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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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That idea never really died they are still trying to come up with a way to make it reasonable $$ wise. They had all the scripts written for like 2 full seasons of it already. Of course those were all written by Lucas so...


Last I read about it, George had shelved it for the long run. It was set in the era just after ROTJ, but he decided not to make it because of the costs.


Outside of that, I still think ToR era would be better for a TV show.

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Originally I was incredibly excited but now I'm worried. I fully trust in Disney's ability to make films and come up with a good storyline they only problem is... who's going to act it.


Mark Hamill is too old

Harrison Ford is too old

Alec Guinness is (may the Force be with him :p) dead.

Carrie Fisher is too old

I could go on but I think you get the picture...


Oh and Ian Mcdiarmid, my favourite star wars actor, no longer has a living character.


So, what are they gonna do? (please don't say animated)

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Disney studios brought us the new marvel movies: THOR, AVENGERS and Captain America.


They did really well with those movies and i think this could be really good thing for starwars. :D


I agree. If they throw the same talent at Star Wars, this is gonna be great!

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EVERYBODY! For episode 7, already in the news they are contacting Timothy Zahn! I'm gonna take a W.A.G. here and say "Heir to the Empire" is what i am thinking for episode 7.


Also, they are thinking that episode 7, going CGI. With ILM and PIXAR, can we say EPICNESS. And they are talking about doing the books from the EU and putting 1 out every 2-3 years just like the James Bond movies.


Only way they can pull that off, CGI. Who knows, might get the old crew doing the voices. Couple of years doing voices for cgi movies, could cover A LOT of movies, don'tcha think?


I think this could be something EPIC in the works, time will tell!



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EVERYBODY! For episode 7, already in the news they are contacting Timothy Zahn! I'm gonna take a W.A.G. here and say "Heir to the Empire" is what i am thinking for episode 7.


Also, they are thinking that episode 7, going CGI. With ILM and PIXAR, can we say EPICNESS. And they are talking about doing the books from the EU and putting 1 out every 2-3 years just like the James Bond movies.


Only way they can pull that off, CGI. Who knows, might get the old crew doing the voices. Couple of years doing voices for cgi movies, could cover A LOT of movies, don'tcha think?


I think this could be something EPIC in the works, time will tell!



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Originally I was incredibly excited but now I'm worried. I fully trust in Disney's ability to make films and come up with a good storyline they only problem is... who's going to act it.


Mark Hamill is too old

Harrison Ford is too old

Alec Guinness is (may the Force be with him :p) dead.

Carrie Fisher is too old

I could go on but I think you get the picture...


Oh and Ian Mcdiarmid, my favourite star wars actor, no longer has a living character.


So, what are they gonna do? (please don't say animated)


You are making assumptions on when Episode 7 takes place.

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Last I read about it, George had shelved it for the long run. It was set in the era just after ROTJ, but he decided not to make it because of the costs.


Outside of that, I still think ToR era would be better for a TV show.


Your memory does not serve you well. It occurs in the transitional stage from Republic to Empire, and they're still (or at least, were until today) actively working on making it happen.

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I actually think George is giving away allot. He is only getting what the SW franchised grossed internationally for all his IPs related to lucasfilm, ILM, Skywalker sound the ranch etc. That includes Indiana Jones. But if Disney Stock does well its a monster of a deal for him. And now everyone who complained about his last 3 movies and him being too involved gets what the want. A board of directors to screw with the story make it more commercial.
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The ONE thing I'm hoping for is that the new trilogy isn't a "look what I can do with special effects" like Episodes 1 - 3 were. To me, it was like he made those movies so he could show off what he could do, and nothing more.


Well he had his studio and they were always bleating on about how awesome cgi was and how everyone loves it, except they dont, certainly not as much as people whos jobs depend on it.


I remember a cringeworthy making of episode one where they just went on and on about the awful pod race and the physics of the graphics it was torturous.


That said if it was just a cgi fest then that would be one thing, Lucas throwing lore to the wind and coming up with a design by committee sack of crap was another. Midichlorians and Jar Jar Binks mere existence is proof he should have lose control of his franchise a long time ago.

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Well episode 7 cant be worse than 1-3 right?


Really makes you think, the timeline of what happens post EP6 is fairly well set for the next ~50 years, what with the EU books and all. Are they going to be tossing out a whole mess of the books? Movielizing some/many of the books, or jumping ~50 years into the future when Ben's older or somesuch? IIRC there's a whole vision/prophecy going on with his cousins daughter that's way unresolved. But I'd think that's too far into the future to really capture ambivalant moviegoers. They probably care more about what happens to Luke/Leia/Han (if that) than what happens to their children/grandchildren, who they probably have never heard of.


But yeah, I see 3 options.

1. Thrawn trilogy to movie

2. Toss EU to N-canon

3. ~50 years in the future. Presumably Ben skywalker as mentor to his cousins daughter.


That isn't balance, balance is no sith, no darkside.

I'd have argued "balance" would be equal/equal. Sort of the definition. Which always made no sense to me as why when everything seems to be going in favor of the light (jedi council leading advisors to republic, no known sith) they would actually WANT balance. Seemed to me like that would be a bad thing.


(yes, I know LUCAS said that balance is all light, but really... that doesn't make any sense... silly lucas logic, I guess)

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GUYS! Just like i put in the other thread. Disney is planning on 2015, then putting out a movie every 2-3 years for a LONG time. Only way to keep that time schduel and not worry to much about actors, CGI. Much like the Clone Wars.


And with ILM working in conjunction Pixar, god only knows how good it could get. If they can get the CGI work = to say Starship Troopers: Invasion or Final Fantasy Spirits within, I'm thinking we could see some very EPIC movies for the next 20 years out of Star Wars.


Again guys, I think it's past time that papa george handed over the reigns. And with the backing of both Lucas Films AND Disney, ain't gotta worry bout money anytime soon!


EDIT: IT was also reported in news [wife was looking this up] disney is already contacting Timothy Zahn, aka the guy who wrote "Heir to the Empire". Tum-de-dum.

Edited by TalonVII
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EVERYBODY! For episode 7, already in the news they are contacting Timothy Zahn! I'm gonna take a W.A.G. here and say "Heir to the Empire" is what i am thinking for episode 7.


Also, they are thinking that episode 7, going CGI. With ILM and PIXAR, can we say EPICNESS. And they are talking about doing the books from the EU and putting 1 out every 2-3 years just like the James Bond movies.


Only way they can pull that off, CGI. Who knows, might get the old crew doing the voices. Couple of years doing voices for cgi movies, could cover A LOT of movies, don'tcha think?


I think this could be something EPIC in the works, time will tell!


You serious that is *********** awesome.


I hope they do the Thrawn Story.

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In anticipation of concerns that Disney's acquisition of Lucas Arts (as part of their deal buying Lucasfilm) will be the death-knell to the much anticipated same-sex romantic content, just as we have frequently (and incorrectly) heard that George Lucas or Lucas Arts would never allow it, I'd just like to point out that Disney has not made any objections to another of its assets, Marvel Comics, introducing a married same-sex couple to the cast of their stories.


Likewise, if you book a chapel at a Disney theme-park – whether in Anaheim, Orlando, Tokyo or Paris – for a wedding, they don't care what the gender of those being wed is.


So just sort of pre-emptively, let me debunk that argument before I have to actually see it brought up. Disney is cool with it.

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Honestly, if Disney wants to create a Star Wars movie.... have it take place in The Old Republic era. If the movie turned out to be a hit, then it would help this game.


There are so many stories that could be told. I mean, if they really wanted to.... they could tell the Story of Revan. The last movie would probably piss a lot of people off(Unless they continue with his story)


Although, there would be potential in creating a movie based off of Darth Malgus.


If I were them, I'd ask RedletterMedia to help out.


an interesting thought,,if that happens , it will only be to boost this game


thrawn trilogy, or han solo trilogy would be WAY better material


very few people know who revan is,,i didnt know him before this game, and even after doing some of the missions,


i still know very little,,lets keep it that way,,theres more than enough original heroes to take from


i would rather see mara jade story, or talon karrde

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GUYS! Just like i put in the other thread. Disney is planning on 2015, then putting out a movie every 2-3 years for a LONG time. Only way to keep that time schduel and not worry to much about actors, CGI. Much like the Clone Wars.


And with ILM working in conjunction Pixar, god only knows how good it could get. If they can get the CGI work = to say Starship Troopers: Invasion or Final Fantasy Spirits within, I'm thinking we could see some very EPIC movies for the next 20 years out of Star Wars.


Again guys, I think it's past time that papa george handed over the reigns. And with the backing of both Lucas Films AND Disney, ain't gotta worry bout money anytime soon!


EDIT: IT was also reported in news [wife was looking this up] disney is already contacting Timothy Zahn, aka the guy who wrote "Heir to the Empire". Tum-de-dum.


Would love a source.

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GUYS! Just like i put in the other thread. Disney is planning on 2015, then putting out a movie every 2-3 years for a LONG time. Only way to keep that time schduel and not worry to much about actors, CGI. Much like the Clone Wars.


And with ILM working in conjunction Pixar, god only knows how good it could get. If they can get the CGI work = to say Starship Troopers: Invasion or Final Fantasy Spirits within, I'm thinking we could see some very EPIC movies for the next 20 years out of Star Wars.


Again guys, I think it's past time that papa george handed over the reigns. And with the backing of both Lucas Films AND Disney, ain't gotta worry bout money anytime soon!


EDIT: IT was also reported in news [wife was looking this up] disney is already contacting Timothy Zahn, aka the guy who wrote "Heir to the Empire". Tum-de-dum.


If it's CGI, it'd better be SWTOR trailer quality.

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