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Jedi weapons! Are they being held correctly!?


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Reguardless of physics the grip of most the sabers in nearer the bottom while most one handed saber users hold it at the top often where the buttons are ignoring the hand grip.


Now if the hand grip is in the wrong place why put it there. When my Sith is wielding his saber his hand should be on the grip and the grip should be in the most logical place for the weapon. Not ignoring the grip and holding it by the activation button.

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Reguardless of physics the grip of most the sabers in nearer the bottom while most one handed saber users hold it at the top often where the buttons are ignoring the hand grip.


Now if the hand grip is in the wrong place why put it there. When my Sith is wielding his saber his hand should be on the grip and the grip should be in the most logical place for the weapon. Not ignoring the grip and holding it by the activation button.


I get what you're saying and it does make sense... why put a grip on it if your not going to grip it there?... but hey my m4a1 and m16a4 had a horizontal grip on the barrel yet most of us griped it by the front of the magazine well instead simply because it was more comfortable ... tho we didn't customize or hand build our weapons like jedi/sith ussualy do with their sabers

Edited by Liquidacid
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tho we didn't customize or hand build our weapons like jedi/sith ussualy do with their sabers


Supposed to do, but do not. Now wouldn't it be nice if they came up with a system where you could create your very own weapon from a very large list of components? Oh well...

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Supposed to do, but do not. Now wouldn't it be nice if they came up with a system where you could create your very own weapon from a very large list of components? Oh well...


well that is a point... in game other than a few classes who put together their first saber you never build a saber in the game... you just use ones you find.. so maybe a majority of jedi/sith who are building them like to grip it at the bottom so put it there while player characters like to grip it at the top? lol

Edited by Liquidacid
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Really hate how my Jedi guardian holds his sabre with both hands like a baseball bat. Even does the bat shake /sigh.


Would be nice if stances changed the stance on how he held the blade aswell.


If you're referring to the stance with the shoulders and elbows squared out in the batter position, that is part of one of the forms of saber combat. It is even shown on film by Qui-Gon.

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I am a little out of date, but I believe you have erred.


The over the shoulder at bat to me is more Kendo/Japanese style. Sabers are more European and are more slashers than stabbers. Both are different from fencing/epees. (I was a fencer in my mis-spent youth.)


I have always thought light sabers should be more epee style (the light beam having the weight of a foil), but modern games and movies tend to favor Kendo, IMHO ( and speaking generically.)


All I can say is remember Indiana Jones in the market.:D

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So which way are we concluding?


What if we considered how the sage hits? He just swings real fast. Wouldn't that be more appropriate to hold it up at the top of the grip instead of under the guard? or is the to hard for when he swaps hands during the attacks which he does at one point in the free attack? He even flips it upside down.


I was hoping there was an excuse to have him hold him more just below the detailing so you could see everything. And I figured the grip was long enough for two hands regardless. He does switch hands during the basic attack. I think he uses two on the 25 focus one! What would be appropriate for those attacks? the basic attack looks kind of fancy. plus he lunges if he gets a final kill and possibly other moves if you use it enough. Sometimes he even spins around.

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I am a little out of date, but I believe you have erred.


The over the shoulder at bat to me is more Kendo/Japanese style. Sabers are more European and are more slashers than stabbers. Both are different from fencing/epees. (I was a fencer in my mis-spent youth.)


I have always thought light sabers should be more epee style (the light beam having the weight of a foil), but modern games and movies tend to favor Kendo, IMHO ( and speaking generically.)


All I can say is remember Indiana Jones in the market.:D

It does favor Kendo for sure because Lucas admitted he took inspiration on Samouraï stories, but not because it was modern and followed the mainstream... remind you how old Star Wars is, it was before the manga/Japan trend, but still look the stance of old Ben Kenobi : typically kendo.


And you forgot a thing about european style... it not always had been foil style, remember the old chivalry knights, they weren't so different than kendo-style waving their swords with both hands, so when talking about wielding a sword with both hands, the inspiration can be not-kendo.

Look the Guardian stance, wielding his lightsaber like a baseball bat... it not a typical stance from kendo, but from chivalry times.

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I am a little out of date, but I believe you have erred.


The over the shoulder at bat to me is more Kendo/Japanese style. Sabers are more European and are more slashers than stabbers. Both are different from fencing/epees. (I was a fencer in my mis-spent youth.)


I have always thought light sabers should be more epee style (the light beam having the weight of a foil), but modern games and movies tend to favor Kendo, IMHO ( and speaking generically.)


All I can say is remember Indiana Jones in the market.:D




I'm sure at one point (many moons ago) Lucas said they were supposed to be difficult to weild (sort of anti-gyroscopic), that seems to have dispeared from the lore though.

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Not sure which ones will work for whom.


Here is a set of pics(if it's working right) of all the LIghtsabers I own so far that I can wield. You'll notice they are held pretty differently. Some are in the right place. some are not. Some are short. some are long. Pretty interesting. 8)

Edited by Aital
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Maybe the fact that you trained with a ninjato is a reason why you have learned that? I've had a blade lock using normal European one handed steel swords, and you better have a tight grip on the top or the other guy will be able to push his and your sword against you without any difficulty


Should also add that the lightsaber probably reminds me the most of the Katana (though during duels they use techniques from a whole wide range of different swords), but when fighting with a Katana you always learn that your dominant hand should always grip right below the guard (Tsuba)


Pretty much this.

Hold will vary on the size and type of the blade but as general rule closer to the top of teh handle is correct.

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Not technically. My problem at base is my Sage holds it up to far for me. Maybe editing animation controls in game. You could let people adjust clothes and weapons holds etc. Could be nice.


I like my sage position I just don't like where his hand it.


Another cool idea would be much more realistic sword mechanics. This is a game based on heavy sword users. if the positions had stats to them you could customize pretty nicely. and you wouldn't have to add stats you could just turn the current assumption of the weapons damage into stats and break it down so you simply have more control in some way. Could have small affects on different stats how you use it etc. Maybe more complex foot motions and fully hashed out sword techniques to play with. they had closer to this in the academy games just take it further! Then you could have dueling the real way! or at least some stat simulation!

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Then if this is what you believe, I can tell you have never trained with swords. As a martial artist who has trained in sword techniques using a ninjato, I can assure you that choking up on the handle is indeed not how you hold a sword.


That'd be one sword type from one discipline. Not true of all. Chinese and other martial arts, you hold it high for the same reasons others have mentioned. Besides, any blade to blade contact would require a high hold, unless you have an inhuman/unbreakable GI Joe Kung Fu Grip™.


Source: Me, been training in different styles of kung fu, tai chi, and other martial arts for 20+ years.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I'm sure at one point (many moons ago) Lucas said they were supposed to be difficult to weild (sort of anti-gyroscopic), that seems to have dispeared from the lore though.


not sure if it was GL personally, but I recall one of the directors (maybe of Ep 6) saying that sabers in general would have been made of materials that were too heavy to wield with one hand. Most of the fighting in Return reflected this

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I've noticed that on my Sorc as well.


He holds it just below the "blade" and above the actual hand grip. Makes me want to slap him for being silly.


Also noticed on my Vanguard and Sniper that they don't actual use the trigger, the trigger finger is pointing forwards at all times.


The guns that shoot themselves..... Star Wars TV show "when rifles turn sentient".


Any encounter where you don't accidentally chop (or shoot) any of your body parts (or those of your companion) off is a success IMO. The rest is just nits and picks. :)

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The real life reason why the grip is down there is 2 fold:

1. Vader's saber is made out of the handle of an old graflex camera flash and the grip was at the bottom.

2. Balance: Sabers get twirled a lot and they needed to be held that way so the bottom of the hilt could offset the weight of the blade. Additionally, the hilts needed to have a choke point to help with twirling (not all sabers have this, but most do), and right behind the blade holder was the ideal place.


The Star Wars reasons have already been mentioned:

To easily switch between one handed (ie little force required) and 2 handed (like meeting a second saber). When held one handed, there is very little to no resistance when striking more or less any object. Killing storm troopers, droids, reflecting blasters and even parrying other lightsabers doesn't require any real force. The only time the lightsaber meets real resistance is when contact is made with another lightsaber, in which you will always see them switch to a 2 handed stance when the blades lock up.

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But that would validate my point. As a sage until that happens I should be holding it like I would for defeletion or parry etc until I actually need it. Then I can use the sword type the way it was physically meant to be. I'm pretty sure my sword type is that of a sageish user. Xoxaan.
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Can't say I ever even looked at this. Seems fine to me, especially since to notice anything you'd have to be scrolled in too tightly to really fight effectively. Things die, that's good enough for me ;) But then, I'm probably distracted by how awesome my warrior looks when he leaps at things. Edited by errant_knight
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When wielding a sword in one hand you need to hold it at the top or else the balance will be all wrong when it strikes against another target, if you use both hands you then have space for your second hand on the bottom, try wielding a sword and see where on the handle you need to hold to achieve the best grip, it's always holding near the top of the handle


A blade made of light has no weight, so your comparison really has no standing.


I agree, all light saber wielders are choked up on the handle way too much. With many light sabers it doesn't matter much, but with several it definitely does.



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There's also the issue that Ninjato's are a fictional weapon, with no historical basis, and any training with one is largely speculative/made up.


Anyhoo... Summary: Animations are right, the model themselves are wrong. (and pretty silly)

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