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PvE Highest DPS - Post your DPS


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I am still seeking the best possible dps out of Infiltration. I just can't let go of that spec no way no how... been playing it since pre-order!


I am glad to be hitting 1640 out of it now, but 1700 is the next barrier. I may be onto a secret new roto that will really rip open some hidden dps out of that spec. More results to follow...

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Nice Dr, sustaining 1640 for infiltration, thats a good run. For how long were you on the dummy for? I was and still am hardcore infil, but after seeing the numbers from balance, its been fun. Only been here for 2 weeks now and enjoy pulling the numbers i am. But would love to go back if i could work out how to pull similar numbers from infil. I did another quick run last night and sustained 1750-60 for 10 mins. If we could get infil up close to those numbers i would change back in a heartbeat!!


Can you post your results from your run when you get a chance, would like to see what you do. Last time i ran infil on a dummy, i was holding around 1600-1650 but it was really hard to sustain that. Maybe i'll jump back on and do some testing.... post something. Lets see if we can get infil going harder!!

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This was a quick run last night after putting in an extra crit mod, but you get the idea. If you look at the point before i stop attacking i was sitting around 1750. Also a few logs slightly lower too.


Would love to hear from some guys hitting 1800+ because i can't see how this would be achieved.... unless full 63's or maybe armor debuffs from external help (guardian/commando).


I might go check out some logs from Chukles, he seems to be solid balance dps.




Can you link your gear build? Cheers!

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I love it when people tell me that infiltration shadows aren't viable as a sustained dps. After they play with me they change their tune real quick lol I am on par with highest dps in my guild which is a sent.


Beskosei-The Harbinger

They're viable, they're just not that flash.


Neither is your sentinel if he's not pulling past you at an equal gear level. :eek:

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Can you link your gear build? Cheers!


This parse is with my character stack with crit - http://www.torparse.com/a/57968/3


Primary - 1069 - 1264

Bonus - 679.8

Acc - 98.35

Crit - 276 / 37.07

Surge - 342 / 77.36


This parse is stacked power - http://www.torparse.com/a/57968/4


Prim - 1108 - 1303

Bonus - 719.4

Acc - 98.35

Crit rating/chance - 112 / 31.52%

Surge rating/multiplier - 342 / 77.36


So far, i've found that maxing crit until DR's give me the higher dps scores on the dummy.


Unfortunately i have Chukles on my ship, making me look bad and beatin on my dummy...... My dummy will never be the same. Thanks Chukles.

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Hey guys. Just Happen to be browsing and this thread caught my eye. Here is a parse of 1869, over the course of 5 mins, and stats from myself.


Phazon @ The Shadowlands server

Primary Damage 1114-1316

Bonus Damage 709.6 (832)

Accuracy 96.70 (171)

Critical Chance 38.20 (347)

Crit Multiplier 78.62 (411)

Willpower 2275




I currently use a spec of 7-31-3.

Hope this helps ^^


Main four buffs with an Exotech stim. I do not have Biochem on this toon so no power adrenal. No armor debuff or insipiration either.

Edited by DavenTiff
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Hey guys. Just Happen to be browsing and this thread caught my eye. Here is a parse of 1869, over the course of 5 mins, and stats from myself.


Phazon @ The Shadowlands server

Primary Damage 1114-1316

Bonus Damage 709.6 (832)

Accuracy 96.70 (171)

Critical Chance 38.20 (347)

Crit Multiplier 78.62 (411)

Willpower 2275




I currently use a spec of 7-31-3.

Hope this helps ^^


Main four buffs with an Exotech stim. I do not have Biochem on this toon so no power adrenal. No armor debuff or insipiration either.


Which dummy is this on? I don't quite understand how you can have accuracy so low, but not miss on your hits. On the ops dummy, anything under 98.5% i miss backstabs and double strikes, left right and centre.... Even with 98% i still miss the occasional double strike, but not enough to warrant worrying about increasing my Acc.


If that is on the ops dummy, then i am impressed. You clearly have better gear then I but the accuracy doesn't add up. Can you explain?

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I just checked my parses and it looks like you may be on the wrong dummy. Head back to the "operations" dummy and show us a parse from that. Would be interested in seeing the results. I do love infiltration and if you could get the same results on that dummy..... that would be fun!!
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I'm very sorry for the parse I posted earlier and did not mean to mislead anyone. I honestly thought they were all Ops dummies and did not pay attention. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.


Here is the new parse from me.




Everything stayed the same except I purchased the ops dummy for my ship because the lag on the fleet in this area was unbearable. Exo stim, four buffs, no inspiration or armor debuff as well as no adrenal. If synthweaving didnt make me good money I would love to see how much the power adrenal would boost the dps.


I'll continue to experiment with stats and such and see if I an do anything to boost that number. Hopefully this helps you a bit more now.

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I like the look of your build, looks like you have spent a lot of time on him. Glad to see infil shadows that go all the way and show that they are still viable at the end. By the looks of those stats, i'm guessing that most, if not all, are lvl 63's.


Thanks for re-posting.

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@ Kitru


Not sure where i saw it, but i have been keeping an eye on the discussion between project being viable or not in the balance build. Up until now, i have been a firm believer that it has no place in the build. This has been proven in your math and i have put it in practise on the dummy and shown the same. Now before everyone jumps down my throat, i do think it still has a use in the game but not in a max sustained dps perspective.


Now, back to point. I have been wondering what to do with my second charge of force potency. Up until now, i have just been using it on my proc'd mind crush. Gives me an insta crit, but in my mind not a game changing use for it. Someone suggested, hold off on mind crush until your next FiB comes up and use it on that. Once again, guaranteed insta crit but you would possible miss 2 rotations of mind crush and in my mind (without doing the math), would not put you that far in front if at all. Which brings me back to the rocks we all know and love to hate.....


I would love to see the math behind using my rocks for 1 charge of force potency every time its off cool down. So once every 90 secs....


FP( FiB + project) = (Insta crits + 45% chance of another boulder + 10% increase to melee bonus damage) - (THE LARGE AMOUNT OF FORCE IT COSTS.....)


I haven't seen any massive boost to dps on my dummy testing, so if it makes any difference it appears to be minimal. But it certainly doesn't drain your dps the same as simply putting Project into your rotation.


I'm not meaning to be lazy, but you seem to have a knack for the math on these things. Any chance you could work out if this would be dps effective? With Project proc's so high in the tree, i would like to believe they have a use somewhere.... even if minimal dps gain.


Let me know what you guys think?

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Let me know what you guys think?


Creating specific playstyle decisions based upon Force Potency charges isn't really worth doing all of the math. It's 1 attack every 90 seconds. At best (assuming 30% base crit rate and 80% surge), you're giving one of your attacks an additional 32% damage (30% crit rate with 80% surge equates to 1.24 "non crit"s of damage per activation; the 50% +crit from Force Power just increases this to 1.64, for an improvement of ~32.2%) once every 90 seconds. The effect on your total DPS based on this is going to be completely marginal.


As to using Project specifically when Force Potency is up, keep in mind that Project still doesn't hit as hard as Double Strike and costs, in net loss of Force per GCD, 2.5 times as much. Adding an extra 30% damage to it (without factoring in Upheaval) won't really affect that all that much. Even assuming it *would* be better to use Project rather than an instant Mind Crush with FP, my intuition suggests that it would amount to less overall DPS contribution than electing to take Expertise rather than Shadowy Veil (re: in the single digits at the absolute top tier of DPS).


For pure cost efficiency, I still think you'd be better off just dropping Project completely. Using FP for FiB and then an instant Mind Crush might seem a little wasteful since it only really benefit's Mind Crush's initial hit, but, for that second FP charge, you don't really have many especially decent options: you either don't use Mind Crush until FiB charges again, which is going to tank your DPS since Mind Crush hits so friggin hard and is so friggin cost efficient; use it on Mind Crush, which is cheap, but provides the least damage per FP charge; or you use it with Project, which is incredibly expensive and is going to impact your ability to throw out damage afterwards. None of them are particularly great options, but I'd rather maximize my DPS overall by using my attacks efficiently and dealing damage continually rather than work to maximize the benefit of FP charges at the cost of said efficiency and continual damage.

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I like the look of your build, looks like you have spent a lot of time on him. Glad to see infil shadows that go all the way and show that they are still viable at the end. By the looks of those stats, i'm guessing that most, if not all, are lvl 63's.


Thanks for re-posting.



Thanks. I am still debating as to removing 1 point from Force Synergy and adding it to Expertise. At this point the trade off would be minimal in either direction.


Everything I have done was to make myself viable and to prove to people, that did not want anything to do with infiltration, that we are still well above average dps if we play the class correctly. Sure I can't pull sentinel damage but the trade offs are there with Force Cloak, taunts and stealth. Utilizing them correctly can sometimes mean the difference between a wipe or not.


As far as my gear goes I'm missing a couple of 63 enhancements and have only two armorings. I am pretty sure all my mods are 63 (sorry not on the game atm). If you want a better description let me know and I will break it down better for you.

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Thanks. I am still debating as to removing 1 point from Force Synergy and adding it to Expertise. At this point the trade off would be minimal in either direction.


Have you tried the "double rock" approach? I found on infil that gave me a higher dps output?



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None of my stats have changed, i only changed out my war hero relic for a 2nd dread guard relic.......


Still sitting with 270 crit and 344 surge, low power.




If you look at the timeline, i was sittiing above 1800 for most the fight, only dropped under in the last 20 secs....





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Have you tried the "double rock" approach? I found on infil that gave me a higher dps output?



I was a firm believer in the upheavel build but I could never break 1700 sustained. I would always fall around 1650-1670. The burst is really nice, when both rocks crit, but overall I fell my current spec will win out in fights that last over 4 minutes.

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Everything I have done was to make myself viable and to prove to people, that did not want anything to do with infiltration, that we are still well above average dps if we play the class correctly.


I agree, it is tough to get respect as a shadow.... even harder as infiltration.


I love nothing more then listening to the comments as my shadow out dps's most players. I did a comm run last night, with an equally (if not marginally better) geared slinger and 2 sents. EV HM, EC & TFB SM. My shadow lead the dps race in all boss fights and most trash fights. I believe the comment, "f%*k me, i had no idea shadows could do that much damage" came up after the first boss....


I am aware of the math between the classes, but i can tell everyone who is a non-believer right now, a competent shadow can out dps 95% of the players using "higher" parsing classes.


Nothing drives me more, than giving it to an arrogant sent that believes he is the best simply because he is using a class that "theoretically" should out dps mine. Then after the fight, listening to the sweet sound of silence.....as he just got romped by a shadow!!



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Here's my new personal best for parsing.






Nice man, congrats.


What did you change? Looks like you added some crit? and is that a new relic??


Its about time we got the shadows into the 1900's!!


After talking to you the other night, i'm going to start pvp'n more in balance too now. I didn't think it was viable, but clearly i was wrong....

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so far this is the best parse i could manage as balance


For the parse i was using the Dread Guard Relic of Boundless Ages on cooldown and the WH Relic




heres my AMR profile http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b17b1b77-4ec8-4d9e-866d-16e02394559e


chuckles what relics are you using when you hit 1901?


edit- exo stim and no adrenals

Edited by mmerry
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I was a firm believer in the upheavel build but I could never break 1700 sustained. I would always fall around 1650-1670. The burst is really nice, when both rocks crit, but overall I fell my current spec will win out in fights that last over 4 minutes.


Would you mind posting your total build? I was thinking of going into that build, but a shadow friend of mine had said he tried it and was parsing lower than with the rock. Are there any kind of changes to the rotation with that?


Beskosei-The Harbinger

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I agree, it is tough to get respect as a shadow.... even harder as infiltration.


I love nothing more then listening to the comments as my shadow out dps's most players. I did a comm run last night, with an equally (if not marginally better) geared slinger and 2 sents. EV HM, EC & TFB SM. My shadow lead the dps race in all boss fights and most trash fights. I believe the comment, "f%*k me, i had no idea shadows could do that much damage" came up after the first boss....


I am aware of the math between the classes, but i can tell everyone who is a non-believer right now, a competent shadow can out dps 95% of the players using "higher" parsing classes.


Nothing drives me more, than giving it to an arrogant sent that believes he is the best simply because he is using a class that "theoretically" should out dps mine. Then after the fight, listening to the sweet sound of silence.....as he just got romped by a shadow!!




I enjoy doing this very much. The other day I had a similar situation. I pugged SMEC with another guild. There was a sentinel in their that thought he was God's gift to the world. They separated us two assigning me Toth and Stormcaller. The praise that I received from his guildies after both the bosses I was on first was very nice and the awkward silence from him granted me much satisfaction.


People who are good with their class earn respect from other players and do what they need. Like you said, too many people think because they play said class that they will automatically do amazing damage. It is sad most of the time.

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