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Why Won't any Dev's respond to us?


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This isn't a flame post; and it's not meant to be derogatory in any way.


I've personally stopped trying to post constructive ideas about my mercenary (my favorite character) a long time ago.


However, it becomes obvious after literally dozens of threads, and hundreds of posts, that the community at large has been asking for something to be done about Mercenaries (largely in PVP).


Hundreds of us have given our ideas and _constructive_ feedback.


In all honesty I don't think there is one other topic on all the forums that has continuous attention and demand for an answer, or better yet, positive change.


It's obvious by some of the topics about game function, or character abilities that Dev's DO respond. So I have to ask why, given the enormous requests and feedback, why is no one getting back to us?


I'm not sure what the goal is here..... surely it can't be subscription loss. And time has shown you can't brush this under a rug... it keeps crawling back out.


Would someone please respond to us.... in some significant way? Tell us why Dev's think the class is fine, or what they are looking at. Or heck even let us know if you have no short term intention of touching the class.... we can all move on and kill the class officially then. But no response seems a little ridiculous considering the immense negative opinion the class receives on the forums!


Could we please get a response?

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actually they replied in a post today saying the mercs had 'escapability' problems. Id guess they fix it by taking away all knockbacks and stuns and make the current aoe kb root all pvp flagged chars including the BH (4 meter range). This gives all mercs a guaranteed escape to the rez area.
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The quote reads...


"I think it's fair to say that Mercenaries and Commandos have escape issues. Admittedly, they can be very hard to catch when used correctly to hug corners, but a lot of that "escapability" falls aside when attacked by multiple melee enemies, at which point they just aren't quite tough enough to sustain without further escapes. We have plans for the future that should give Mercenaries and Commandos better escapes in PvP."


Multiple melee enemies? It only takes one to do the job.


I also don't think that we're "very hard to catch." Mercs in particular seem to have a giant glowing target over their heads that screams "GET ME!" They're targeted in war zones and by more than just melee enemies. "Not quite tough enough?" We're like houses of cards without a healer to keep us up.

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Wasn't there just a stickied thread from the community team up the other day asking for inputs about the class so they could consider changes?


You know, the one where 3 people gave constructive and fair input with accurate details, about 40 made ignorant comments degradating the dev team (very enjoyable but probably not helpful) and about 30 "yes men" going "no, you guys are doing great, I don't have any problems, I'm da kewlest and everybody loves to have me in their group for WZ's, I don't know what everybody's complaining about" (I picture these guys sitting in their room in their underwear drinking diet coke through a straw and wearing black rimmed birth control glasses with tape around the bridge).


Well, it's gone now, we'll see if any good comes of it.


Meanwhile, in this thread

We see:

Hi everyone! I talked to Austin Peckenpaugh (Senior Designer) about Commandos and Mercenaries and their situation in PvP right now, and he had this to say:


I think it's fair to say that Mercenaries and Commandos have escape issues. Admittedly, they can be very hard to catch when used correctly to hug corners, but a lot of that "escapability" falls aside when attacked by multiple melee enemies, at which point they just aren't quite tough enough to sustain without further escapes. We have plans for the future that should give Mercenaries and Commandos better escapes in PvP.


Still not holding my breath

Edited by bahdasz
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The quote reads...

"I think it's fair to say that Mercenaries and Commandos have escape issues. Admittedly, they can be very hard to catch when used correctly to hug corners, but a lot of that "escapability" falls aside when attacked by multiple melee enemies, at which point they just aren't quite tough enough to sustain without further escapes. We have plans for the future that should give Mercenaries and Commandos better escapes in PvP."


I'm sorry but that is the stupidest quote I've heard about Merc dps. No one is complaining about not being able to escape multiple melee enemies. No class can do that. Oh wait, Assassins and Operatives can. And you guys (BW) saw fit to buff them. Doh.


The implication that BH should hide around corners is also inane. If you want, BH can have awesomely good survivability. Simply never move beyond one step from the spawn loft. But the reality is that Merc dps is so low, that the only way you can get overall effectiveness to match that of other classes, is that you MUST be shooting all the time. If you spend half your time running away, your effectiveness plummets far more than any other subclass. Stealth classes can spend half their time not shooting and get more done than a Merc dps that is constantly shooting. And the need to be constantly shooting demands a clear field of fire to multiple enemy targets so that if one cloaks, breaks LOS or pops a big defensive ability you can switch to other targets and remain active. Cutting off 50+% of your field of fire to shelter behind corners just doesn't work. Unless you consider having a lower death count in exchange of loss of effectiveness to your team a good trade-off.


Bottom line is that no one wants Merc dps on their ranked team. Any so-called "improvement" to the Merc dps subclass by giving them "escapability" doesn't change that. Right now Merc dps adds nothing to a ranked team. They are inferior in every aspect of the game to some other subclass. Having Merc dps die slightly less frequently while forcing them to run away and stop dpsing doesn't change that. If BW wants people to have a reason to take Merc dps on ranked teams, then Merc dps needs to be the best at doing something. Anything. Right now the Merc dps is inferior at everything.

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We have to find our own "cover" with no actual protection from it in a fight, just use it to hide behind when someone looks at us.


Mercs are ridiculously vulnerable to any kind of movement hampering or pull or push because there's ZERO ability to bounce back.


Melee can moan like girls about the aoe knockback when they all get tossed off a walkway in gankball but that's the party trick over, they just need to see you on the ledge to jump right back up again.


Hydraulic overrides as a default CD for us all would be a dam good start.

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