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Legacy Wide datacrons


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I have 8 characters and I am not bored with it.. It is called wanting the stats.. Kind of like leveling.. If you want to reach 55.. You got to do it.. Bored or not.. It is called playing the game.. MMO's are about doing stuff over and over and over again.. If you don't like then don't play MMO's.. It doesn't get any simpler than that.. Just because you are bored, doesn't mean you should ruin it for the rest of us..




I have 13 characters all level 55,I win.


Also I am bored with collecting datacrons, I win, again.


Please respond so we can get another bump on this thread.

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I have 13 characters all level 55,I win.


Also I am bored with collecting datacrons, I win, again.


Please respond so we can get another bump on this thread.


So you don't even have a level 55 for each of the advanced classes? I know I don't have the most characters, but you definitely don't beat me.

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I'm really hoping that this gets implemented. It's just so tedious getting all these datacrons on every character. Maybe make it a Cartel unlock you can purchase (or via Legacy so we can have a legitimate reward for everyone who's hit Legacy 50). Once you discover the datacron on one character, it applies to all of them.
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Okay BioWare, here is a very realistic and sensible method for implementing this feature


Let me begin by saying that it should be obvious to all that rolling a level 1 toon with all datacrons unlocked would just make it ridiculously OP. I understand this. So, and it's up to you how you go about letting us obtain the unlock, but at some point, we should unlock the datacrons for a specific planet for the toon as it reaches somewhere within the level range for those planets.


What I mean by this is, at level 10, a Republic character should somehow obtain the unlock for all found datacrons on Tython and Ord Mantell. Similarly, an Imperial character would, at level 10, unlock all found datacrons in your legacy for Korriban and Hutta


At level 16, a Pub toon should receive stats for datacrons already found on Coruscant just as an Imp toon would unlock those already obtained on Dromund Kaas


Level 20, Republics unlock Taris datacrons and Imps obtain Balmorra datacrons


Etc. etc.


What I am NOT asking you to do is allow unlocks for those datacrons that can ONLY be obtained by the opposite faction. This is obvious but I'm putting it out there anyway. I'm confident to all extremes that I'll never see a gold post on this, however I'd love to know what you think.



Edited by Dredead
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When I hit Level 10 I want all XP I would normally get for anything I skipped. I want all Codex entries, the entire map of Tython revealed (including taxis and bind points). I want to view the cinematics and be able to make conversation choices and get credit for any and all missions I didn't do.


I already have a max-level Sage and did all the work so I want my new Shadow to get everything she has but without doing anything for it.


Sound ridiculous? It is.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

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Edited by PetFish
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Once you discover the datacron on one character, it applies to all of them.


Datacrons are consumed on a per-character basis, like stims, and are not a piece of gear you can mail to an alt. Once the Datacron is "used" it's gone.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

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Okay BioWare, here is a very realistic and sensible method for implementing this feature


Let me begin by saying that it should be obvious to all that rolling a level 1 toon with all datacrons unlocked would just make it ridiculously OP. I understand this. So, and it's up to you how you go about letting us obtain the unlock, but at some point, we should unlock the datacrons for a specific planet for the toon as it reaches somewhere within the level range for those planets.


What I mean by this is, at level 10, a Republic character should somehow obtain the unlock for all found datacrons on Tython and Ord Mantell. Similarly, an Imperial character would, at level 10, unlock all found datacrons in your legacy for Korriban and Hutta


At level 16, a Pub toon should receive stats for datacrons already found on Coruscant just as an Imp toon would unlock those already obtained on Dromund Kaas


Level 20, Republics unlock Taris datacrons and Imps obtain Balmorra datacrons


Etc. etc.


What I am NOT asking you to do is allow unlocks for those datacrons that can ONLY be obtained by the opposite faction. This is obvious but I'm putting it out there anyway. I'm confident to all extremes that I'll never see a gold post on this, however I'd love to know what you think.




Just go get the datacrons when you arrive on a planet or reach the area a datacron is as you level.. Problem solved..


See.. Didn't even have to write in purple..

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The datacron achievements are now tracked -- so it would require very little extra work to unlock same-faction or shared datacrons by level.


I would pay real money (i.e. Cartel Coins) to not have to do this again. This is already the case for things like unlocking HK-51 on a lower level character, and I must have wasted far more time trying to get to various datacrons than the already huge amount of time tracking down HK-51 components on Taris and elsewhere.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Since Petfish can just copypaste his/her old messages to another thread, allow me too.


When I hit Level 10 I want all XP I would normally get for anything I skipped. I want all Codex entries, the entire map of Tython revealed (including taxis and bind points). I want to view the cinematics and be able to make conversation choices and get credit for any and all missions I didn't do.


I already have a max-level Sage and did all the work so I want my new Shadow to get everything she has but without doing anything for it.


Sound ridiculous? It is.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

- - - - - - -


If you would be forced to every quest exactly the same way as with your sage, use the exactly same attacks, the same convo options and pretty much same everything in order to get something you need in order to do something you actually like to do (i.e. you want to do flashpoints as a shadow but have to reach level 10 first), then sure, I'd say you should, or more likely, the game should offer more variety to how you can reach the level 10. But you are not forced to do the exactly same things as with your sage. You can pick different convos, skip some quests, do the heroic multiple times, try to survive without using any of your lightsaber attacks... Not to mention that doing Tython takes probably 3-4 hours, my first time getting endurance +10 took longer than that.


Some people, at least me, don't think "I'm lazy and I don't want to pick up all datacrons". I think "I already jumped through this for hours, couldn't I now get this in some other, not-so-jumpy way?". i'd like to get an alternative way to get them, and unfortunately (for you), a legacy unclok would most likely be the easiest alternative way they could give. Something like putting more than 1 route to every datacron would be a lot more trouble than that.

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No.. They do not need to be made legacy.. If people want the stats then people need to put out the effort to get them.. It is just like PVE or PVP gear.. You got to put out effort to get them.. If you don't put out the effort, then you don't get the gear.. :)


I 100% agree with this. You should not be able to get the stat bonuses unless you put in the work. Account wide achievements? Of course, but stats, no way. It's like saying "I bought speeder training on my one toon so all my toons should have it!" No, only the toon that took the training gets it, just like the toon that got the datacron gets the stat boost.

Edited by Glowrod
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I 100% agree with this. You should not be able to get the stat bonuses unless you put in the work. Account wide achievements? Of course, but stats, no way. It's like saying "I bought speeder training on my one toon so all my toons should have it!" No, only the toon that took the training gets it, just like the toon that got the datacron gets the stat boost.


You only have to pay for the speeder piloting. How is that same as doing exactly the same thing, that takes hours, with 22 different characters?

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You only have to pay for the speeder piloting. How is that same as doing exactly the same thing, that takes hours, with 22 different characters?


It doesn't take hours to get a datacron. If it does take you that long, you seriously need to work on your jumping skills.


It's the same thing in that you pay for the reward. With speeder training, you pay for the training and then your ONE toon gets to ride a speeder. With Datacrons, you pay in the time it takes you (5-10 minutes, or 45 on the Tatooine baloon) and you are rewarded with a stat gain for the ONE toon that got the datacron.


What you want to do defies logic. How do you explain how all of your toons get the bonus when just one of them gets the datacron? There's a complete disconnect in logic... It's nonsensical.


If going out and doing the work for the gain is such a pain in your butt, then you have to decide if it's worth taking the time for you to get the boost in stats. The decsision process may go something like this: "Gee wiz, datacron hunting sucks. I really want the stat boost but I don't want to take the effort. I guess I don' t get the stat boost." It's the exact same process for speeder training: "Gee wiz, I really want to ride a speeder, but I don't want to spend 40,000 credits. I guess I don't get to ride a speeder."

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It doesn't take hours to get a datacron. If it does take you that long, you seriously need to work on your jumping skills.


It's the same thing in that you pay for the reward. With speeder training, you pay for the training and then your ONE toon gets to ride a speeder. With Datacrons, you pay in the time it takes you (5-10 minutes, or 45 on the Tatooine baloon) and you are rewarded with a stat gain for the ONE toon that got the datacron.


What you want to do defies logic. How do you explain how all of your toons get the bonus when just one of them gets the datacron? There's a complete disconnect in logic... It's nonsensical.


If going out and doing the work for the gain is such a pain in your butt, then you have to decide if it's worth taking the time for you to get the boost in stats. The decsision process may go something like this: "Gee wiz, datacron hunting sucks. I really want the stat boost but I don't want to take the effort. I guess I don' t get the stat boost." It's the exact same process for speeder training: "Gee wiz, I really want to ride a speeder, but I don't want to spend 40,000 credits. I guess I don't get to ride a speeder."


It took me 5 HOURS to get Makeb's endurance +10 when I got it first time. And that was with a tutorial video. 5. Freaking. Hours.


And how do you explain that strange HK-droid that teleports to your ship? How do you explain that when you click a funny box in the ground, a companion miles away in your ship learns to shoot better? This is a game. It doesn't always make sense.


And yeah, the decision in my head goes something like this: "Gee wiz, this datacron hunting really sucks, but I want the stats. I guess I'll get a cup of tea and try to keep my sanity while I fail at the jumping for the 7th time." I do it, I don't like doing it and wish there was an alternative way to do it. Having the datacrons automatically legacy wide, having a legacy unlock to them, an alternative route that doesn't need you to press your spacebar - I don't care, I just don't want to do that bloody jumping. And, unfortunately for you, it would be a lot of easier to put a legacy unlock/make datacrons legacy wide than make an alternative route to a big bunch of them.


If it would take 5 hours to start your computer (so that you have to activately stand next to it the whole time), would you just say "I guess I won't use computer anymore" or use an alternative way i.e. repair it or buy a new one?

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And how do you explain that strange HK-droid that teleports to your ship? How do you explain that when you click a funny box in the ground, a companion miles away in your ship learns to shoot better? This is a game. It doesn't always make sense.


I'm pretty sure there is no "Teleport" in the game. They cut out the cut scenes of your travel.


I guess I'll have to look next time I grab a datacron, but I'm not aware that they affect companions.

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I'm pretty sure there is no "Teleport" in the game. They cut out the cut scenes of your travel.


I guess I'll have to look next time I grab a datacron, but I'm not aware that they affect companions.


Presense affects companions. And I press "buy" in my legacy tab and the droid appears on my ship, what should I think of that? "Wow, the shop I ordered this from deliveres these is so fast!"?

Edited by Seireeni
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Some people, at least me, don't think "I'm lazy and I don't want to pick up all datacrons". I think "I already jumped through this for hours, couldn't I now get this in some other, not-so-jumpy way?".


Since <10% of all Datacrons require any hardcore jumping and <20% require any jumping at all why focus on the extreme minority and make blanket generalizations like this?



Since 80-90% of the Datacrons are simply walk-up-and-grab why isn't that ever mentioned by you and the people who just want them handed to you?


If you can't appreciate how easy most of them are to get and instead just want to complain and focus on the few that aren't then I don't know what to tell you.


PS - I also replied to many points in one of your earlier posts that you never responded to. If you have any input that would be great.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

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Since <10% of all Datacrons require any hardcore jumping and <20% require any jumping at all why focus on the extreme minority and make blanket generalizations like this?



Since 80-90% of the Datacrons are simply walk-up-and-grab why isn't that ever mentioned by you and the people who just want them handed to you?


If you can't appreciate how easy most of them are to get and instead just want to complain and focus on the few that aren't then I don't know what to tell you.


PS - I also replied to many points in one of your earlier posts that you never responded to. If you have any input that would be great.


I apologize for missing your earlier answer and I'm answering to it right now. :) Thanks for telling me I missed it.


For me, the only source I can find for this 10-20% is your statistic, which to me, seems pretty flawed - or maybe me and you have a different definition of jumping. See, if I have to press spacebar/am most likely to press spacebar (i.e. if datacron guides tell me to "jump", I do jump, I'm not going to take the risk), I think that datacron requires jumping. And I have to tell you a secret - I haven't actually got all the datacrons yet. I don't like them, and I haven't made the effort to get them until recently, and only get main stat + endurance datacrons to every character. So, since there are no ways to tell how many of these datacrons actually require jumping.


But I can say it right now: not all datacrons require jumping. The ones I can easily get without hitting my spacebar once single time I can get the old-fashioned way to problems. I bring up the jumping, because jumping is the reason I want this unlock (and, thb, also datacrons that require groups can be a pain sometimes, but I can live with those). I couldn't care less if only the "jumpy" datacrons would have an unlock, but even only Makeb endurance +10 having an unlock would save both my time and my sanity so much.

Edited by Seireeni
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Since <10% of all Datacrons require any hardcore jumping and <20% require any jumping at all why focus on the extreme minority and make blanket generalizations like this?



Since 80-90% of the Datacrons are simply walk-up-and-grab why isn't that ever mentioned by you and the people who just want them handed to you?


If you can't appreciate how easy most of them are to get and instead just want to complain and focus on the few that aren't then I don't know what to tell you.


PS - I also replied to many points in one of your earlier posts that you never responded to. If you have any input that would be great.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

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if its really that easy to obtain them then whats the big deal? they are boring to obtain on 10+ characters, its bland and stupid and boring, face it.

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When I hit Level 10 I want all XP I would normally get for anything I skipped. I want all Codex entries, the entire map of Tython revealed (including taxis and bind points). I want to view the cinematics and be able to make conversation choices and get credit for any and all missions I didn't do.


I already have a max-level Sage and did all the work so I want my new Shadow to get everything she has but without doing anything for it.


Sound ridiculous? It is.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

- - - - - - -


That's why noone is suggesting anything like that, hence why it's ridiculous.


The thing is though, you are the only one bringing up that line of thought. :D

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It doesn't take hours to get a datacron. If it does take you that long, you seriously need to work on your jumping skills.


It's the same thing in that you pay for the reward. With speeder training, you pay for the training and then your ONE toon gets to ride a speeder. With Datacrons, you pay in the time it takes you (5-10 minutes, or 45 on the Tatooine baloon) and you are rewarded with a stat gain for the ONE toon that got the datacron.


What you want to do defies logic. How do you explain how all of your toons get the bonus when just one of them gets the datacron? There's a complete disconnect in logic... It's nonsensical.


If going out and doing the work for the gain is such a pain in your butt, then you have to decide if it's worth taking the time for you to get the boost in stats. The decsision process may go something like this: "Gee wiz, datacron hunting sucks. I really want the stat boost but I don't want to take the effort. I guess I don' t get the stat boost." It's the exact same process for speeder training: "Gee wiz, I really want to ride a speeder, but I don't want to spend 40,000 credits. I guess I don't get to ride a speeder."


So according to you. getting 40,000 credits in the game requires the same amount of effort as getting all the datacrons.


Even though there have been suggestions that it would be per character only.


You are not only using hyperbole but now moving goal post to maintain what argument you think had.

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You might want to take a refresher on reading or reading comprehension..




That in no way implies that he thinks he won it.. Nor is he in a dreamland.. You on the other hand?? Well.. Being in dreamland would make paraphrasing and reading somewhat difficult... Which would explain your incorrect response.. :rolleyes:


And no.. There is no need to make the datacrons legacy.. If you don't want to play the game then fine.. Don't.. It is as simple as that..


See what the anti-datacron legacy side has to offer?


Leaving the game.


They want you to unsub because you aren't playing how they want you too. That's how strong their argument is.


Case. Closed.

Edited by TridusSWTOR
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