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Changing species


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I was just looking back at some of the things that are coming to the game (new planet, new species etc. etc.)

And that got me thinking.


Currently I have a lvl 50 sentinel (Human) which i truly love.

When the Cathar species come to the game, I would really like to play a Cathar sentinel. However I don't feel like leveling & gearing another sentinel just because of this/


I was thinking it might/could be a good idea to give players the option to change the species of their existing characters for either credits (or Cartel Coins with F2P coming).

This would make me and I think a lot of players that already have leveled multiple characters very happy and will also enable a bigger part of the community to play with their favourite species without having to do things they don't enjoy/want to (ie. leveling another character of the same class).

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