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The free month of subscription you got will cost you 150 Cartel Coins.


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Bravo, OP. This is the finest [Mythical creature we aren't allowed to call people] have ever seen. 10/10!


A sign of a good troll post is that you cannot tell if the person is truly an idiot and believes what they are saying or if they are just trying to get a reaction. In this case it would appear the former. If the OP is just trying for a reaction then I would have to agree and give 10/10.

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I don't understand why you needed to be told you wouldn't be receiving coins for a month you DID NOT pay for.


The point he is saying is that we were "rewarded" during that month but in the end we were punished in a way because we got 150 less CC. :rolleyes:

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If you insist on being bitter over this, think of it this way: you got 30 days of play time for $1.50! That's pretty good, right? And that $1.50 is only an opportunity cost, rather than a physical cost.


And one should also consider this question: Would you rather have 30 days of play time or $1.50?

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If this is the most self entitled thing youve ever seen on these forums you didnt read them much.




Curious, what topics would you consider to be more so? I read these forums very frequently and this has to be one of the worst.

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That's right.


If you were awarded with a free one month subscription earlier this year, you will not be given the 150 Cartel Coins for that month. Straight from the mouth of two BioWare / EA / SWTOR customer service representatives.


After speaking with two customer service representatives, I was informed that the month I was given for free did not count as a month I would be awarded Cartel Coins for because I did not pay for it.


Honestly, this upset me as I have been, and still am, a loyal paid subscriber to the game. I have paid for everyday since day one with a 6 month reoccurring subscription and my payments have been prompt.


So why am I now being told that a month I received for free, one that I did not ask for but appreciate, does no count toward the accumulation of Cartel Coins for being a loyal SWTOR player and subscriber?


This does not make sense to me.


I was wondering if someone from BioWare / EA could explain.







p.s. - I realize that this thread has the potential to devolve into a flame war against companies turning a profit on the products that they produce, but let's keep it above the belt for this one please. I'd really like to know the rational behind this. Thx again.




Yup it is wrong. :(

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This is what they told me I think it will answer your question


I was in your same place when I posted my thread. Then I got on the PTS lol.


From what I can see we will get more coins for spending the 15 dollars we saved back in april on the coins after they go live. Also seeing what is in the boxes i will be able to buy everything I want with the coins already alloted to me and everything else I want I will buy of the GTN lol.

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That's right.


If you were awarded with a free one month subscription earlier this year, you will not be given the 150 Cartel Coins for that month. Straight from the mouth of two BioWare / EA / SWTOR customer service representatives.


After speaking with two customer service representatives, I was informed that the month I was given for free did not count as a month I would be awarded Cartel Coins for because I did not pay for it.


Honestly, this upset me as I have been, and still am, a loyal paid subscriber to the game. I have paid for everyday since day one with a 6 month reoccurring subscription and my payments have been prompt.


So why am I now being told that a month I received for free, one that I did not ask for but appreciate, does no count toward the accumulation of Cartel Coins for being a loyal SWTOR player and subscriber?


This does not make sense to me.


I was wondering if someone from BioWare / EA could explain.







p.s. - I realize that this thread has the potential to devolve into a flame war against companies turning a profit on the products that they produce, but let's keep it above the belt for this one please. I'd really like to know the rational behind this. Thx again.


when did u have time to ? take this picture of yourself?



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I believe the point he is making is that within the time December 2012 - November 2013 there were only so many months. Assuming you were going to subscribe for those months anyway its a bit of a kick in the teeth to be told that one of those months doesn't count because the 'free month' would actually be December 2013 because you had fully subbed for the other months.


To me it doesn't matter but I understand the point, would be nice to get 150 coins as they buy you practically nothing based on PTS prices.


I'm a bit more annoyed about the 1000 for collectors edition.. should either be much more or have some extra collectors edition only items buyable with coins / credits or perhaps a permenant 5% discount on cartel coins

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That's right.


If you were awarded with a free one month subscription earlier this year, you will not be given the 150 Cartel Coins for that month. Straight from the mouth of two BioWare / EA / SWTOR customer service representatives.


After speaking with two customer service representatives, I was informed that the month I was given for free did not count as a month I would be awarded Cartel Coins for because I did not pay for it.


Working as intended. Why should they give you MORE free stuff as a reward for having given you free stuff already?

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I believe the point he is making is that within the time December 2012 - November 2013 there were only so many months. Assuming you were going to subscribe for those months anyway its a bit of a kick in the teeth to be told that one of those months doesn't count because the 'free month' would actually be December 2013 because you had fully subbed for the other months.


To me it doesn't matter but I understand the point, would be nice to get 150 coins as they buy you practically nothing based on PTS prices.


I'm a bit more annoyed about the 1000 for collectors edition.. should either be much more or have some extra collectors edition only items buyable with coins / credits or perhaps a permenant 5% discount on cartel coins


If you continued to pay, instead if using a free month, you will get the coins.


If you skimped and said ill use my free month now then too bad. The coins were for paid months. And think about it this way: you have 15 more dollars right now than of would have. Even if you used your free month you theoretically still have 15 bucks.


So, time to move on.

Edited by Arkerus
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Reading must not be a strong suit, it also stated that the month that was free when game was purchased we get tokens for but not for the free month after 1.2 came out (Legacy release to get people to return lol)


As with alot of others ive been playing and paying from the start and have no problems with loosing a whoping 150 cc lol, if account is active when f2p is released we are supposed to get bonus 250 cc then for subscribers from 500 cc per paid month.


So stop with the QQ

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OP ... if you look at the return you get for what you paid, you'll see that you're actually getting at least 50cc free.


Let's say you paid for 12 months. Let's say you get 9 months at 150cc each, and 3 months at 200cc each.


Now let's say you paid for 12 months and got a free month. Let's use the free month first, for simplicity. Now you'll get 1 free month at 0cc + 8 months at 150cc + 4 months at 200cc. That free month gives you 50cc free, because it pushes your paying months one month later, when the points are worth more. In fact, that free month may be worth even more, because later months could be worth as much as 500cc when f2p goes live.


You're right that you'd have more cc if you paid for 13 months, but then you would have actually paid for one extra month. By comparing the return of paying for 13 months with the return of paying for 12 months, you're comparing apples to oranges. Compare the return based on paying for 12 months, with and without the free month, and you'll see the logic error and that BioWare is actually giving you more free stuff than they intended.


So ... how about saying thank you to SWTOR for the free cc.

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Thank God they haven't offered us the whole first year for free. Imagine by how many cartel coins they would be betraying us, then? Shame on you, BW!


I don't understand this,, Why would they give a year.. how does that betray. anything....ah I can't do this I hope you're just a bored troll..

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