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Game Update 1.6 And Beyond Ideas!


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What would you like to see in game update 1.6 and Beyond? I had a few ideas, you can see them listed below.


Please feel free to add your own ideas.




(GM of the "Legacy of Shadows Guild,"

a Lvl 50 Tankassin on the Jedi Covenant Server)


Game Update 1.6 and Beyond Ideas:


1) Customizable Mounts


- Armor or a Shield Generator to Prevent Knock Off?

- Guns, Rockets, Blasters on Mounts? (shoot mobs)

- Upgrade-able Mounts?

- Custom Color Match-able Mounts, with Your Gear?

- Mount Leveling System, Scales with Your Level?


2) New Playable Races


- Wookie

- Jawa

- Hutts

- Yoda (Species)

- Gangster/ Thug


3) More "Realistic" Weapons


- Lightsabers Cut, and Slice Nearly All In-Game Environments

- Blasters, Guns, Rockets, Grenades, and Rifles, Damage Nearly All In-Game Environments

- Weapons can kill the In-Game NPC's (Including Merchants)


4) Visable Armor Damage System Implemented


Example # 1

(1-5 Damage System)


1 = Perfect Armor

2 = Scratched, Dirty Armor

3 = Cracked, Sliced, Burnt Armor

4 = Heavily Damaged Armor

5 = Severely Damaged Armor


Example # 2 (Simplified)


(1-3 Damage System)


1 = Perfect Armor

2 = Moderately Damaged Armor

3 = Severely Damaged Armor


:D(Note: Repairs, Would Actually Repair the Armor!!!):D


5) "Pilot" Huge Imperial/Republic Machines/Droids In-Game


- Imperial Walkers

- Tanks

- Other Craft


6) Mounts that can Fly! (Self Explanatory)


7) More Huge Epic Story Driven Content Battles! (Self Explanatory)


8) Increase Raid/Ops Group Size Limits ( Ex: 32-40 Man)


9) Guild Wars System (See Below)


- My Guild Can Challenge Yours in PVP

- Guild Ranking Accomplishments System (Worst/Best on Server)

- Guild Battle Grounds Open World (Arena)


10) Raid the Opposite Factions (See Below)


- Raid, form Ops Groups to Attack Imp or Rep Bases/Cities/Planets

- The Ability to Kill All NPC's In the Game!

- Must Be able to Damage the Environment! :D


Please Add More to the List!


Thank You!

Edited by VegetaSSS
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fix all current probems before adding anything new


bioware will not convert f2ps into subs with the ridiuclous buggy, unbalanced, and often outright broken aspects of the game. if theyre serious about turning the game around, and dont just want to make a quick million bucks off the cash shop, 1.6 needs to be fully devoted to fixes and class balance

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Sorry to say I only saw a few things that fit this game, No Offence -,-


For instance I like the visual armor effects depending on the percentage of max durability but it is just aesthetics so chances are it wont happen any time soon. I also like the customizable mounts to an extent. But here is where problems occur:


If you add weapons to mounts with the current environment of the game added with reduced knock off due to shield generators you then have groups of 10 or so people riding around killing people and having little to fear because they can just race away on their deathmower.


I wouldn't mind Paintable mounts, visual customization of any kind. Maybe be able to upgrade motors for more speed or a turboboost for temperary speed boost.




Now as for your race ideas I can promise you a few things. You will likely never get wookies or jawas. And you will almost positively not get yoda's race nor should you. And I can't even begin to wonder what a gangster/thug race would be -,-


Some reasons why I say this are: Yoda's species is supposed to be rarer than rare. Only 1 wookie can ever be a jedi according to Lucas but now that Disney has Lucas's rights that may change. Jawas and wookies don't speak basic and speaking basic is a requirement in this game according to Bioware.


Weapons & Environment


With the current engine this just isn't possible. So the likelihood of them redesigning an engine is very very slim. And they sure as hell won't let you kill random npc's that would allow you to pretty much stop people from questing literally. Now killing a person while they quest? Sure but not allowing them to grab the quest? Don't hold your breathe.



I do like the "OPTION" of a 30-40 man raid environment. But I feel it shouldn't be required. Just like the 16 man is another option so should 30-40 man.

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fix all current probems before adding anything new


bioware will not convert f2ps into subs with the ridiuclous buggy, unbalanced, and often outright broken aspects of the game. if theyre serious about turning the game around, and dont just want to make a quick million bucks off the cash shop, 1.6 needs to be fully devoted to fixes and class balance


I'm certain we will get bugfixes and "class balance" in between which are known as Hotfixes. Different teams do different things.


But you know what they say. Cows say moo, Ducks go quack, and MMO Players go "the pvp is unbalanced" so even if things are statistically balanced you will still hear people complaining its unbalanced.

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I think they probably already have 1.6 and 1.7 mapped out anyway, with 1.6 being the new Warzone and other things, perhaps Makeb as well and 1.7 being Open World PVP in January, which is when they said it would be re-released.


I'm sure they do, but let the man dream :D

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I'm sure they'll get right to completely rewriting the engine and redoing the entire game from the ground up. Or, you know, not. :rolleyes:


It's great to have ideas but seriously, put some thought into the logistics of what you're thinking about.

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I'm sure they'll get right to completely rewriting the engine and redoing the entire game from the ground up. Or, you know, not. :rolleyes:


It's great to have ideas but seriously, put some thought into the logistics of what you're thinking about.


I agree with you completely, but I have to say this because it is too easy.


Haha thinking before he posts a long post of the game he would have designed? You must be new here :D

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Sorry to say I only saw a few things that fit this game, No Offence -,-


For instance I like the visual armor effects depending on the percentage of max durability but it is just aesthetics so chances are it wont happen any time soon. I also like the customizable mounts to an extent. But here is where problems occur:


If you add weapons to mounts with the current environment of the game added with reduced knock off due to shield generators you then have groups of 10 or so people riding around killing people and having little to fear because they can just race away on their deathmower.


I wouldn't mind Paintable mounts, visual customization of any kind. Maybe be able to upgrade motors for more speed or a turboboost for temperary speed boost.




Now as for your race ideas I can promise you a few things. You will likely never get wookies or jawas. And you will almost positively not get yoda's race nor should you. And I can't even begin to wonder what a gangster/thug race would be -,-


Some reasons why I say this are: Yoda's species is supposed to be rarer than rare. Only 1 wookie can ever be a jedi according to Lucas but now that Disney has Lucas's rights that may change. Jawas and wookies don't speak basic and speaking basic is a requirement in this game according to Bioware.


Weapons & Environment


With the current engine this just isn't possible. So the likelihood of them redesigning an engine is very very slim. And they sure as hell won't let you kill random npc's that would allow you to pretty much stop people from questing literally. Now killing a person while they quest? Sure but not allowing them to grab the quest? Don't hold your breathe.



I do like the "OPTION" of a 30-40 man raid environment. But I feel it shouldn't be required. Just like the 16 man is another option so should 30-40 man.


OP didn't day that wookies can be Jedi, just playable. And it makes no sense for BW to not allow races that don't speak Basic. Kind of an easy voice over IMO.

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2) New Playable Races


- Wookie

- Jawa

- Hutts

- Yoda (Species)

- Gangster/ Thug



Out of all the species in Star Wars those are the ones you chose? Yeah I can totally see my fat hutt Jedi Guardian taking down the emperor. Or my Jawa bounty hunter striking fear into the hearts of millions.

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All of them, especially the ones about Warzones and guild matches, are great. Except for..


- Lightsabers Cut, and Slice Nearly All In-Game Environments

- Blasters, Guns, Rockets, Grenades, and Rifles, Damage Nearly All In-Game Environments

- Weapons can kill the In-Game NPC's (Including Merchants)


Those are pretty stupid. Especially the ability to kill NPC's. It breaks the game.

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One thing I would like to see falls under the speeder upgrade catagory in that i would like to be able to install a mod in my speeder that can scoop crafting materials up without having to dismount>pickup>remount every 10 yards or so. It may not sound like much but by god it gets depressing! if theres loads of stuff around an area :p


Paint jobs would be nice too, and some accessories like (for my BH) mounting a head to the front of my speeder, or some flashing lights, go faster stripes ect.


And lastly I would like to be able to send companions to any toon in the legacy that has reached lvl40 or 50. Mixes it up a little as when they have used up their conversations and have done the levelling missions companions become pretty much like all the other npc's so they may as well lend their skillsets to other toons.

Edited by DizzyrupTor
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2) New Playable Races Dude are you serious? Wookiees and Jawa don't speak Basic, Hutts would obviously be a MAJOR Problem with Equipment and what not. Yoda Species will never ever happen and what is a "Gangster/Thug" anyways?


- Wookie

- Jawa

- Hutts

- Yoda (Species)

- Gangster/ Thug


3) More "Realistic" Weapons This will never happen especially kill all In-Game NPC's including Merchants as that would be abused all to heck.


- Lightsabers Cut, and Slice Nearly All In-Game Environments

- Blasters, Guns, Rockets, Grenades, and Rifles, Damage Nearly All In-Game Environments

- Weapons can kill the In-Game NPC's (Including Merchants)


6) Mounts that can Fly! (Self Explanatory) Problem would be that it will allow people to bypast content/areas not to mention allow Players to go where they shouldn't be able to.


- The Ability to Kill All NPC's In the Game! As I said above, this will be abuse all to heck.


My responses in Lime

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