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I love the resolve system


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I say make the next stun within 30 seconds of your last stun only remove all casting of abilities but not hinder movement. That way at least im not just standing there. Whats the harm in allowing movement within your second back to back stun? You still can't fight back but at least they earn your death.
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Lets say 3 players come at a node at the same time, with 2 shadows there that can coordinate (voice chat)


0 Seconds - 1 and 2 are mezzed

2 seconds - 3 has reached node and begins capping

8 seconds - 3 is dead.

9 seconds - 1 is mezzed

13 seconds 2 is dead

18 Seconds - 1 is dead.



this is how it should look like. 1 min fight just gives enemy more time to regrup, plus any cc breaker will kill your 1 minute theory

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Lets say 3 players come at a node at the same time, with 2 shadows there that can coordinate (voice chat)


3 Enemies coming at node vs 2 Shadows

Let us ASSUME for THIS ARGUMENT and SIMPLICITIES SAKE 3 enemies (1, 2, 3) have no CC breaker currently.


0 Seconds - 1 and 2 are mezzed

2 seconds - 3 has reached node and begins capping

8 seconds - 1 and 2 come out of mez.

9 seconds - 3 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds capping point. 3 Is Mezzed.

10 seconds - 1 and 2 reach node. 1 Is mezzed. 2 Begins cast on node.

17 seconds - 2 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds capping point. 2 is Mezzed. 3 Comes out of Mez, begins capping point again. 3 Is CC Immune.

18 Seconds - 1 comes out of mez. 1 is CC Immune. 1 Begins capping point.

24 Seconds - 3 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds, 1 is 6.0 / 8.0 seconds. Shadow 1 Casts deathfield, interrupting both players.

25 seconds - 2 Comes out of mez. 2 is CC Immune.


I dont think it was his intention to mean they were CC'd for that amount of time, just simply stating that 2 shadows vs 3 players on a node is imbalanced and needs to be adressed. Take this even further-


24 seconds - 1 and 3 both start channeling node again. Shadow 1 insta stealths.

25 seconds - 2 begins channeling node.


31 seconds - 1 and 3 are 7.0 / 8.0 seconds. 2 is 6.0 / 8.0 seconds. Shadow 2 casts deathfield. Interrupting all three players. All 3 players begin recasting channel. Shadow 2 restealths.


37 seconds - 1, 2, 3 are 6.0 / 8.0 seconds. It has been 20 seconds since 3 was CC Immune. 3 Is Mez'd.

38 seconds - 1 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds. It has been 20 seconds since 1 was CC Immune. 1 Is Mez'd.

38 seconds - 2 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds. It has been 13 seconds since 2 was CC Immune. 2 must be engaged. Shadow 1 casts force cloak and is CC Immune for 3 seconds.

40 seconds - It has been 15 seconds since 2 was cc immune. Shadow 1 throws a grenade, stunning 2 for 4 seconds.

41 seconds - Shadow 1 begins casting whirlwind on 2.

43 seconds - 2 Is whirlwinded, shadow 1 runs away.

45 seconds - 3 Comes out of Mez. Shadow 2 Mez's 3. 1 Comes out of Mez because of this, and begins channeling.

51 seconds - 2 comes out of Whirlwind. 2 begins channeling. 2 is CC Immune.

52 seconds - 1 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds. Shadow 2 Mez's 1.

53 seconds - 3 comes out of Mez, begins channeling. 3 Is CC Immune.

58 seconds - 2 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds. Shadow 1 engages 2 again.

60 seconds - 3 is 7.0 / 8.0 seconds. Shadow 1 engages 3.

60 seconds - 1 Comes out of Mez. 1 is CC Immune


you could continue speculating what happens after this, but there isn't much point in it. Regardless, something is very broken with stealth classes guarding nodes. That much can be seen. In the current state of the game, an assassin (operative) can guard a node and there is essentially no risk to him doing so. He can easily handle 1 or 2 players coming at him until help arrives, and (realistically, in an all players equal game, if 3 players come then the other engagement will end quickly)


Something needs to change. There needs to be a RISK for a stealth class to guard a node where 2 players have a reasonable chance at capping that node prior to help arriving.


my head hurts after typing all that.


WOW this is an awesome post.

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Two very simple fixes to the resolve system would make it work allot better.


1. Snares, Roots and Slows all contribute to the reslove and cannot be applied when resolve is full.


2. Use of the Stun Breaker skill, forces reslove full, for a short period of time of like 8 seconds.




I think you are close but having resolve build via roots and slows is a very bad idea. This would REALLY cause a TON of trouble. With the number of roots and slows in the game, you would have white barred wrecking balls running around all the time.


However, I do agree that once you are white barred that roots and slows should no longer affect you. The stun breaker CD should also be lowered and be reset on death in a WZ.

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