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Devs are doing a horrible job with mercs


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Seriously, how long are you guys going to let these bugs affect us? Not only are we the worse DPS class, but now you're all just flat out ignoring the class as a whole by not addressing the bugs what so ever. How about someone at Bioware get off their high horse fix this stuff?


I don't mean to be a jerk, but this is getting really ridiculous with this class. We're already the worse DPS class in the game for what reason, and now it's like you don't want to fix us or give us any attention what so ever. In the mean time, I'm sure warriors will recieve another buff until we're fixed right Bioware?

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I don't claim to be a good, bad, or average PvPer. I'm not even talking about dps. My point was simply that we are often the first targeted and the easiest to kill. That has nothing to do with player skill. Instead, it is a reflection of the broken state of the merc.


Why are we the first targeted? Why aren't mercs wanted on ranked teams? Surely, it can't be that all merc players are bad. That being the case, the fault must lie in the class itself. That was my point.

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You know it's bad when you start a round of Voidstar and three jedi come charging for you before you fire even one tracer missile. We're known as free kills and we're the first to be targeted.


I know this feel. Brb target on your back all game just for being a merc.

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You #!@$ing me? You must suck at being a dps Merc then, been working out great for me and most Ive seen, even when your in a horrible group, decent mercs can do some preety hefty damage, but ok thats you then so :rolleyes:......


My Merc dps is almost always the highest damage score in my matches. But that doesn't change the fact that Merc dps is the worst subclass in the game. My Mara in full original Recruit gear has scored higher than my Merc dps in full WH gear. It's not even close. And yes, when I play on my Marauder, I do target Merc dps first. They die fast and they can't hurt you. Which probably explains why there are so few of them left. Shame. The free kills were fun.

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Mercs need to get reworked or something, as is were either standing with our feet glued to the ground to try and damage one enemy and getting killed or running around doing no damage try to avoid getting killed, when we do get our damage going our heat builds up too fast and we need to slow down. merc in PvP is practically a joke
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