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PvE Highest DPS - Post your DPS


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Wanted to do 5 parses in a row but no more Force might buff and I'm tired to ask for buffs :p

Here my 4 parses in a row.

And here the 2nd parse with adjusted timing.

So if I look between this best parse (1803) and my best parse ever (~1861), I see that my apm is quite the same and I see that I have a little more global miss on the 1803 one. But for me the big difference is in crit percentage of the 4 main actions.

Tell me if you see anything else ^^


So of the 4 parses here, 3 of them are relatively close with only one dipping into the low extreme area. Which would simply be just bad luck, certainly not the norm. In the same way that your 1850+ parse just swings in the other direction.


Given that Infil hits the dummy ~30% less then a balance shadow, that would make it more susceptible to the "swings" you talk of. Whereas all the extra hits i can land on the dummy, give me more chance to hit my average crit %. I'm not saying my balance shadow doesn't swing, he certainly does, just not to the same amount i see in your parse. So i'd guess that its not the higher crit builds that swing but maybe the characters that rely on less but more powerful hits. Iirc, the sents hit the dummy more often then balance and they are a high crit character. I wonder if they see even smaller swings...?


So when you get a bad run, you get a BAD run. But of the 4 you ran for this, you only hit 1 bad run. From your experience, is that normal with your infiltration. Or do you experience these BAD swings more often then not?


I also just noticed that if you cut the fight off after 5mins, you were sitting at 1899.77 dps...... that is insane!! Make sure you post this on the Harbinger DPS thread. Definitely need an infiltration up on that list!!

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I agree, less hits but more powerful will tend in a less smoothed crit.

About the sentinels, I would like to know that too.


I think I had a good amount of bad run parses, more than really good run. 1/4 of really bad runs seems possible if I remember, but it's just a feeling, hard to tell because I changed a lot my stuff last weeks.


Just made 4 parses again, 3 of them confirm the gap "issue". More good parses than bad.





Again the crit differences are visible, Project is maybe even more important than others actions, like I thought and like said Anstalt.

Also I've slightly changed my rotation, and now Force Breach can wait sometimes 2-3 Project.


Good idea for Harbinger DPS thread ! But how can you stop the parse at 1899.77 dps ? I see the curve but can't find the exact timing for the top of the curve or I don't know how. I'm just using the "By time" function but sometimes some seconds are missing.

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I'd appreciate it if you Infiltration guys could post your priority lists. I've tried all the ones I've ever found, but am always curious to see what else is out there. I've also run a number in SimulationCraft, but I don't usually see much of a difference.


I've done numerous Infiltration parses. In optimized, augmented BH with a DG hilt and DG relics, my best has been 1742, but that was a lucky one where Project and Force Breach decided to cooperate. I usually get high 1600s. The times it drops, though (and it isn't infrequent with Infiltration), can be fairly demoralizing ;)


In any case, thanks for posting not only the logs, but your profiles!

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Morning guys!


Tested dummy yesterday and I was able to reach 1844 during 311 sec run. First time in all my Infiltration career with such a big number :)

I'm still missing 2 DG armorings to be fully equipped and I think I made several mistakes in rotation making it "not optimal". These are overall crit results for 4 actions:


Force Breach - 54.55%

Project - 52.94%

Shadow Strike - 57.14%

Clairvoyant Strike - 63.24%

Shadow Technique - 29.73%


My crit is 36.3% mlee and 35.12% force.

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I would love for BW to bring Infil up in line with Balance. It wouldn't take much. From what i can see from all your parses, your CS averages ~950 damage per. In balance, our DS hits for ~1150..... Thats the difference right there...?


Fix that up and we can see the gap between the 2 disappear..... Just sayin.

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Good idea for Harbinger DPS thread ! But how can you stop the parse at 1899.77 dps ? I see the curve but can't find the exact timing for the top of the curve or I don't know how. I'm just using the "By time" function but sometimes some seconds are missing.


How does this look for you........ 1902 dps!!




Did i mention that number is insane for infiltration!!


*golf clap*

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I'd appreciate it if you Infiltration guys could post your priority lists. ...

...In optimized, augmented BH with a DG hilt and DG relics, my best has been 1742 ...


Well with this stuff that seems pretty fair, not sure you need to change your priority list. And it's difficult to explain mine ^^

If you want I can post a video of a try (already recorded), but I don't know if it's very useful.


...1844 during 311 sec run ...

Force Breach - 54.55%

Project - 52.94%

Shadow Strike - 57.14%

Clairvoyant Strike - 63.24%


Great ! And even greater crits !


Fix that up and we can see the gap between the 2 disappear..... Just sayin.

I approve this message.:)


How does this look for you........ 1902 dps!!




So if I understand we're "allowed" to cut the very beginning of a parse, thanks :D

Sadly I didn't realized that "Harbinger PVE DPS Leaderboard" was for Harbinger server.

I'll post it anyway but I don't think I can be on the leaderboard.

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So if I understand we're "allowed" to cut the very beginning of a parse, thanks :D

Sadly I didn't realized that "Harbinger PVE DPS Leaderboard" was for Harbinger server.

I'll post it anyway but I don't think I can be on the leaderboard.


I don't htink anyone will mind you posting a fantastic infil parse, people will appreciate it.


As for cutting out the start, this is debatable but i don't see anything saying not to. You can parse for as long as you want and simply cut the best 5 mins from it. So this would fall into that category...... but it is cheating.....lol

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Crit looks low (not lag), APM looks low too (could be lag).


We have good and bad days though.....


You have no idea, I did like 1675 in balance, totally pathetic, with my relics and adrenals too.




I'm 3/4 63s with 38% crit in balance, 987 bonus damage, 99% accuracy, 75% surge (etc.)


I use project in my rotation (suspecting this is the cause of my low dps)

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It might be your rotation, and yeah I don't think that project has any place in a Balance parse. Uses too much force for not enough damage. It ultimately lowers your DPS.


yep i just did a parse without project and it rose by around 30 dps, still at 1702 though, and I don't know why, I apply all my DoTs after they fall off, use mind crush right after FiB, it makes no sense at all :confused:

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yep i just did a parse without project and it rose by around 30 dps, still at 1702 though, and I don't know why, I apply all my DoTs after they fall off, use mind crush right after FiB, it makes no sense at all :confused:


Look through everything i just wrote up about balance over the last few pages. Tried to trouble shoot another balance issue. Check it out and let me know if it does not help.

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Alright, here's a new balance parse that I got earlier today, At the 5 minute mark I was around 1750 dps until the out of combat timer dropped it by 50 dps (facepalmed here)




Using my relic and adrenal, using MC proc off cooldown (after current mind crush falls off) and FiB off cooldown as well

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Alright, here's a new balance parse that I got earlier today, At the 5 minute mark I was around 1750 dps until the out of combat timer dropped it by 50 dps (facepalmed here)


APM is low. Should be up around 40+, not sure why it is so low. Normally its lag..... but that would be a good chunk of it. Go through your logs and see if it is always this low.


What are your 3 stat (not %) allocations? Crit/surge/acc? Although at a quick glance in 3/4 DG, it does appear to be close to what i would recommend.


When i get a chance, i'll take a look in your logs to see if i can see anything in your rotation.


Also, i just noticed no DG auto hit relic. Get one of them, probably see around 20-30 clear dps gain from that alone.

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I wanted to do a pause with infiltration :p, so I retried the balance spec which I never really liked because my dps and my rotation were bad.


I did some parses today.

I did it with my infiltration stuff with the 5/5/31 spec, so I have 39.67% of melee crit.

So tell me if my parse is bugged or not because I did not expect so much with my infil stuff. ^^


And as we discussed before, it seems that balance has less gap between parses because of damage per hits and not because of crit. My biggest gap is around 90 dps.


Same as before, exotech stim but no adrenals.

So my best parse.


EDIT : my new best parse

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APM is low. Should be up around 40+, not sure why it is so low. Normally its lag..... but that would be a good chunk of it. Go through your logs and see if it is always this low.


What are your 3 stat (not %) allocations? Crit/surge/acc? Although at a quick glance in 3/4 DG, it does appear to be close to what i would recommend.


When i get a chance, i'll take a look in your logs to see if i can see anything in your rotation.


Also, i just noticed no DG auto hit relic. Get one of them, probably see around 20-30 clear dps gain from that alone.


I notice a very odd animation bug after using saber strike, where the saber hits the target once and there is a delay before my next skill, is this due to me spamming abilities? Or am I activating cooldowns during saber strike which is causing these bugs?


Anyway, I have 320 crit rating, 290 surge, 291 accuracy rating and 964 power. It equates to 74.98% surge, 99.09% accuracy and 38.19% crit (including the 3% talented crit) My mainhand damage is 1087 - 1289 or 707.9 melee bonus damage and 996.9 force bonus damage. Here is my AMR profile:




I tried to replicate my gear as best as I could. (I do acknowledge the 2 expertise mods but there is a negligible difference between them.)


Edit: I actually had my pvp belt when writing down my stats. they are exactly as shown in the AMR profile.

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I notice a very odd animation bug after using saber strike, where the saber hits the target once and there is a delay before my next skill ...


Me too when I'm looking at my character moves, I have this feeling of laggy delayed unsmooth actions.

Especially, like you say, between saber actions and DoTs spelling. It's quite disturbing.

On infiltration spec it's a lot smoother but not perfect, shadow strike ...

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I notice a very odd animation bug after using saber strike....


Anyway, I have 320 crit rating, 290 surge, 291 accuracy rating and 964 power. It equates to 74.98% surge, 99.09% accuracy and 38.19% crit (including the 3% talented crit) My mainhand damage is 1087 - 1289 or 707.9 melee bonus damage and 996.9 force bonus damage. Here is my AMR profile:


I get that animation bug too, doesn't seem to be the cause of your low APM though.. It seems to only last 1 global cooldown, so i've never worried about it.


Gear looks around the right mark, apart from some minor fine tuning if you are so inclined.... I know i get a bit OCD, lol...


2nd DG relic will give you a good 20-30dps boost by itself. I normally maintain the auto hit DG relic and then swap in the clicky power DG or the EWH power relic depending on the fight for pve. For dummy purpose, the 2 DG relics are out in front though.


So, doesn't look like your gear and you say your rotation is spot on. If you can find the source of your APM issue, 2nd DG relic and minor gear tweaking if you feel like it. Maybe your area just has crappy internet connection.... not sure. At a guess, that would make up the bulk of it.


Also, a good tool i use to analyze my rotation is, find a higher parsing dummy run than yours and put it up beside your best run. Cut both fights so they are identical in length and then look over all the moves and abilities to see if you can find any room for improving. With a low APM, i'm guessing that you will be behind on the amount of moves activated and you can estimate how much dps you have lost. Also, you may find differences in how many times different moves were spammed etc....


Sorry i can't help anymore...

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So ANIKI's 1902 Infiltration parse is my new inspiration. I am a die hard infiltration for PVE and PVP, (If I wanted to be a spell caster/ranged balance, I'd roll a balance sage. To me the shadow should be a melee rogue IMO, the class style I wanted to play since before pre-order.)


My question at this point is : Dread Guard Relics vs. Elite War Hero relics.


I have a full EWH set for pvp, and I normally use my relics from that in PVE (augmented with 18 WP each)


That is a constant 240 power!


I am currently sitting at 1000/1000 daily comms, and when I first looked at the DG relics I thought they were worthless. I can see on the parse that burning force only adds 41 dps, and amounts to ~2% of the damage. Also, to me, it seems a constant 120 power is better than the clicky power for 30 seconds.


My point is is that I could easily buy both relics, but am scared to drop 240 power. Let the discussion ensue:


EDIT: Whoa! I looked at ANIKIs gear more and something was brought to light. I did NOT know that the DG relics had 47 power on them each.... I for some reason thought that they only had endurance like Campaign Relics. And so switching to them will only drop me 140 power not 240. Now I can see how they may be better than EWH relics. (Aniki has 860 power and I currently have 955. I used to have 1100 power but dropped some for crit. (I once bought into the screw crit mentality but for an inf shadow that is baaaad) I can see I can drop some accuracy also, I have 99% and it seems unnecessary. )

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EDIT: Whoa! I looked at ANIKIs gear more and something was brought to light. I did NOT know that the DG relics had 47 power on them each.... I for some reason thought that they only had endurance like Campaign Relics. And so switching to them will only drop me 140 power not 240. Now I can see how they may be better than EWH relics. (Aniki has 860 power and I currently have 955. I used to have 1100 power but dropped some for crit. (I once bought into the screw crit mentality but for an inf shadow that is baaaad) I can see I can drop some accuracy also, I have 99% and it seems unnecessary. )


This ^^ exactly.


Depending on the PVE fight, there is an argument for EWH + DG auto hit OR DG power click + DG auto attack.


But for pure dummy parse/max dps purposes, the 2 DG relics come out in front. Iirc, the auto attack is a no brainer and the DG power clicky relic comes out 87 power in front over a 2 min period IF you are constantly attacking a target for the full 2 min period. Due to boss mechanics/burn phases etc, this is not always the case in pve.

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Yeah, the Campaign relics were never really BiS and WH Boundless Ages were designated BiS (it was true ^^).

Therefore, when DG relics came out a lot of player didn't even looked them. Even today I'm not believed by some players in my guild :jawa_tongue:

But for me EWH relics are however really good.


For me :

EWH BA -> 120 power

DG BA -> 47 + (350/4) = 134.5 power


Quarter of the time we have a 350 power boost.


In a static fight (dummy) it makes 14.5 more power.

In a boss fight I prefer to advantage the 350 power boost for the main target, so it's down faster.

Rest of the time, for mobs (during boss fight) the lack of power is normally not a problem.

I'm always aiming to not waste this 30 seconds power window.


I don't see a boss fight where this is not possible. Even for a very small window like SOA the boost gain is better, IMHO.

Otherwise for bosses like the second and the last on Denova, trandoshans don't deserve we beat them with too much power :jawa_cool:


I will compare again EWH relics on dummy, some day, since I'm close to BiS.


And it's a shame there is no more on use relics for PvP.

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