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The Changes Commando Needs


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I've posted this in another thread, so I though I would also post this here. While some of this is shared views by others, this is my personal list of the fixes that Gunnery Commando & Arsenal Bounty Hunter NEED to make them more viable in PVP:



  • Have the Energy Shield (BH) and Reactive Shield (Commando) ability prevent interrupts while active.
    The left healing tree of BH and Commando already have this as Skill boxes...it needs to be innate to the class




  • Seperate the 'Charged Barrel' (Commando) and 'Tracer Lock' (BH) stacks in regards to comsuming the 5 stack with Advanced Medical Probe and the High Impact Bolt / Railshot.
    You shouldn't have to choose to heal instantly, or do more damage with your Railshot/HIB. The stacks needs to be separated so you can do both.




  • The skill boxes "Advanced Tech" and "Heavy Trooper" (Commando) & "Custom Enviro Suit" and "Integrated Systems" need a boost.
    I know they nerfed them a bit with the 1.4 update, but I feel they need to be boosted. They aren't worth the skill points atm.




  • "Charged Barrier" / "Power Barrier" which reduces incoming damage by 1% per stack of Grav RoundTracer Missle.....needs to be increased to 2% per stack.
    Making it a total of a 10% dmg reduction, up from its 5% max now.




  • The skill boxes named: "Power Overrides" (BH) & "Reserve Round" (Commando), need to INCLUDE reducing the timer of Thermal Sensor Overrides (BH) & Reserve Power Cell (Commando) .
    Many of us use both (for commando) Reserve Power Cell and Tech Override together at the same time. For as high as that skill box is on the Middle Tree, that ability needs to reduce the cool down of BOTH of those abilities I stated.




  • The Stock-Strike and Rocket Punch knockback skillbox that the devs changed/broke....FIX IT! ASAP.
    It needs to BOTH stun/root the opponent as well as knock them back (like it used to before the 1.4 update). We desperately need that knock-back, back.


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