dropping. So much ilum mario cart for jack squat.


On my original server, imps ended up having control of Ilum and would camp out at centre all day. Reps just stopped trying forming up groups and although my first two toons are imps and both my sent and sorc where at lvl 50 about a month of early access, I really preffered playing my sent. I also started preffering the rep community, so, I had to rely soley on WZs to get my tokens. -.-


I was so happy when they got rid of BM tokens.

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bolser makes things really boring real quick, atm. can't wait for it to be fixed.


whichever team has the most nakeds = win.


But, ambush hitting for 9900 at lvl 36 is funny. This was only with a lack of relics. Naked seems more beneficial to lvl 50-54 players that only have WH/EWH gear.


Fortunately they will be fixing bolster on Tuesday. I'd like to actually know what certain skill trees are capable of. And of course, hopefully have a more balanced PvP experience. PvPing naked is only funny for so long. It can also be very distracting. :o

Edited by Dedrayge
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bolser makes things really boring real quick, atm. can't wait for it to be fixed.


whichever team has the most nakeds = win.


Isn't it strange that "someone who doesn't even play this game" saw this coming. Just admit that I was right. Seriously.


PVP is an afterthought.


It's also interesting how many snipers/gunslingers are in warzones lately. I wonder who saw that coming as well?




Edited by Krazy_Karl
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Isn't it strange that "someone who doesn't even play this game" saw this coming. Just admit that I was right. Seriously.


PVP is an afterthought.


It's also interesting how many snipers/gunslingers are in warzones lately. I wonder who saw that coming as well?




Anyone who played on the PTS or played attention to the PTS forum saw bugs coming. New system usually come with bugs that take time to work out. BW was quick to admitting to it and figuring out where the problems ate coming from. Go read the dev tracker and you'll see what I'm talking about.


TTK issues are being looked at and the devs have asked for detailed feedback from the community.


As for snipers/gunslingers, everyone saw that coming. My sniper is meant to replace my gunslinger which has been sitting at 50 for months.

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Isn't it strange that "someone who doesn't even play this game" saw this coming. Just admit that I was right. Seriously.


PVP is an afterthought.


It's also interesting how many snipers/gunslingers are in warzones lately. I wonder who saw that coming as well?





I am trolling you.

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Shoutout to Demonikah, a 54 Sith Sorcerer (or Assassin, I wasn't paying that much attention) for coming to the aid of a 55 Republic Commando healer in Outlaw's Den as he was being ganked by a level 52 Juggernaut tank, who killed them both 1v2 and then had this pleasant conversation



Edited by Arlanon
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Shout out to all the people who hit 55 war-zones early. Some of the best regular war-zone PvP I've seen on this server, I expect it to get worse daily though :(.

Special shout out to Jackripp, you're a monster out there.


I miss seeing all my peeps!! Shout out to all those who beat me to 55 because I'm slow LOL! I miss you guys some of these prevp games.... OMG *facepalm* :p

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bugs excluded I am really having a blast with the new pvp. Due to my guild being mostly pve at launch I got my vanguard tank leveled up fast and always hated I didn't get to pvp but trying to do it in recruit was just too brutal as a tank.


I am so enjoying the pre 55 matches so far and working hard to get him comms to be ready to gear out at 55. Nothing like keeping 5 guys from capping in Hypergate to make you feel good about your class hehe.


Damn Skillex your a beast with your pocket healer hehe

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bugs excluded I am really having a blast with the new pvp. Due to my guild being mostly pve at launch I got my vanguard tank leveled up fast and always hated I didn't get to pvp but trying to do it in recruit was just too brutal as a tank.


I am so enjoying the pre 55 matches so far and working hard to get him comms to be ready to gear out at 55. Nothing like keeping 5 guys from capping in Hypergate to make you feel good about your class hehe.


Damn Skillex your a beast with your pocket healer hehe


i don't pocket heal. I get everybody.

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i don't pocket heal. I get everybody.
I am sure you do, wasn't aware of who was healing only that some of the folks I could kill easily but he always got full quick. Wasn't in any way meant as a insult just amazing job healing his maurader.
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Shout out to PerkyMerky and Ritzi for the really fun warzones today. Thanks chaps, had a great time. :D


Also to Woops for kicking my ***. You bastards actually got me an achievement for dying 15 times in Voidstar. (732k damage taken lol) :p

Edited by Jherad
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Shout out to PerkyMerky and Ritzi for the really fun warzones today. Thanks chaps, had a great time. :D


Also to Woops for kicking my ***. You bastards actually got me an achievement for dying 15 times in Voidstar. (732k damage taken lol) :p


I bet healers love having you on their team.

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Shout out to Cunnan, I was laughing so hard when I planted the bomb, you stunned me and removed it then chased me around until you got bored. I planted the bomb again while my team was on the other side messing around and you stunned me and defused it a second time. Well played! :cool:
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Shout out to Cunnan, I was laughing so hard when I planted the bomb, you stunned me and removed it then chased me around until you got bored. I planted the bomb again while my team was on the other side messing around and you stunned me and defused it a second time. Well played! :cool:


Well maybe if your toon wasn't half naked he wouldn't have chased you around so much.:cool:

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