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PvE Highest DPS - Post your DPS


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Here's a new personal best of mine (infiltration), I was maintaining 1800 for a third of the time, dropped into the mid 1700s, and at the end it took me ridiculously long to get out of combat, and I also had some bad RNG near the end there, but this was MUCH better than my previous runs. I think my APM problem is solved now! The last minute I wasn't getting as many crits as I'd like but I'm still impressed with my results. Now to try balance again and get a new PB.



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Alright, here's a new balance parse that I got earlier today, At the 5 minute mark I was around 1750 dps until the out of combat timer dropped it by 50 dps (facepalmed here)




Using my relic and adrenal, using MC proc off cooldown (after current mind crush falls off) and FiB off cooldown as well


Just had a quick look at your log.


Somewhere in your rotation, may just be lag, but you missed a lot of dps..... so much that i don't think it is in the lag but somewhere else. Compared you log to mine over the same amount of time and noticed that i got 3 extra FiB's and 5 Crushing Darkness's's's..... Also, it looks like you may have clipped a few of the dots from these as well.


Make sure you're not waiting for your dots to drop off before using your next FiB. This needs to work by itself of its own 15 sec cooldown. Dots reapplied by there own cooldown, 18 secs.


Add these together and we are talking around 21k damage, which is around the 80dps mark.... it all adds up. Even more if they happen to crit. Add this with your 2nd DG relic and you are looking at approx 110 extra dps. Which would put you in the high 1800 bracket. Also add minor gear tweaks, another 30-40 dps and there you are!! In the 1900 bracket.


Anyway, just food for thought.

Edited by WooduckAUS
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Just had a quick look at your log.


Somewhere in your rotation, may just be lag, but you missed a lot of dps..... so much that i don't think it is in the lag but somewhere else. Compared you log to mine over the same amount of time and noticed that i got 3 extra FiB's and 5 Crushing Darkness's's's..... Also, it looks like you may have clipped a few of the dots from these as well.


Make sure you're not waiting for your dots to drop off before using your next FiB. This needs to work by itself of its own 15 sec cooldown. Dots reapplied by there own cooldown, 18 secs.


Add these together and we are talking around 21k damage, which is around the 80dps mark.... it all adds up. Even more if they happen to crit. Add this with your 2nd DG relic and you are looking at approx 110 extra dps. Which would put you in the high 1800 bracket. Also add minor gear tweaks, another 30-40 dps and there you are!! In the 1900 bracket.


Anyway, just food for thought.


I think I was trying to talk on mumble with my guildmate about his madness rotation and that, coupled with a few lag spikes could have thrown off my dps. I have almost enough for that second DG relic too, and maybe then ill have everything ready for a new balance parse.

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/bows to woodchuck AUS. Thank you so much. :D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D Words can't express how much I appreciate all the help you provided me.


I was parsing earlier today. I was holding 1800 DPS for over 2 mins ... then I got interupted. I did that unstimmed!!! I'm on my way!!!


Thank you so much for your help masters!

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Hey all,


Thanks for the good read, especially Wooduck, I've been trying a few extra tips you've mentioned and they seem to help. ie. not clipping dots, removing project etc. I was wondering actually how you get your skill tree to include respite for the extra force regen, you must have removed another spec that I still have in mine.


Anyways, my parse last night was as follows:



I just acquired some dread guard gloves, kitted out my mainhand and 1 belt armouring, other than that, pretty good balance on 61 gear. Need to now obtain my relics and implants/earpiece. (along with all the other 63 gear) Hopefully then I'll be up towards you 1900 mark. My APM is still 38, so wouldn't mind getting that higher. I think my computer reduces that substantially.


On the relics, my current plan is to get the DG elemental relic and one other, but I'm not sure what that other one should be? Should I get an EWH power one or a DG on use one? or both and switch out depending on the fight?

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I should frequent the forum more often, was quite avid reader for a while but been away for a bit. Awesome reads in this thread, especially from Wooduck.


I am liking the numbers I am seeing in this thread, I am planning on running some parses as well, soon as I get the ship dummy.


Wooduck do you have an Ask Mr. robot profile that matches those nice parses you have? Also what stims/adrenals do you use when parsing? Since I went Biochem i use the rakata stim and adrenal, i can craft the exotech versions, just gets expensive for doing parses.


This is my current setup.


Which I thought I had finally gotten to BiS, but always looking for further improvement, I run balance.


From reading this thread you imply that crit rating be a bit higher?

Currently at :

975 Power

300 Surge rating

300 Acc rating

252 Crit rating

Is it worth swapping out one power mod for a crit one?


Also about the relics I use the DG and EWH but you mentioned that running 2 DG's was better, isnt there a shared CD on them?



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On the relics, my current plan is to get the DG elemental relic and one other, but I'm not sure what that other one should be? Should I get an EWH power one or a DG on use one? or both and switch out depending on the fight?


I currently have both and if needed, i switch between the 2. Haven't had any dps/enrage issues of late, so i've been lazy and just leave the EWH in with the auto hit DG relic. If you are struggling in a fight for dps, then swapping in the 2nd DG relic for specific burn phases is an option. So both will work, its up to you and how you want to play.


Oh and for dummy testing i run 5/5/31, with the shadows respite from force cloak for a willpower dump burn for extra dps on the dummy. During raids i run 7/3/31.

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Wooduck do you have an Ask Mr. robot profile that matches those nice parses you have? Also what stims/adrenals do you use when parsing? Since I went Biochem i use the rakata stim and adrenal, i can craft the exotech versions, just gets expensive for doing parses.

I don't have a profile on Ask Mr. Robot, but if i did, it would look identical to yours except for the ears/implants. I still have BH for those 3. I also have 1 more piece of crit too. Exo stim and rakata adrenals. Have toyed with the idea of exo adrenals but agree, would be expensive......


From reading this thread you imply that crit rating be a bit higher?

Currently at :

975 Power

300 Surge rating

300 Acc rating

252 Crit rating

Is it worth swapping out one power mod for a crit one?

I am open to ideas and if anyone has had better luck/results from a different build, i would be happy to hear/see them. So far, my best result has come from 291 crit. I have experimented extensively above and below this mark, but have yet to do any better with any other set up. Once i replace my ears/implants, i'll test again and see if anything changes....


Also about the relics I use the DG and EWH but you mentioned that running 2 DG's was better, isnt there a shared CD on them?

For PVE content, I run 1 x DG auto hit + 1 x EWH as i mentioned above. The 2 DG's is completely situational at best for PVE. Because 1 is an auto hit and the other is clicky power, there is no cooldown to share.


For pure dummy testing and only dummy testing, the 2 DG relics i mentioned do come out in front for pure sustained dps purposes. We are only talking a small amount, but all these small amounts add up when you are trying to squeeze every last dps from your shadow.

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Mycharacter, I'm wondering what are the most friendly bosses(big dps;)) for a balance shadow, in your opinion. (AsationHM / DenovaNiM)


I did Asation HM as a balance 2 days ago, it was my first real test as a balance. (Infiltration for the last boss)

As I was expecting, it's not really possible to do worse than an infiltration :p


About Denova, what is your suggestion for the Trandoshans under the shield for the second boss ?

Because FiB is useable but I'll have to target the outside of the shield to not destroy it.

Project for Trandoshans ?

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Here's my newest madness parse, I've seen a huge improvement over my older ones, and I was holding around 1780-ish until i dropped a bit at the end.




I use Death Field off cooldown, apply DoTs as soon as they come off, no matter how many deathmarks i have or if deathfield is also off cooldown, and use my instant crush proc every time crush is not up, other then that i spam trash.

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Mycharacter, I'm wondering what are the most friendly bosses(big dps;)) for a balance shadow, in your opinion. (AsationHM / DenovaNiM)


I did Asation HM as a balance 2 days ago, it was my first real test as a balance. (Infiltration for the last boss)

As I was expecting, it's not really possible to do worse than an infiltration :p


About Denova, what is your suggestion for the Trandoshans under the shield for the second boss ?

Because FiB is useable but I'll have to target the outside of the shield to not destroy it.

Project for Trandoshans ?


Honestly, they are all pretty fun. Balance is such a versatile class that with a few minor tweaks for boss mechanics, you can pull some great figures that will keep inline with, if not pass, most other classes (when played right). Everyone underestimates our dps but if played right, you'll surprise a lot of people.... I wouldn't call out any 1 particular boss fight, i think you can get some good numbers with any of the bosses. Standing still, tank and spank, bring it on. Lots of movement and mechanics, we can do better than other melee classes with our mix of 30m/10m/4m moves. What people also underestimate is our burst ability.... our burst will keep up with most as well. We only need 2-3 gcd's to get going and most of the set up moves can be done running in, so when you get there you are already in max dps territory. Off a fresh start, with all cooldowns available, i'd be interested in knowing how many classes could keep up over the first 30 secs of a fight. I've done this on the dummy and know for a fact that a Sent and an infiltration shadow can't keep up... Would be interested in seeing a vanguard dps, i hear they put up solid burst numbers....


As for the tanks, I'll throw a boulder on the tanks followed by a few saber strikes afterward trying to regen the force i just used and get some procs, as the defensive shields go up. When i'm under the shield i'll have full force all my procs and also the buff from my rock ready to burn down the guys under there. I've never bothered using FiB under the shield, those adds go down fairly quick. If you can manage FiB without hitting the generator without wasting time then you may as well, not sure how many you can hit...? Single target with FB and DS + MC is good enough under there. If you get a SS proc'd you can try and hit another target with it quickly then return, but normally not needed, more for fun and a challenge than anything else.


If you are thinking 2-3 moves ahead, Its a class that can handle any situation well. I think thats why, after trying Infiltration out initially, i fell in love with the mechanics and rotation of this class. Always a challenge to play well, but when you get it right.... its fun to play!


More importantly, it will put most Sentinels in there place.......which is below you on the dps list!!

Edited by WooduckAUS
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Another entry for the highs and lows of Infiltration: 1800


Profile (DG hilt, DG relics, rest is BH)


Liked that one because I was higher than 2000 for almost two minutes. Very, very lucky one. Used Rakata adrenal and DG relic.


Followed immediately by a 1669 parse ;) Interestingly, while the usual suspects combined for a 70 DPS loss, Shadow Technique by itself showed a 50 DPS loss. That being said, ST in the parse above was unusually high.


What are you hitting in 30 seconds, WooduckAUS? For the two parses mentioned above, I was hitting ~2450 over the first 30 seconds.


I'm slowly working in practicing Balance in raid environments. But man do I hate tracking debuffs on a boss.

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What are you hitting in 30 seconds, WooduckAUS? For the two parses mentioned above, I was hitting ~2450 over the first 30 seconds.


Nice infiltration parse mate, got unlucky at the end. Solid numbers at the start!


I practised a few burst situations on the dummy and I was hitting anywhere between 2200-2400 for the first 30 secs, which is a lot lower than what i see in your infiltration parse, BUT for situations where a balance shadow can set up while running in on the boss we can reach 2500+ like this parse here.




The versatility of a balance running in, i can start my setups from 30m away then by the time we are on the boss we are in max dps territory and able to burst with the best.

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Just tried, for first time, Denova NiM (8) as a Balance.

Just a comparison between Infiltration and Balance for the second boss.

2/31/8(not really good crit)

7/3/31(Tonight I suspected some lag)


And here first boss Asation HM (8)


Of course I've only linked my favorite parses ^^


About Kephess NiM, it seems I can't burst on the walker with balance (Every dps CDs up, one-use relic up) as much as I can with inflitration.

I begin with FiB then 2 dots then DS or backstab and 3rd dot on proc. The rest is about spamming DS and backstab on proc.

Need advice :sul_confused:

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Thanks for the help again, broke through the 1800. Put in an EWH relic and a dg elemental relic and seems to be working. Currently second highest on the dummy in my guild after a sent who is only 20 ahead now :-) Beating the commando who thinks he is the best by a clear 60dps muahahah.


Now to get my hazmat implants (just spent my 200bh comms on bh implants for reverse eng stabs...forgot why i was saving them!) and more mods and enhancements and I reckon 1900 is on the cards in the coming weeks. Wonder what 1.7 will do for that, have to get there before the lvl increase.

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Just tried, for first time, Denova NiM (8) as a Balance.

Just a comparison between Infiltration and Balance for the second boss.

2/31/8(not really good crit)

7/3/31(Tonight I suspected some lag)


And here first boss Asation HM (8)

Not sure what you are saying with these parses... What i see is that Balance comes out in front. Except for a different fight which is pretty much a tank and spank, so higher parses are expected... Either way, both numbers are pretty damn good and i'd be more curious to know how you fared against the other dps in the same run?


About Kephess NiM, it seems I can't burst on the walker with balance (Every dps CDs up, one-use relic up) as much as I can with inflitration.

I begin with FiB then 2 dots then DS or backstab and 3rd dot on proc. The rest is about spamming DS and backstab on proc.

Need advice :sul_confused:


For a small burst window, I would pre-dot your boss. I don't believe they cancel out when he comes down and is vulnerable to attack (correct me if i am wrong). Then when he comes down, whatever clickys you have + FP -> FiB -> rocks -> DS + (whatever procs you get). Should hit pretty high for that section, anywhere from 2000-2500 if done right.


I don't remember exactly how long that burn phase is, i've been tanking and healing lately, but anything from 20-40 secs should have you keeping up with anyone else.

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Thanks for the help again, broke through the 1800. Put in an EWH relic and a dg elemental relic and seems to be working. Currently second highest on the dummy in my guild after a sent who is only 20 ahead now :-)


Don't forget that the sent that is in front, also has inspiration, which you will get when in a raid scenario. Which means you are probably close to, if not, in front right now!! Plenty of room for improvement too....

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Yeah, I always knew that the balance spec will be in front ^^

For some fights it seems closer, but I need more practice with balance.

Though, I enjoy more infiltration. I prefer watching my clairvoyant strike than watching DoTs :D


For the tanks, a sentinel is always first, 1968dps and 1935dps respectively, for the two runs. (His record is over 2000)

But the sentinel is more close to his max APM, Force speed can't match a jump.

For the first Asation boss, I was first (around 165 more dps), but a DoTs sentinel will be first as a lot of other classes, IMO.

In fact, I would like to see higher parses from shadows/assassins.

Because if I look the statistics on Torparse, the top are monopolized by others classes for a lot of bosses. (Not all)

So I can't find raid shadows parses at all (tank boss for example), higher or lower than mine.


/Rage mode ON

But every time someone has a doubt about shadow dps (this forum and others, shadow and assassin sides), I see some people announcing (not you Wooduck ^^) huge dps on bosses. They just forgot to link the parse !!

Damn, is that a sentinel conspiracy ? IMO, we REALLY need a dps increase.

I want to believe, but I need some proof.

Please, all readers, link your parses.

/Rage mode OFF



About Kephess NiM, I forgot that ! I can pre-dot the walker (not in my habits ^^)

So Project is "useable" for burst ? I hope that to not have Respit won't be a problem.

Thanks for advice ! I'll test it tonight.

Edited by a-n-i-k-i
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I've kinda given up on the game of late, and if 1.7 turns out to have rubbish world pvp I'll be quitting. However, here are some of my guild's parses for raiding.


My gear is mostly optimised campaign gear. I have 27 hilt, 27 armourings in belt and bracers and 1 piece of dread guard for DPS gear (most dread guard has been for tank gear :S).


KP NiM - Karagga - 1691 DPS - This was in infiltration spec. Please note that this was a training raid to see whether our newer raiders are ready for EC HM or not, the only comparable here is one of the sentinels (Tistrel) who regular clears TFB HM


16 Man TFB Normal - Was balance spec for this but handy to see comparisons. The sentinel here, Vulkk, is the highest DPS we have in our guild. I think I've beaten him twice!


TFB HM - 8m Kephess Kill - Numbers are comparable to most in the raid but nothing special


Sentinel getting 3k DPS on Kephess - I wasn't on this one but I just dont think I'm capable of getting 3k on Kephess!



We as a guild log just about every raid we do on AskMrRobot, however I'm the only shadow DPS and half the time I end up tanking anyway.

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Yeah, I always knew that the balance spec will be in front ^^

For some fights it seems closer, but I need more practice with balance.

Though, I enjoy more infiltration. I prefer watching my clairvoyant strike than watching DoTs :D


In fact, I would like to see higher parses from shadows/assassins.

Because if I look the statistics on Torparse, the top are monopolized by others classes for a lot of bosses. (Not all)

So I can't find raid shadows parses at all (tank boss for example), higher or lower than mine.


About Kephess NiM, I forgot that ! I can pre-dot the walker (not in my habits ^^)

So Project is "useable" for burst ? I hope that to not have Respit won't be a problem.

Thanks for advice ! I'll test it tonight.


Infiltration is a viable spec, your parses show that and in a raid environment I doubt that the minor dps loss would make or break you. If you enjoy playing it than that is the way to go IMO. It is a game after all, play the class you enjoy playing.


I can only talk from my own experience and I am yet to be blown away by any other class. Granted I probably haven't played with the top guilds on my server but I've played with quite a few good sents and I will hit just as hard as anyone else. Last time I looked (8/16man HM/NiM), there were quite a few shadows on the Torparse list. Obviously not as many as other classes but we were being represented by a few good shadow/assassins. I'll take a dps buff, certainly don't think we are OP...... As long as i'm in the top 2 of my raids dps after a boss kill, i'm happy.


I use project in certain situations. Only time i use it is when i'm out of range and can't get in for some reason, or i use it when i have a break in dps and can get my force back while i wait. While you are waiting for the walker to drop, you could dot him and probably throw your project out too, by the time he has dropped you should have most of your force back and have your buff ready for when you spam DS. I haven't dps'd NiM Kephess, so can't say for sure. But if you can get close enough (not sure if you take damage before he drops), you could also use saber strike to have your procs ready and waiting for the burn phase. Always have to be thinking about your dots and procs!! Thats why i enjoy balance, have to be thinking 2-3 moves in advance. If not, then you will see your dps drop..... So theoretically, when the walker is vulnerable, your first 3 gcd's should be FiB - MC - SS, then spam the hell out of DS.


Let me know if this works. I've been tanking and healing EC NiM, have only done the first 2 bosses on my dps. Working on NiM Kephess on my tank atm.... thats another story.....lol. Might have to go seek help from the guardian community....

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I love infiltration. Pulling top dps in my group on TFB Kephess by a full 2%!


Here is 62,000 dmg in 5 seconds:




18,500 Shadow strike


Here is 80,000 Dmg in 9 seconds:




18,000 Force breach then 3 12K Shadow strikes.


Big numbers is what infiltration is all about... and keeping big numbers popping out is what keeps the dps up.

I was holding 2600 dps on Kephess before we wiped from a mechanic and it dropped to 2300 on that second one. This fight is designed to keep my dps on top I feel, when he starts his focused laser blast I pop Force potency, battle readiness, attack adrenal, and sit there and saber strike and get in 2 CS until he turns blue... then BAM! Breach, project, blackout, and spam SS... :)

Edited by Doctor-Raider
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Amazing result!


I've been tracking this thread for a while now and it has helped me allot in terms of DPS output. I can say i started (Balance Spec) in low 1700 an with a couple of adjustments made with information taken from here i jumped to 1850 DPS.


WooduckAUS can you provide your current build and stat distribution (crit chance, crit multiplier, power and accuracy)? This way i could easily understand where can i get the extra DPS (apart from errors in rotation and low values of APM).


Thank you in advance and keep up the good work. I will love to see a Shadow break the 2000 DPS point!

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