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Which companion is best for the damage? Gualt does best damage but Torian holds aggro really well and does decent dmg.Which is better for doing fast damage and being slightly durable. (torian 300-380 dmg gualt 350-400 Blizz 140-200 Skadge 300-320) just so you know these are their current stats!

Thx for the help! And there is no problem with me being a girl gamer!

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Actually the most effective way to level is with Torian.


Just send him in first and as a melee companion he will jump in and wait for all the mobs to gather up to him and then start your Death From Above and all other AOE and kill them all and then just finish off the rest of them.


Most of the time you don't need to heal yourself at all as your companion takes up most, if not all, the damage.


You don't need to spend any time at all for healing your companion either if you can kill the mobs faster than he dies (which is easy due to him doing good dps too) and if he is at low health when it is over, you just mount up on your speeder which and then get off your speeder when you reach the next pack and your companion is automatically unsummoned and resummoned back with full health.


Gault would just shoot them from distance, which would split them up having melee mobs run to him and the ranged ones stay back, making you unable to AOE them all down at once.


Mako is for people who like to spend more than 30 more seconds on every pack to kill them just to avoid spending less than 2 seconds healing up after.

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Mako is the default for doing dailies while watching TV. She makes it so you basically can't die unless you go afk.


Blizz and Skadge are not as good as others because they are tanks. They have abilities wasted on mitigating damage instead of having more DPS abilities. The only thing a tank companion is good for is taunting for a backstabbing player.


Gault and Torian will have roughly the same DPS output, but it makes 1000 times more sense to gear up Torian. He will use all of your unneeded Rakata Mods and eventually your Black Hole stuff. While Gault will still be wearing Columi waiting for you to accidentally loot more Agent armor, or stumble across more Columi comms.


Plus if you're a biochem, it frees up Gault to do more crafting since hes the resident Biochem expert.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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