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rage/focus out of control?


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Oh I bet you do you sneaky bastards :D I thinking about rolling one just to learn the class a bit more. Sins are the most problematic class to deal in WZ.

Oh yes I do :)

I suggest for you to start with darkness (dps gear for lvling and pvp ofc), as deception is rather gear demanding and crit depending spec, while darkness is forgiving and utility giving, but both are superb after getting used to.

I bet you will not go back to your Marauder he he, I could pvp on asa all day long.

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Oh yes I do :)

I suggest for you to start with darkness (dps gear for lvling and pvp ofc), as deception is rather gear demanding and crit depending spec, while darkness is forgiving and utility giving, but both are superb after getting used to.

I bet you will not go back to your Marauder he he, I could pvp on asa all day long.


Thanks for tips.


I'm actually playing a focus Guardian ;)

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First I thought you should have no idea of the class. Then I saw ur signature.


Seriously, if u arent a complete noob u can see the huge difference of this spec now. Before the patch it was a good spec, but you were always out of focus/rage (marauder/sentinel POV), now its just ridiculous because its almost impossible to run out of focus/rage which means you can smash almost all the time now because of the free stacks and faster CD on smash, oh and beside that more armor penetration, YEA A SLIGHT CHANGE gg noob marauder


its not a coincidence that u meet a lot of smashers nowdays in ranked, its because the spec is fking OP now, an aoe smash spec shouldnt have the highest single target damage aswell, and that's what happened with the changes


if you have played the spec before the patch and now, you should know what I am talking about, its kinda sad that bioware doesnt even realise what they've done -> almost 90% of sentinels/marauders + a big amount of juggs/guardians changed to focus/rage in 1.4, GJ


I can say Soldat is definitely not a noob... he's is however a pain in the *** to kill on his jug. ;) GG's in rated last night.


Anyways... first, it is NOT the highest single target DPS by any means. Pyro and Carnage still hold that title. And while the spec MAY be a little over the top. I feel as it's the same case with Pyro PT's and why they got called for so many nerfs. Smash spec really isn't too crazy. You see a lot of them for the same reason you see a lot of PT's. It's easy... and as most of us are aware most of the players in this game are not very good so they're capitalizing on a spec that's capable of easy mode DPS. The marauders I know... including myself can put up similar numbers in all 3 specs. In a 1v1 fight... I'd much rather be up against a rage warrior.


In short... it's really no better or worse than the other specs. Here's how they play in competitive PvP.


1. Annihilation: Probably the worst spec for rated but by far the highest survivability.

2. Carnage: By far the highest single target DPS spec, I call it the healer hunter spec. And the most viable for rated.

3. Rage: Great AOE burst and similar survivability. While it's less viable as a healer hunter spec the good AOE burst is great for making a healers job more difficult. Probably the worst 1v1 spec for marauders, which leaves a rage marauder in the large fights and out of trying to solo a node or door.


All of this is skill pending, but this is how they break down from my experience. While of course you can 1v1 someone in rage spec... against a marauder of equal skill running one of the other 2 specs I would definitely put my money on the others.


All opinion of course but the point is.... they are NOT the highest single target DPS. And they are popular because they are simple. Much like Pyro PT, someone who was mid tier DPS before can be a little higher on the leader board with rage. However, in the right hands... there will be little difference between a skilled marauder of any spec.


Only mentioned marauders since I do not have a level 50 juggernaut.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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What I find funny is when I see most of the complaints about concealment OPs/ Scrapper Scoundrels come from marauders/sentinels. Nothing I love more than taking one of these guys out.


I like 1v1'ing marauders on my sorc... because I know the class so well it's almost always really easy. A good carnage marauder can be tough but I think I surprise most of them. They either leave me alone after that or bring a friend. Either way... that's when it gets really fun. :D

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I like 1v1'ing marauders on my sorc... because I know the class so well it's almost always really easy. A good carnage marauder can be tough but I think I surprise most of them. They either leave me alone after that or bring a friend. Either way... that's when it gets really fun. :D


I learned how to do it by playing my marauder. One concealment operative came and owned me several times in a row. You get some attention though as I have noticed if there is more than one leaper in the warzone. You come out of stealth and suddenly it's like a bunch of fleas on white sticky paper.

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They are definitely not op if you play optimally against them. However w/ that said, would say more than any other class they punish teams that that don’t adapt apropriately, almost to the point of absolute absurdity.. which is definitely kinda a problem, especially at lower-levels of play. Anyone have a level 40+ jug in lowbie? Have you ever wiped the entire opposing team off the field while on voidstar.... defense? Its definitely possible.. and hilarious..
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Overrated in my opinion. People are focusing way too much on total damage in a warzone. Most of these big numbers are put up by a decent rage jugg in voidstar against a team of idiots just inviting smash after smash.


Personally I think vengeance is the better all round spec, seems to have more flexibility imo, but I'm sure there are lots of players who will prefer the other way round.

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I used to think that carnage had the best single target burst with bladerush ps masterstroke bladestorm, however, after using singularity, masterstroke, sweep, bladestorm I'm leaning more toward focus for single target.. as for vig being better than focus... Vigilance seems extremely weak no matter whothey're working with against 2-3 sweepers and supplemental dps like an assassin and sniper.. imagine trying to ff a guarded healer and 2 smashers land on your head and take you and your melee buddy's to a third of your life... Ok sohat doesn't work, now imagine trying to chase down a good. Key word good. Focus Mara/jugg? Then you're making their job that much easier by trailing along for every smash they lay down..
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Teams still que for rated's on the Bastion? Interesting.


We played members of Bad Company last night. Also since Don't Panic and MVP have taken a break/gone inactive... whatever. Seems like more guilds are queuing lately.


Played a few guilds I've never even seen before lately.

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I used to think that carnage had the best single target burst with bladerush ps masterstroke bladestorm, however, after using singularity, masterstroke, sweep, bladestorm I'm leaning more toward focus for single target.. as for vig being better than focus... Vigilance seems extremely weak no matter whothey're working with against 2-3 sweepers and supplemental dps like an assassin and sniper.. imagine trying to ff a guarded healer and 2 smashers land on your head and take you and your melee buddy's to a third of your life... Ok sohat doesn't work, now imagine trying to chase down a good. Key word good. Focus Mara/jugg? Then you're making their job that much easier by trailing along for every smash they lay down..
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I used to think that carnage had the best single target burst with bladerush ps masterstroke bladestorm, however, after using singularity, masterstroke, sweep, bladestorm I'm leaning more toward focus for single target.. as for vig being better than focus... Vigilance seems extremely weak no matter whothey're working with against 2-3 sweepers and supplemental dps like an assassin and sniper.. imagine trying to ff a guarded healer and 2 smashers land on your head and take you and your melee buddy's to a third of your life... Ok sohat doesn't work, now imagine trying to chase down a good. Key word good. Focus Mara/jugg? Then you're making their job that much easier by trailing along for every smash they lay down..
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As a tank they are the most painful class spec to deal with. I'm a full war hero guardian tank and they crit me in the mid 4ks, which I think is an absurd amount to hit a geared tank for but I can soak that hit easily enough, the problem when dealing with them as a tank is that you aren't the target of that smash/force sweep, it is the healer you are guarding two feet away from you, I'm not sure how much damage they take from the spec but people here seem to be throwing out the 6k number so bam that's 7k damage to me as a tank and my healer just got walloped for another 3k, which is manageable if it was the only guy hitting us but that is never the case, I do always try to use my taunts on the rage/focus specs to mitigate the damage further but really all it takes is the other team having two of these guys come at my healer and me and the healer and I are going down fast, so I guess that is enjoyable for all the people that play dps classes what with the insta getting rid of the tank and the healer but for those of us that play support classes these guys just render us useless. Edited by Lintman
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How does everyone feel about these guys? I personally have a juggernaut that's been shelved for a while possibly thinking of dusting it off...but lately I've been seeing tons of rage/focus specs just spamming smash the whole match...it's getting rather annoying.


they do a lot of dmg, and every once in a while, you get some W-T-F? dmg (usually multiple smashes at same time). however, I don't have much difficulty kiting juggs. the only ones I can't insta punt/stun are the harmless tanks, iirc.

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