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Proposed changes to merc/commando skill tree for pvp balance


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What up gamers,


I've been playing my new 50 merc extensively and i feel that the following skill tree changes would make us more balanced at the same time not changing anything related to pve:


1) weapons calibrations(commando)/system calibrations(mercenary) tier 1 pyro tech/Assault :


At the moment it provides 2%/4% alacrity.


Proposed change: Tactical Retreat/Fall back: When stock strike/rocket punch is used, it has a 50%/100% chance to grant a 30% movement speed increase and additionally prevents all roots/snares and knock back and knock down effects for 3 seconds.


2) This one is a change to reserve power cell /Thermal sensor overrides: At the moment it makes the next attack that costs ammo/heat free, it should also additionally: The next channel/cast time used will be granted immunity to interrupts.


3) Reserve rounds/ Power overrides (tier 6 commando/merc gunnery/arsenal ): it should also additionally make Concussion round/missile instant cast.


4) Pyrotech/assault spec tier 4 ( rapid venting/ rapid recharge): Additional effect: reduce cd of Unload/Full auto by 3/6seconds and additionally reduce its heat/ammo cost by 8/1.


This change is it bring it in like with Powertech/Vanguard dps as they are able to stock strike much more often for a better % to reset cd on railshot/ high impact bolt.



Here are some of my wishful list:


At 5 stacks of Tracer Lock/gravity vortex : Heat seeker missile/Demo round stuns the target for 2 secs.


Degauss tier 3 merc/commando: should additionally grant movement speed immunity for its duration.



Anyway what do you guys think of the proposed changes? are you happy with it?


And please feel free to add on to it, i will update my thread with the ones that i feel are good and wouldn't break the game's balance

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