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Ep VII = "original story"


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Thats not the point. The point is in the movie-universe Fett is killed so therfore your argument is invalid. We know that Lucas will NOT be following Post-ROTJ EU, since his specifically said on many occasions if he were to continue past ROTJ none of the EU stories would have been what he would do. Thank christ this will retcon Post-ROTJ EU into oblivion.


No more hearing about Sidious coming back to life destroying entire fleets and making wormholes, Luke teleporting and soloing entire armies with a blink of a eye and taking on foes that can destroy the galaxy, silly weapons that can destroy star systems at a time. Next step is to retcon Nihilus being a "Wound in the force" with his planet killing and Vitiate. Hopefully Disney/Lucasarts will now put a foot down and make characters grounded in power.


Actually, my argument is completely valid and goes back to another thread from much earlier this year. Your ignorance is no excuse, so kindly stop talking about that which you know nothing. He's dead in G-Canon, but was granted a C-Canon override exception, which is explained in that thread.

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Which he talked to Mark and Carrie last year and they both seemed into it.


We also know that episode 7 will be something new and original and we should forget everything we know about Luke or thought we knew about him.


Harrison btw agreed to do Indiana Jones I can't see him saying no to this.


btw The fact that they are making Ep7 a new story only proves that I am right and nothing in the Post ROTJ is canon any more.


Sure you COULD say that's not true until Ep7 comes out but you are just delaying the inevitable.


But up until this whole thing happened, you were dead wrong, and are only maybe right after the fact. To only win retroactively must sting a bit. LOL


Seriously, WHEN has anyone truly leaked a REAL Star Wars plot before it made it to the big screen? Keep believing the stuff being dished out, man. This should be entertaining to say the least. :D

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But up until this whole thing happened, you were dead wrong, and are only maybe right after the fact. To only win retroactively must sting a bit. LOL


Seriously, WHEN has anyone truly leaked a REAL Star Wars plot before it made it to the big screen? Keep believing the stuff being dished out, man. This should be entertaining to say the least. :D


ummm you apartly never followed the Phantom Meance. We knew the plot LONG before the teaser trailer ever came out. Lucas even leaked info about it. The first image we saw was the Droid tank. We knew about the Double Bladed lightsaber before filming began.

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since his specifically said on many occasions if he were to continue past ROTJ none of the EU stories would have been what he would do.


Lucas didn't give a ****. The EU was not part of his story but he allowed it because it made him money. How about people stop worrying about Lucas's vison?

Edited by maxetius
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“Forget the Star Wars novels. Forget the graphic novels. Forget everything you think you know..."


That's all I need to hear, they lost me right there.


I might eventually watch it out of some misguided loyalty to the franchise, but it'll never be "real" to me if they throw the EU in the trash. In my head, it'll probably be in the same category of the "Infinities" comics.

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Actually, my argument is completely valid and goes back to another thread from much earlier this year. Your ignorance is no excuse, so kindly stop talking about that which you know nothing. He's dead in G-Canon, but was granted a C-Canon override exception, which is explained in that thread.


it doesnt matter what happens now after ROTJ since its all completely in the air. The movies will most likely retcon everything past ROTJ into nothing.

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This quote in red from lucasfilm means clearly Luke will be in the film.


From what I understand, the quote in red isn't from an official source. It's an interpretation of what what was said by an official source.


Here's the article:

"It's an original story," a LucasFilm source tells me.

In other words, forget the Star Wars novels. Forget the graphic novels. Forget everything you think you know about what happens to Luke Skywalker. According to my sources, Episode 7 will literally be nothing you've ever seen or read before from the Star Wars universe.


The sources simply say "It's an original story" and "it will literally be nothing you've ever seen or read before from the Star Wars universe"


Your quote in red in E!'s interpretation of those two quotes. (and even that interpretation doesn't mean they are stomping over EU, just that the movie isn't going to be covering any of what you know about Skywalker. You can forget about it doing any of that material/those stories.)


So, all we *really* know is the movie isn't a film adaptation of an existing story. We have no idea whether or not Luke will be in it.

Edited by GnatB
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Well, they could completely seperate C-Canon and G-Canon. If you look at Marvel, the movies are simply another continuity than the comics.


That last sentence gave me hope, hope that I can still keep my knowledge about events after ROTJ and still watch a new plot and movie that doesnt screw around with the comics and novels...One would say that that sentence gave me, A New Hope :mon_cool:

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you beat me too it




All I can say is THANK GOD.





Told everyone they would be relaunching the EU


Now I'm calling this right now. They are going to do what they did with the Marvel universe except in reverse.


They start with the new triliogy and then the popular characters from that are all going to get their own series of movies and then every few years come back to do another big trilogy.


1. We don't know they are relaunching the EU. We just know it's not going to be a movie version of any of the books.

2. I'm pretty sure they actually said during the interview/anouncement that they are planning on starting the 3rd trilogy with Episode VII in 2015, then doing side movies every 2-3 years. So unless I'm misunderstanding/hearing, your "call" is something they already said during the initial anouncement.

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it doesnt matter what happens now after ROTJ since its all completely in the air. The movies will most likely retcon everything past ROTJ into nothing.


Thinking about it, the new Movies won't retcon anything in the Expanded Universe, since George isn't going to have anything to do with them. It's just going to be an alternate reality D-Canon (my term, and I hope that Leland Chee hears about it). Disney Canon will probably be its own universe that splits from the main universe after RotJ. It would make a lot more sense, and it might even keep most of the fans from an emoRAGE breakdown.

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Only two characters alive in all 6 movies.


Chewbacca can still be alive and played by other actor.


Rest will be new characters.

Maybe someone named Skywalker or Solo or Fett. Doesn't need to be tho.

Maybe the Millennium Falcon is still around.

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you beat me too it




All I can say is THANK GOD.





Told everyone they would be relaunching the EU


Now I'm calling this right now. They are going to do what they did with the Marvel universe except in reverse.


They start with the new triliogy and then the popular characters from that are all going to get their own series of movies and then every few years come back to do another big trilogy.


Well after the mary sue Starkiller, making Jacen Vader/Sidious 2.0, and Abeloth - god I hate Abeloth - I'm not sad to see a reboot of the EU.

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Thinking about it, the new Movies won't retcon anything in the Expanded Universe, since George isn't going to have anything to do with them. It's just going to be an alternate reality D-Canon (my term, and I hope that Leland Chee hears about it). Disney Canon will probably be its own universe that splits from the main universe after RotJ. It would make a lot more sense, and it might even keep most of the fans from an emoRAGE breakdown.


I'm sorry to break this to you, but the post ROTJ EU, which Lucas never really gave a crap about other than the pocket change it gave him, is not going to trump or even stand on equal ground with the future movies. It's going to be little more than fan fiction.

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I'm sorry to break this to you, but the post ROTJ EU, which Lucas never really gave a crap about other than the pocket change it gave him, is not going to trump or even stand on equal ground with the future movies. It's going to be little more than fan fiction.


Actually, by the current Canon system, future Star Wars movies are NOT G-Canon. Get that into your head right now. George isn't writing, producing, or directing them. He has given up control of his IP to Disney.

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Just found this. Given the quality of most Hollywood screenplays it has me disturbed: http://www.theforce.net/latestnews/story/Screenwriters_Pitch_Episode_VII_Ideas_148699.asp


I think they would be foolish to throw away the EU. If they want to do alot of movies, there are tons of compelling pre-made stories not to pursue there. It also gives them an opportunity to keep releasing more books, comics, etc.

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Actually, by the current Canon system, future Star Wars movies are NOT G-Canon. Get that into your head right now. George isn't writing, producing, or directing them. He has given up control of his IP to Disney.


ummm wow you really are delusional.


HE SOLD EVERYTHING STAR WARS TO DISNEY. Disney gets to decide what is canon not George and certainly not you.

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1. We don't know they are relaunching the EU. We just know it's not going to be a movie version of any of the books.

2. I'm pretty sure they actually said during the interview/anouncement that they are planning on starting the 3rd trilogy with Episode VII in 2015, then doing side movies every 2-3 years. So unless I'm misunderstanding/hearing, your "call" is something they already said during the initial anouncement.


they said Ep 7 would be released in 2015 meaning right now they are getting a writter and director as we speak.


But yeah if you understand what Disney is trying to do with this Trans-media Empire you would release that they are going to have to wipe out the POST ROTJ EU.

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Actually, by the current Canon system, future Star Wars movies are NOT G-Canon. Get that into your head right now. George isn't writing, producing, or directing them. He has given up control of his IP to Disney.


Which means Disney's word is law now. Not Lucas or Chee or anyone else. Disney owns the franchise. Whatever they produce will be Star Wars. It will not be trumped by comics or books that also weren't written, produced or directed by Lucas. Disney's Star Wars is Star Wars from here on.

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One of the hilarious sub plots of Lucas selling the franchise is the absolute panic it has sent through the fanboys and their incessant G-Canon, C-Canon, T-Canon, Who gives a crap-Canon nonsense. No one cares what some crappy writer decided happens to Luke Skywalker 50 years after the movies in some book that sold a few dozen copies. It doesn't prove or disprove any argument about the characters we saw in the movies. About 80 percent of what's in the post ROTJ EU is garbage.
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One of the hilarious sub plots of Lucas selling the franchise is the absolute panic it has sent through the fanboys and their incessant G-Canon, C-Canon, T-Canon, Who gives a crap-Canon nonsense. No one cares what some crappy writer decided happens to Luke Skywalker 50 years after the movies in some book that sold a few dozen copies. It doesn't prove or disprove any argument about the characters we saw in the movies. About 80 percent of what's in the post ROTJ EU is garbage.



It seems the people who are angry/scared/panicing over this are ones that obsess over the EU and can't handle that the EU isn't canon anymore.

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One of the hilarious sub plots of Lucas selling the franchise is the absolute panic it has sent through the fanboys and their incessant G-Canon, C-Canon, T-Canon, Who gives a crap-Canon nonsense. No one cares what some crappy writer decided happens to Luke Skywalker 50 years after the movies in some book that sold a few dozen copies. It doesn't prove or disprove any argument about the characters we saw in the movies. About 80 percent of what's in the post ROTJ EU is garbage.


Agreed. The whole canon classifications are idiotic. It is either canon, or it isn't. Canon is what, up until this point, George Lucas said it was. And as Disney is about to prove, no amount of sub-categorizing the EU lore is going keep from being obliterated.


I'm a fan of some of the post-ROTJ EU lore. i like Thrawn, I have all his Star Wars minis. I like Mara Jade. I like Darth Talon, but it will soon be gone. All the figures, statues, comics, novels, will become a faded legacy of what once was and only those who lived through it, or have an interest in rare collectibles will care.


Disney knows the power of the Star Wars brand. If they hand't labeled it Episode 7 in advance, I would half expect a complete reboot of the series.

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ummm wow you really are delusional.


HE SOLD EVERYTHING STAR WARS TO DISNEY. Disney gets to decide what is canon not George and certainly not you.


No, YOU are delusional! I NEVER said that I would decide what was or what wasn't canon. Don't be stupid. I said BY THE CURRENT CANON SYSTEM. So until that changes, I suggest you at least try to avoid putting your foot in your mouth again. To even suggest that Disney surpasses G-Canon is ludicrous! I would be willing to bet that George included something in the contract to keep his own Trilogies from being altered further by Disney. G-Canon is the George Lucas Trilogies, and that is very unlikely to change. George may not be the best director or dialogue writer on Earth, but he's an intelligent businessman.

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