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Star Wars: The Old Republic – State of the Game, True Version


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1. Our game is awesome. People love it and want to play it.

If it was awesome, the sub numbers wouldn't go down so fast.


2. The subscription requirement was driving away huge numbers of people who do not want to commit to paying monthly.

No, it's not the $15/month itself that is the problem.

It's the fact that you didn't deliver enough to be worth $15/month.


3. The frequency of our Game Updates was way too slow. People were leaving because we were not releasing new content fast enough to keep up with the pace at which it was being consumed.

Still is.

Wasn't the new wz only missing the ending animation?

What about Makeb?

And the level cap increase, that you said was supposed to come "this year"?

New armor models? No, not recoloring. Like you know, completely new, something that takes more than a coloring book and 20 minutes.


Sure, you can split 1 update into 10 to keep releasing new content "every 4-6 weeks", but this doesn't mean you are faster, it means you are still slow, but you are also desperate.

Also, stop adding new daily areas all the time. Last thing this game needs is more dailies.


Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the PvP

stun stun stun stun stun stun


stun stun stun stun stun stun


stun stun stun stun stun stun

stun stun stun stun stun stun

stun stun stun stun stun stun


Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the Open World PvP (Ilum)



Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the Engine (Recorded on hex-core cpu and a gtx 580)



“It’s not productized yet,” we told Gordon. “There are whole sections of code that is only roughed in and not optimized for performance or security. And there are very few comments and very little documentation.”



Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of Reading Players' Feedback

10000000000 threads in PvP section: Resolve is broken, I'm still getting stunlocked all the time, 2 min cooldown on cc breaker, compared to the cooldown on most of the stuns (1 min or less) is way too long. You can get hard-stunned for 8 seconds or mezzed for 16.

BioWare: Ok, we get the problem. We'll change the resolve, so it takes much longer to get a full white bar. We will also change the bubble stun, so it no longer breaks on damage, but only gives half of the resolve compared to other stuns.

90% of the PvP playerbase: /unsub

BioWare: Our game is awesome. People love it and want to play it. F2P. LOLOLOLOLO


Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the Game - Solution:

Charge f2p people 720 poo coins ($7) for account wide hide headslot.



Edited by Eszi
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you failed to mention one of the biggest problems this game has:

Topic #3: Oceanic populations. Are we doing anything about them?


Answer: We are very aware of the concerns with the population levels on the Oceanic servers. The problem is pretty complex, as the solutions we have either split the populations further (like allowing Oceanic players to move to North American servers), or would force players to go to server types (PvP or RP, etc…) that they do not want to be on. Our current plan is to wait for Free-to-Play to launch and see what the influx of new players does to the populations of these servers. We will give it a little time and if we do not see significant improvement, then we will move ahead with the solution that offers the best playing experience for the Oceanic community.

lack of players in the game on any given APAC server, but would be good combined. They are doing nothing about it.

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you failed to mention one of the biggest problems this game has:


lack of players in the game on any given APAC server, but would be good combined. They are doing nothing about it.


Can't really comment on that as I'm not playing on an APAC server and thus, I don't really know what the state is there. But yes, I've seen lots of people complaining about it, so there must be a big problem with this. But as I said, don't want to comment on something that I havn't really experienced :)

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Can't really comment on that as I'm not playing on an APAC server and thus, I don't really know what the state is there. But yes, I've seen lots of people complaining about it, so there must be a big problem with this. But as I said, don't want to comment on something that I havn't really experienced :)


it's worse then when the NA and EU servers got merged

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Kind of funny, and sad at the same time, that they claim $15 per month for a sub is the reason for driving away "huge" numbers........ and then decide to go to a F2P model where F2P people litterally can't do anything but level to 50 and sit on their thumbs.


Well I read their take on "State of the Game" and just shook my head, they are somewhat dellusional. I especially liked that they said they can't put out new stuff FAST enough for people. Well they're not supposed to. They're not supposed to be cranking out new game updates every few weeks ******y split. They're supposed to be making stuff that will last, that players want to keep doing even after they've done it for the 50th time. Then after a while maybe go back and tweak something differently here or there, change some loot tables, or whatever. Anyways thats my take, Devs shouldn't be racing to put out new stuff because of whatever reason they should ease off the gas pedal and make stuff that will last for a long time. Guess that's the old school in me; how many years since it's been out and people still did Dragon Raids in DAoC (hey how bout that, the guy that wrote this "state of the game" also came from DAoC)

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No, it's not the $15/month itself that is the problem.

It's the fact that you didn't deliver enough to be worth $15/month.

It's almost funny how people that (apparently) know what everyone that unsubbed meant by "don't want to pay subs", all still play this game, and stay subbed.

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If it was awesome, the sub numbers wouldn't go down so fast.



No, it's not the $15/month itself that is the problem.

It's the fact that you didn't deliver enough to be worth $15/month.



Still is.

Wasn't the new wz only missing the ending animation?

What about Makeb?

And the level cap increase, that you said was supposed to come "this year"?

New armor models? No, not recoloring. Like you know, completely new, something that takes more than a coloring book and 20 minutes.


Sure, you can split 1 update into 10 to keep releasing new content "every 4-6 weeks", but this doesn't mean you are faster, it means you are still slow, but you are also desperate.

Also, stop adding new daily areas all the time. Last thing this game needs is more dailies.


Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the PvP

stun stun stun stun stun stun


stun stun stun stun stun stun


stun stun stun stun stun stun

stun stun stun stun stun stun

stun stun stun stun stun stun


Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the Open World PvP (Ilum)



Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the Engine (Recorded on hex-core cpu and a gtx 580)



Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of Reading Players' Feedback

10000000000 threads in PvP section: Resolve is broken, I'm still getting stunlocked all the time, 2 min cooldown on cc breaker, compared to the cooldown on most of the stuns (1 min or less) is way too long. You can get hard-stunned for 8 seconds or mezzed for 16.

BioWare: Ok, we get the problem. We'll change the resolve, so it takes much longer to get a full white bar. We will also change the bubble stun, so it no longer breaks on damage, but only gives half of the resolve compared to other stuns.

90% of the PvP playerbase: /unsub

BioWare: Our game is awesome. People love it and want to play it. F2P. LOLOLOLOLO


Star Wars: The Old Republic - State of the Game - Solution:

Charge f2p people 720 poo coins ($7) for account wide hide headslot.




While your post mostly fails at humor, its really, really odd that you are here as a paying customer. If I was this upset about about a product, I wouldn't pay for it. Of course, I try to make informed and intelligent decisions but I can't speak for everyone.

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Kind of funny, and sad at the same time, that they claim $15 per month for a sub is the reason for driving away "huge" numbers........ and then decide to go to a F2P model where F2P people litterally can't do anything but level to 50 and sit on their thumbs.


Well I read their take on "State of the Game" and just shook my head, they are somewhat dellusional. I especially liked that they said they can't put out new stuff FAST enough for people. Well they're not supposed to. They're not supposed to be cranking out new game updates every few weeks ******y split. They're supposed to be making stuff that will last, that players want to keep doing even after they've done it for the 50th time. Then after a while maybe go back and tweak something differently here or there, change some loot tables, or whatever. Anyways thats my take, Devs shouldn't be racing to put out new stuff because of whatever reason they should ease off the gas pedal and make stuff that will last for a long time. Guess that's the old school in me; how many years since it's been out and people still did Dragon Raids in DAoC (hey how bout that, the guy that wrote this "state of the game" also came from DAoC)


yup,,replayability is the only way,,no devs can keep up with gamers now


Cox did it by difficulty slider and HUGE variations in gameplay


wow did it by building the biggest and fluffiest themepark in the world

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While your post mostly fails at humor, its really, really odd that you are here as a paying customer. If I was this upset about about a product, I wouldn't pay for it. Of course, I try to make informed and intelligent decisions but I can't speak for everyone.


Believe me the truth of your statement and the irony of it will never be fully grasped by the people that it refers to. For the rest of us however it's comical and sad at the same time.


These people that hate a product but continue to pay for it are a logical enigma.

Edited by Tim-ONeil
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Believe me the truth of your statement and the irony of it will never be fully grasped by the people that it refers to. For the rest of us however it's comical and sad at the same time.


These people that hate a product but continue to pay for it are a logical enigma.


yup,,3 or 6 month subs,,,total enigma,,THE HORROR:eek:

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It's almost funny how people that (apparently) know what everyone that unsubbed meant by "don't want to pay subs", all still play this game, and stay subbed.


We know why those around us left.


People didn't want to pay for BW's product, so they decided to make their product cheaper. MacDonald's serves a purpose in society, but there's a reason MacDonald's doesn't charge 30 bucks per plate. Their product isn't good enough. The question is, does BioWare want to serve grease-ball burgers to a million customers, or fine cuisine to half that many? I think it's clear what choice they made. It's unfortunate, because BioWare's "loyal fanbase" was loyal to them specifically because the quality of their games was top notch.


And it's not just this game, or even only this division of BioWare. Both of BioWare's latest single player titles, DA2 and ME3, weren't up to snuff either, and made obvious attempts to appeal to broader audiences (James Vega belongs in Gears of War, just sayin') which disappointed the core fanbase.


People complained about the lack of content updates, so they say they'll be giving us updates more frequently. With the combination of more frequent updates alonside the downsizing of the dev team, you have to realize the thing that is being sacrificed here: the quality of the updates.


When I see this "State of the Game" address, it doesn't put my mind at ease, nor fill me with hope. It confirms in no uncertain terms that they are moving away from a business model which emphasizes that high standard of quality which made the BioWare brand famous.


Video games are a luxury item. It's not like food, where sometimes, "You just gotta eat." There's no reason for a game developer to want to be the MacDonald's of the industry, except greed. This is what it looks like when suits start running the show instead of the artists.



Edited by Macheath
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Believe me the truth of your statement and the irony of it will never be fully grasped by the people that it refers to. For the rest of us however it's comical and sad at the same time.


These people that hate a product but continue to pay for it are a logical enigma.


Some love being the Debbie Downer and tho they seem to hate TOR they know deep down that none of the other games out there are any better or worst.

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We know why those around us left.


So everyone that left is same as those around you? And they all wanted to troll BW and instead of real reason why they are unsubbing, gave "I don't want to play subscription"? Yes, that must be it, after all it's not possible that anyone takes survey after unsubbing seriously.

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So everyone that left is same as those around you? And they all wanted to troll BW and instead of real reason why they are unsubbing, gave "I don't want to play subscription"? Yes, that must be it, after all it's not possible that anyone takes survey after unsubbing seriously.


Yeah, 500k people, after paying 60-150 bucks for a game, quite because they cant afford 15 bucks a month.

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