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The worst PVP Advanced Class, let's vote.


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Its not that Commando/Merc is bad, its just that the other classes are ridiculous. I put up 300k+ dps in warzones consistently with my 7/31/3 Gunnery Spec Augmented BM commando. And if the warzone allows can get as high as 450k dps. Sure its no LOL800k derpsmash class. But if you can put up 300k+ in a warzone with just augmented BM i think the class isn't THAT BAD.


What makes it bad is the amount of interrupts and their uber-short cooldowns in this game, (that EVERY other class has) is whats out of hand in pvp, and coincidentally why commando/merc blows.


Once they tone those down, or make commando/merc shields prevent interrupts innately (instead of having to get it in the left healer tree), the class will be greatly improved.


I also think they need to unlink the use of the HIB 5 stack dmg increase with the use of the insta-Advanced Medical Probe heal. Those 2 should have seprate 5 stacks, and not consume one another. Thats another problem, i see.

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The worst PVP advanced class to your mind?


I vote for:

Commando/Mercenary (dps)


Go pyro/assault with your commando/merc more mobility so u dont get killed mid grav/tracer cast..

i just went pyro last nite on my merc and i was melting people left and rite 1v1.


come to Begeren Colony, we have plenty of competitive commando/mercs in pvp that do quite well.

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Go pyro/assault with your commando/merc more mobility so u dont get killed mid grav/tracer cast..

i just went pyro last nite on my merc and i was melting people left and rite 1v1.


come to Begeren Colony, we have plenty of competitive commando/mercs in pvp that do quite well.

I agree 100%. Respeccing my commando to Assault made me love him again.

But our "utility" is in AoE damage. We can dominate DPS (even if we're not left alone) but it doesn't actually kill people.

For example yesterday I was left alone with 3 enemies at a node and lit them all up. By time I went down they were all at 50% health, but not dead. DPS wise its a win but only if the rest of your team can finish them off. If they heal you didn't do anything.


When I'm on a team that can clean up the guys I weakened we can mop up the opposition in lightning times. If I'm on a 1v1 Rambo team I can top the DPS numbers but we still get demolished because it's all for naught.

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being a commando (main )

worst class in game hence why i am considering cancelling sub


Same story with me, bro. I saved my game with gunslinger. The problem is i love my main commando and do not my GS = motivation down.

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I guess none of you have played a dps Sorc/Sage since we can't hit anything for damage. We could get lucky and get a hit past 3000 but then you get hit by 1 move for 5000-6000 even if are wearing war hero gear. All of our attacks are jokes since are 31 point talent is either 1800 damage over 18 seconds or 900-1200 attack that can crit if the enemy is afflicted. Also Mercs/Mandos should be thankfull since they don't have to worry about 4 dps chasing you like the Sorc/Sage does get all the time.
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Why you running? Be good stand still and let me get that "7k-in-one-hit medal" from you real quick.


Most of the sorcs on my server backpaddle instead of actual "running" and I see it mostly on NC for some strange reason.


I had one funny fight last night against a sorc:

I leaped on sorc he didn't notice I am a Vigilance guardian so he wasted his knockback in first seconds, I in the meantime had pummeled him with master strike, he started to backpaddle so I bladestormed him followed by force slow, he tried to use lighting ->interrupt -> few gcds later dead sorc. I felt like I'm fighting with a person who just gave up minute he saw his knockback doesn't work.

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Most of the sorcs on my server backpaddle instead of actual "running" and I see it mostly on NC for some strange reason.


I had one funny fight last night against a sorc:

I leaped on sorc he didn't notice I am a Vigilance guardian so he wasted his knockback in first seconds, I in the meantime had pummeled him with master strike, he started to backpaddle so I bladestormed him followed by force slow, he tried to use lighting ->interrupt -> few gcds later dead sorc. I felt like I'm fighting with a person who just gave up minute he saw his knockback doesn't work.


Aint news bro. I still see plenty sages and shadows do an fairly ancient "epic" maneuver. "Backpedaling Force Speed".

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Worst class? It depends on the player's skill.


For low skill players, the Merc/Commando dps may be the BEST class. It's easy to keep targets in your field of fire. if you overheat, even your basic attacks are decent. Correspondingly, for low skill players, Mara and Jugg rage may actually be the WORST class. Your typical low skill player can't even keep enemy targets in his field of fire, much less that AND in range. So low skill players on those toons often spend a lot of their time doing nothing but chasing something they can't hit.


For higher skill players, there is no question. Merc/Commando is the worst subclass in the game.


But because BW does not adjust class balance based on best practices, but instead based on ingame meta average statistics, Merc/Commando will continue to get nerfed. Mara and Jugg rage will continue to be immune to nerfs because they are insulated by legions of poorly geared, low skill players playing those FotM and thus lowering the meta average productivity numbers for those subclasses. Assassins as well are nerf proof since so many of them are selected for solo guarding nodes. Thus their ingame productivity numbers are biased downwards and BW concludes they are underpowered. Expect further buffs to Assassins in 1.6.

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Worst class? It depends on the player's skill.


For low skill players, the Merc/Commando dps may be the BEST class. It's easy to keep targets in your field of fire. if you overheat, even your basic attacks are decent. Correspondingly, for low skill players, Mara and Jugg rage may actually be the WORST class. Your typical low skill player can't even keep enemy targets in his field of fire, much less that AND in range. So low skill players on those toons often spend a lot of their time doing nothing but chasing something they can't hit.


For higher skill players, there is no question. Merc/Commando is the worst subclass in the game.


But because BW does not adjust class balance based on best practices, but instead based on ingame meta average statistics, Merc/Commando will continue to get nerfed. Mara and Jugg rage will continue to be immune to nerfs because they are insulated by legions of poorly geared, low skill players playing those FotM and thus lowering the meta average productivity numbers for those subclasses. Assassins as well are nerf proof since so many of them are selected for solo guarding nodes. Thus their ingame productivity numbers are biased downwards and BW concludes they are underpowered. Expect further buffs to Assassins in 1.6.


I've played a few classess and the worst for low skill players is a scrapper scoundrel/concealment alt. Marauders might be second based on the targeting you refer to, but it's pretty distant.


I am discounting lethality/DF types on teh scoundrel scrapper tree as those are just bad for almost anyone.

Edited by Technohic
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I do alright myself on my 50 commando, but when I finally got my gunslinger up I could achieve the same results with half the effort.


As I recommend to all fellow commandos I see, reroll another class for pvp and retire your commando for pve, we make excellent ranged dps and off-healing in raiding.


Mando off-heals are the worst, lol.

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Sometimes i meet smart and strong sorcs, they melt me no matter what class of mine i play: commando,vanguard,gunslinger. BUT i've never met a commando who could melt me down as fast as those sorcs.


I've killed a quite a few snipers/gunslingers in one on one situations with my pure healer sorc. I think it's probably because I've played a sniper extensively and so I know their tricks of the trade. Usually as a healer though, when an enemy comes, escape is more the plan than actually killing them. But every once in a while, when it's just me against a lone sniper I feel good about my chances. The fight will usually take a while though because pure healer sorcs have such low dps.

Edited by Solarenergy
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I've played a few classess and the worst for low skill players is a scrapper scoundrel/concealment alt. Marauders might be second based on the targeting you refer to, but it's pretty distant.


I am discounting lethality/DF types on teh scoundrel scrapper tree as those are just bad for almost anyone.


The concealment types always have low productivity numbers. Doesn't mean that they aren't adding to a team just as much as a toon that has twice the productivity numbers. Just another reason why meta average dps/heaing/protection is a horrible way to gauge play balance.


As far as lethality/DF, those are incredibly powerful toons if handled correctly. I've run my DF in about a dozen lev 50 pvp matches in full recruit gear and have never failed to be top dps score. You just have to avoid tunnel vision w.r.t. your targeting selection. In that sense the toon plays markedly differently than most other subclasses and that may be a hurdle for some.

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Mando off-heals are the worst, lol.


He's talking about PVE and he is correct. It's even better since 1.4 where we can get a second way to throw out instant heals. Tracer Tracer Tracer -> instant heal group member -> Powersurge -> instant heal group member again, Tracer, Tracer, Tracer, Unload, Instant heal group member. Since we are stacking power anyway the heal made instant by tracer crits for 4k and the bigger one you powersurge into can crit for 6k. It's not a bad idea for a Mercenary to pay attention to the tanks health during a fight cause he can save his life with at the minor espense of 1 global cool-down

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I play a DPS sorc, and *can* do well if I'm left alone. Pulled over 700 DPS (no, not 700k total damage; 700 DPS) in a voidstar yesterday. I was actually second in damage...to the Sage on the other side! :eek: However, a lot of my DPS comes from Affliction spamming (for lightning barage proc). I try to keep it up on at least 3 at a time.


Unfortunately, if I actually get into a rated match, I never last long there...Which is why I'm rolling an op healer, FTW! :rak_03:

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The concealment types always have low productivity numbers. Doesn't mean that they aren't adding to a team just as much as a toon that has twice the productivity numbers. Just another reason why meta average dps/heaing/protection is a horrible way to gauge play balance.


As far as lethality/DF, those are incredibly powerful toons if handled correctly. I've run my DF in about a dozen lev 50 pvp matches in full recruit gear and have never failed to be top dps score. You just have to avoid tunnel vision w.r.t. your targeting selection. In that sense the toon plays markedly differently than most other subclasses and that may be a hurdle for some.


I was talking about in relation to being more difficult to play right. I have a scrapper and am fully aware of the advantages to a team while not having numbers on the board.


The 2nd part is why I left an opening for an exception to the rule.


EDIT: Not bad players but being more difficult to play well.

Edited by Technohic
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I still see some pretty good merc/mando healers though.... I wouldn't put that tree on the **** list...


Agree. Isn't the merc AoE heal instant? That crushes the sage healer AoE heal in competitive matches where folks know how to shut you down with interrupts.

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Agree. Isn't the merc AoE heal instant? That crushes the sage healer AoE heal in competitive matches where folks know how to shut you down with interrupts.


31 in sage healing tree always has and always will be a pve only spec. The middle tree provides way too many good surv abilities.


The commando aoe heal is instant, but it heals for a fraction of the sage one, and only hits 4 ppl vs. 8.

Edited by Smashbrother
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31 in sage healing tree always has and always will be a pve only spec. The middle tree provides way too many good surv abilities.



The commando aoe heal is instant, but it heals for a fraction of the sage one, and only hits 4 ppl vs. 8.


By your first statement above, the sorc PvP AoE heals 0 people for 0 health (i.e. doesn't exist), so the command/bh AoE heal is much much better in all respects.

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