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Resilience should be looked into


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If you want to nerf their damage I wont shed a tear but they will have to give back some of the 35% armor they lost and maybe some self heals but again just what I think as I only run the spec for rateds and its so damm boring I cant stand it anymore.[/Q


This is a bit off subject

Doublebladed lightsaber is a two handed weapon- so higher base damage

Shadowtanks trade higher base damage for heavy armour

shadow dps trade higher base bamage for light armour and no off hand weapon

As for calling the skill set OP the resiliance a dps shadow has as skill because bioware felt that all TANK capable classes should have the same basic skills, taunts and cooldowns. The tank tree buffs a the skill to make it a good utility, and the 3'sec base skill is almost useless in many instances. What is next spinning kick is op from its sheer awesomes out side of stealth?

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