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Disabling Shot will not work if you are casting


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What good is an interrupt if you cant use it while you are in the middle of tracer missile? It interrupts unload to cast it...that is good. It will not work while you are casting TM. This is SO annoying please fix it.


Tracer missile is a cast and casts are not overwritten by other abilities. Unload is a channel and can be interrupted by other abilities, like if you were to hit Heat-seeker Missile while using Unload. If you are in an interrupt heavy situation and know its coming, work your rotation around it. On HM Kephess I'll throw in my free attack more when my interrupt turn in coming up. Or just a quick Esc then Disabling shot.

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Jump and hit interrupt.


The only thing that will screw you is funnily enough your own default attack, rapid shots.


That's an interruptible channel by you or anyone else, if you've just done that when a 1s cast bar you need to stop comes up you can't do anything. Your interrupt will be queued after your rapid shots.

Edited by Gyronamics
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When Mele jump to you your spell is interrupted the instant they cast the ability. Even if they jump from 30m away your spell is interrupted before their feet even leave the ground to leap at you. AND THEN THEY HAVE A HARD INTERRUPT ON TOP OF THAT! And lets not even go into the fact that Mele can spec into immunity to CC and Knock-backs after a jump.


I don't even think giving us an 80m range could make up for how weak we are in PVP now.


Why does our interrupt have to suck?

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