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PVP Shout outs!


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Look out ID, there is a new guild working their way through pre 50 now named...aptly enough...Rated.

Your reign at the top is finally coming to an end.



Actually, I've seen less amounts of suck at a suction cup factory, but still.


Good lord, I wish I vidcapped before and knew what I was doing, I'd be streaming this live right now. All you Imps should queue pre 50. Free comms.

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Look out ID, there is a new guild working their way through pre 50 now named...aptly enough...Rated.

Your reign at the top is finally coming to an end.



Actually, I've seen less amounts of suck at a suction cup factory, but still.


Good lord, I wish I vidcapped before and knew what I was doing, I'd be streaming this live right now. All you Imps should queue pre 50. Free comms.


hmmm im gonna guess your guild is called fluffy bunnies

Edited by Openwide
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shout outs 2 Perkymerky and Xanie for pvp this morning and my Underconians tonight had lots of fun :)


Thanks Donna, It sure was nice to be on the receiving end of your heals and not trying to take down you or someone on your team haha

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Look out ID, there is a new guild working their way through pre 50 now named...aptly enough...Rated.

Your reign at the top is finally coming to an end.



Actually, I've seen less amounts of suck at a suction cup factory, but still.


Good lord, I wish I vidcapped before and knew what I was doing, I'd be streaming this live right now. All you Imps should queue pre 50. Free comms.


The only pre 50 guild capable of toppling our empire are The Globetrotters. I fear the day when they all hit 50. It'll be like the LA Riots all over again.

Edited by thesadplanet
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This thread is like 50 pages long, so I guess I could finally toss in my two cents.


Shout out to all the tanks out there who don't damage farm, who follow healers (or anyone being focused) around with timely taunts, stuns, guards etc., who find the enemy healers and make their lives difficult. You guys being on my team make for the funnest matches - that feeling of working together and using our roles the way they should be.


Two of the best period are T-elos/Finish, Merkavalt/Perkymerky.


Shout out to all the play makers out there was know the line between satisfying objectives to actually win, but know when it's appropriate to go steal or distract. You guys turn around all-but-lost games and make nail biting wins the sweetest. You guys also make me happy with your hilarious bravery and disregard for self-preservation and/or silly demands to 3 cap or murder puppies.


Couple of my favorite sneaky play-makers who never fail to make me smile when I'm tired or grumpy are Ambien/Ambey, and Ravinder.


Shout out to the healers. Not just healing, but following the action and contributing to CCs, objectives, and letting their friends damage farm at 3AM on their bad snipers. :3


Thank you Openwide and Taesty.


Lastly, shout out to the strategists and the disciplinarians. These are the people that never lose track of everything going on in the match and somehow magically know why doors are lost even when they weren't there, or who is where at all times (hey, that enemy assassin didn't come back after dying, better watch our node guarder's health carefully). Even better when they aren't afraid to yell at me and call out my mistakes to make me a better player. Even better when they call out/yell at the nubs that make me soooo mad but I'm too polite to say anything.


Without a doubt my favorite brutally honest people are Cap(insert suffix) and Tezzeret.


You guys all get my warm fuzzies.

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So T-elos = Finish? Oh god, I must the dumbest person on earth, played so many times with him on rep side and didn't know that.


Well, when people hide their legacy name it makes it hard to know. :p


I actually wonder how people manage to figure out a person's alts.

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Shout out to all the pvp'ers playing naked per Bioware's design and programming. Play by the rules that are given, if the rules are f'd up, then you gotta do what you gotta do. Hating on people for playing naked is like hating on people for wearing pvp gear in 1.7. You put on (or take off) whatever provides the best stats...period. :rolleyes:
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Shout out to all the pvp'ers playing naked per Bioware's design and programming. Play by the rules that are given, if the rules are f'd up, then you gotta do what you gotta do. Hating on people for playing naked is like hating on people for wearing pvp gear in 1.7. You put on (or take off) whatever provides the best stats...period. :rolleyes:


BW did address that the naked bolster is unintended and won't affect 55 pvp. Honestly, this beats having derps in level 32 greens come into 50 WZs as everyone is on more even pegging, which ultimately allows me to ridicule a player's skills (or lack thereof) instead of their gear. Win-win :w_cool:

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Shout out to BW!


Thanks to BW, my lvl 36 sniper can go into a WZ and have 2016 expertise with her gear still equipped and do 800k damage while being fully specced into lethality. :eek:


I think it's time to fear lethality snipers.


Maybe after the 14th we will see more even stats. As of right now. The closer one gets to 55, the more they get affected by the new soft caps.

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Shout out to warriors now being able to do over 100k healing in a match!


Annihilation marauders could always do that. I'm going to guess that tank juggs can do that now too due to the barrier tjey place on their team mates after using their aoe taunt.

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