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Alacrity vs Accuracy


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The lvl 40 pvp gear has two sets with identical stats but alacrity replaces accuracy in the other. I understand alacrity makes your channeled abilites fire faster and according to the tooltip higher accuracy bypasses enemy defenses.


The character sheet says I'm at 90% accuracy, pretty high right? now my damage reduction defense is at 5%, assuming other players have the same def, does that mean if I were to stack accuracy and raise it to 100% it would negate the 5% defense on enemies?

Basically accuracy on my gear would increase my dps by 5%?


Alacrity seems way more useful to me. Firing my shots faster seems like more of an advantage than 5% increase dps. This is assuming that defense will remain around the same at higher levels. I'm not sure how expertise will factor into this, any high level players care to chime in?


As Gunnery spec, firing my shots faster seems like the way to go to me, with armor piercing rounds I would lower the defense of targets by a decent amount but once again I haven't had any experience at higher levels so I don't know the amounts of +def and expertise other players will be running around with.

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TBH I'm seeing Alacrity as more of a detriment to us. I know it sounds quite useful, getting your abilities off much faster, but on the flip side you also burn your ammo a lot faster than normal. I haven't tested this yet but that's just my initial thinking. Personally I would go for the accuracy.
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Even if Alacrity was good for a Commando, as mentioned our throughput is limited more by resource management then cast/channel speeds. Alacrity is also the sort of stat where you probably either get a ton of it or none of it. Accuracy on the other hand to 105% shouldn't be wasted when fighting the average player or NPC and should give direct dps gain. Of course Accuracy is a waste for a pure healer and if given the choice would take Alacrity over Accuracy.
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For PvP, go alacrity all the way.

You can't stand still for long enough to get your shots out. So the faster you shoot em, the more mobility you gain. Ammo management is not the same for PvP compared to PvE. As when you move around in PvP you usually don't go around wasting ammos on instants cast abilities that are not crowd control.

+ at high level the ammo consumption get lower with talents so you mostly are able to keep at 0.6 ammo/sec regen most of the time.


Accuracy is good if you are the turret type and you just stand on high ground shooting stuff.


And for PvE, accuracy beat alacrity hands down.


Edit : And for PvP you cast your probes faster. :p Still usefull in gunnery hehe.

Edited by snaplemouton
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AMP is already a 1.5 second cast. I didn't hunk alacrity could effect it


When first responder kicks in the tool tip (and casting bar) says the cast time is 1.4s (so 1.425 rounded). I guess I haven't validated that is correct but I'm assuming it is.

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TBH I'm seeing Alacrity as more of a detriment to us. I know it sounds quite useful, getting your abilities off much faster, but on the flip side you also burn your ammo a lot faster than normal. I haven't tested this yet but that's just my initial thinking. Personally I would go for the accuracy.


Well, that means that you need some more personal responsibility. I mean, it's a good thing because it makes you less vulnerable to push back and interrupts, more likely to do your full damage on the attack, and able to get the whole thing off before a charging enemy can reach you, but you will have to play slightly differently, adding in an extra Hammer Shot or two into the rotation to avoid burning all your ammo as fast as possible.

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Even if you beat the 1.5 GCD, we are talking about PvP gear here. Where cast speed even by breaking GCD is better since it gives you 1 or 2 step more to move. And anyways, accuracy for a medic... rofl.


I belive power is the best for a medic ? i heard this from a BW dev i belive.

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