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PvP Gunnery spec for 1.4.


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Gunnery isn't really viable for PvP. This has been well documented and discussed ad nauseum. If you want to PvP as a DPS Commando, go full spec 31-point Assault.


Yes, odds are, you will do okay in "normal" PvP against PUGs as Gunnery. However, for most players, you can do much more damage as Assault and be 10x more mobile.

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Ultimately you're fecked in both specs if a half competent melee focuses on you but Assault relies less on casting to do any kind of damage.




Assault Plastique extra grenade to throw

Hammer Shot less crap and adds slow and DoT

Starting FA can proc a free HiB

Instanting CB can proc a free HiB

Incendiary Round

Edited by Gyronamics
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My friend. I've been a commando for the last 11 months. Let me tell you: if you try gunnery in pvp at any length you will leave frustrated. Spare yourself the trouble and go assault... Better yet, roll another class for pvp =/


I have a tank assasin, sniper and commando. Im commando healer now, able to heal 850k but there are way to many healers on republic side and they lack DPS.


I've seen few videos - gunnery ones - after 1.4. and you still can do ******** of dmg. And I like the commando dps style in general.

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I see them top the charts all the time, a lone DPS commando who rocked the game but watching them action its obvious they have alot of skill in the class. You can do as well with Marauder/Sentinel by just banging your face against the keyboard, you don't need to be a good player.


Personally if you like the mechanic of the commando I say play it and learn to become one of those few players that can dominate with it. The less skilled sentinel/marauders will tell you you're wasting your time but they're wrong. And and in 2 or 3 patches when the nerf/buff cycle changes you'll still have your skill and their flavor of the month exploit will be gone.

It actually happened back in 1.2, we were the OP and the lol smash was grav round. A few of the FOTM crowd still try to play like that, get shut down, and say it's a waste of time to play the class.

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PvP overall is different than it was pre-1.2. PvPers were still trying to figure things out, classes were still being balanced, etc. Commando was a lot more viable in those days, especially before they nerfed Grav Round.


Make no mistake. Anyone can rock any class in casual PvP. Either Commando DPS spec is capable of topping the charts by even a semi-competent player. If that's your thing, go Gunnery and destroy PUGs all day long. But if there is any form of competitive PvP on your server at all, especially ranked matches, forget about Gunnery completely. You won't live long enough to do anything.


Damage is not the issue with this class, it's the ability to survive at melee range. Commando doesn't have any medium/high damage spammable abilities, nor the CC tools to fend off melee attackers. Your most valuable tools are: LOS, range, sustained damage, and mobility. Gunnery does not have those last two when compared to Assault.

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I see them top the charts all the time, a lone DPS commando who rocked the game but watching them action its obvious they have alot of skill in the class. You can do as well with Marauder/Sentinel by just banging your face against the keyboard, you don't need to be a good player.


Personally if you like the mechanic of the commando I say play it and learn to become one of those few players that can dominate with it. The less skilled sentinel/marauders will tell you you're wasting your time but they're wrong. And and in 2 or 3 patches when the nerf/buff cycle changes you'll still have your skill and their flavor of the month exploit will be gone.

It actually happened back in 1.2, we were the OP and the lol smash was grav round. A few of the FOTM crowd still try to play like that, get shut down, and say it's a waste of time to play the class.


the few players who can dominate with it will still be tore aprt by any powertech or any scrub maraude ,or any other class tbh.

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I see them top the charts all the time, a lone DPS commando who rocked the game but watching them action its obvious they have alot of skill in the class. You can do as well with Marauder/Sentinel by just banging your face against the keyboard, you don't need to be a good player.


Personally if you like the mechanic of the commando I say play it and learn to become one of those few players that can dominate with it. The less skilled sentinel/marauders will tell you you're wasting your time but they're wrong. And and in 2 or 3 patches when the nerf/buff cycle changes you'll still have your skill and their flavor of the month exploit will be gone.

It actually happened back in 1.2, we were the OP and the lol smash was grav round. A few of the FOTM crowd still try to play like that, get shut down, and say it's a waste of time to play the class.


Sure in pug games you can get games working in your favour but the core of it all is commandos are utterly crap vs marauders and juggernaughts, slightly less crap vs assassins and operatives but the last two can be just as dangerous if they use their stealth correctly.



Everyone whos played enough pvp as a commando knows how it goes.


You meet a marauder, he can interrupt every cast you do unless he's an idiot. Your DPS will suck even as assault.


This is what screws your casting:


Intimidating Roar: aoe paralyse (non-lockout interrupt)

Force Camouflage: short stealth (non-lockout interrupt by making you lose target)

Force Choke: 3s stun (non-lockout interrupt)

Disruption: 4s lockout interrupt

Force Charge: 4s lockout interrupt


Sooo, you have to kill a fully capable melee with your core attacks gimped, sound ridiculous enough?



Of course you can waste a marauder if he's not attacking you but that relegates you to a support role, requiring someone else to be present to give you a purpose against just one opponent.


In other words a commando < 1 full value player when value counts.

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Of course you can waste a marauder if he's not attacking you but that relegates you to a support role, requiring someone else to be present to give you a purpose against just one opponent.


In other words a commando < 1 full value player when value counts.


In all fairness, Commando is a support DPS class. Let's face it, even as Assault, there isn't much burst to speak of. Certainly not enough to overcome the lack of utility needed to take on melee 1vs1. I think part of being successful with this class is realizing that you can't turn on facetank mode and go head-to-head with other players. Sitting back and lobbing bombs is pretty easy as long as some on your team are aware that you're going to need help if someone gets near you.

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It's flawed as a support class in PVP because the mythical "heavy armour ranged class" instead of defensive cooldowns has turned out to be greatly inferior to other classes defensive cooldowns in PVP. Some of which have heavy armour along with better defensive cooldowns anyway.


That plus a complete lack of ability to sustain a supporting position throughout a fight by which I mean having means to meaningfully keep melee back or meaningfully create distance.


The talentable ability to reduce the cooldown on the one shield if we get hit is some kind of a cruel joke, someone clearly thought at one time that the heavy armour would keep troopers alive long enough for it to be meaningful.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Ultimately you're fecked in both specs if a half competent melee focuses on you

^This^ I used to play merc then i got enough lightsabers to the knee in pvp that made me roll a Juggernaut that loves mercs and commandos

If u can`t beat em join em....very sad

Edited by iDraxter
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The only thing that could help Commando is better defenses. Something that would enable them to get off some of those cast specials. I would be doing a lot more damage if I wasn't dying so often. Without healers Commandos are doomed usually. And I wouldn't blame a healer, cause I play a Sage healer, if they avoided wasting heals on me to protect others that have better survivability.
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Well nobody is saying here that commandos are fine. But they are not utter crap also.


Still useful.


In PvP?! They are utter crap dude. That flashy new interrupt they just gave us...that is also the biggest nerf they could have given us. Now EVERY class has, and uses, their interrupt. Avoid Gunnery for PvP...it's not worth the frustration you'll have.

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I usually put out pretty good dmg in pvp averaging 250 to 300k top or atleast in top 3 . if the wz has good heals i usually get closer to 4ook i even broke 600k once with 2 great heals in group. So commando is not for everyone but is very good in pvp if u have the right group. The only thing i would complain about is we do die supper quick and no real cc ability or break. If we had something like the knights have with enure and their dmg reduction ability and a better cc ( i.e. cryo back to 30m or a splash effect) and cc break we would be very close to every other class.


This is basically the build i use http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pvp/trooper/commando/gunnery/talent-builds

Edited by olie-flight
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