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Gunnery keybind advice?


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Hello! I'm just starting up a new DPS Commando and I was hoping to get some advice on which abilities to keybind.


I can comfortably deal with about 12 keybinds (not counting the movement keys, CC break, or interrupt).


As I'm only level 18 now, I don't have all the abilities that I'll ultimately be using; but I'm hoping to get my foundation set now so that I can easily add those other abilities as I learn them.


I know I'll need:

-Full Auto

-High Impact Bolt

-Demolition Round

-Grav Round

-Hammer Shot


For AoE, I suspect I'll want

-Mortar Volley

-Hail of Bullets

-Plasma Grenade


That leaves me with 4 keys to play with. I'm thinking Concussion Charge and Sticky Grenade. Maybe Charged Bolts depending on how my rotation evolves. Perhaps a couple heals for those emergency situations. Any suggestions on frequently used abilities that I've missed?

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if this is from a PVE perspective:


you don't need charged bolts at all once you get grav round (for PVP, it's useful after getting interrupted though)

your single-target rotation looks good. that's exactly what i use (along with reserve powercell + plasma grenade, see below)


once you get to 50 and get your set bonuses, you will need sticky grenade and/or stockstrike for all the extra ammo you'll have. i personally don't use stockstrike at all and opt for just sticky grenade (although stockstrike does more damage), because on its own against AOE pulls, sticky grenade is very good


and in fact, for your AOE rotation, i would start with sticky grenade > plasma grenade > mortar volley > pulse cannon > hail of bolts


also don't forget that you have advanced medical probe for a cheap, quick heal when you need it (and gunnery allows you the option of using charged barrel to reduce its activation instead of pump up your high impact bolt)


you'll also have two long cd moves: tech override and reserve powercell that you'll get much later. they remove the cast time and ammo cost of an ability, respectively.

they're not as good as other classes' similar moves, but they are still very useful.

you could use both together for a free instant heal with medical probe.

reserve powercell is good for AOE pulls by making plasma grenade / mortar volley / pulse cannon / hail of bolts free

i use it in a single-target rotation with plasma grenade because it does the most single-target damage for commandos (albeit with the huge ammo cost, so i don't recommend using it without RP)

i generally use tech override at the beginning of the fight to get a grav round out as soon as possible and start regenerating ammo immediately. also if it's up in the middle of the fight when i have to move to avoid some mechanic.


cryo grenade (our stun. it's only got a 10m range now, but it's still very useful)


reactive shield (long cooldown defensive buff, and very important: reduces all dmg by 25% for 12s)


diversion, concussion charge, consussive round, and recharge cells are also very useful, but they could perhaps be clickable off to the side instead of keybinded to a specific key

Edited by oaceen
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I use 32 keybinds currently.


1 )Hammershot

2 )Reserve Powercell

3 )Full Auto

4 )Mortar Volley

5 )Hail of Bolts

6 )Sticky Grenade

7 )Plasma Grenade

8 )Medical Probe

9 )Recharge Cells

0 )Reactive Shield

- )Buff (not needed to be keybound but needs to be clickable)

= )Recharge and Reload (same)

V ) Stock Strike

E ) Pulse Cannon (in PVE you DEFINITELY want this)

F ) High Impact Bolt

R ) Demo Round

T ) Grav Round

Q ) Concussion Charge

B ) Cryo Grenade

H ) Advanced Medical Probe

U ) CC Breaker

Y ) Distraction

O ) Pass Hutt Ball (used to be my relic

P ) Adrenal

[ ) Concussion Round

] ) Interrupt

\ ) Medpack

; ) Quick Travel (not necessary to be keybound

' ) Cleanse

, ) Tech Override

. ) Reserver Powercell (yes again. Shutup)

J ) Adrenaline Rush


Now some of that is suboptimal now, but my keybinds have become so ingrained that I'm not going to change them now since it would take longer to relearn a more optimal layout. Since we're stationary this hasn't been an issue much, but on my other classes that need to move more (like my shadow in PVP) I've strived to keep things more streamlined for running and gunning. I'm pretty sure I use all of those at various times, so I'm loathe to unbind them.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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  • 2 weeks later...

I only PvE, and these are my keybinds:

1 through =: Hammer Shots, Demo Round, Disrupting Shot (formerly stockstrike), Full Auto, Sticky Grenade, HIB, Plasma Grenade, Grav Round, Hail of Bolts, Mortar Volley, Cryo Grenade, Reactive Shield

F1 through F12: Concussive Charge, Pulse Cannon, Concussive Round, Tech Override, Blitz, Diversion, Adrenaline Rush, Reserve Powercell, Recharge Cells, Field Aid, Medical Probe, Advanced Medical Probe

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I have interrupt and huttball bound on mouse.... aaand thats it.


Ok also target swapping bound to scroll (no one targets faster than me :D)


Everything else I fire off as a burst package between movement or I queue up.


For anything individual there's 1.44 seconds and that's ages.


Surely having a massive number of binds defeats the point of having the binds

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  • 3 weeks later...
I use 32 keybinds currently.


1 )Hammershot

2 )Reserve Powercell

3 )Full Auto

4 )Mortar Volley

5 )Hail of Bolts

6 )Sticky Grenade

7 )Plasma Grenade

8 )Medical Probe

9 )Recharge Cells

0 )Reactive Shield

- )Buff (not needed to be keybound but needs to be clickable)

= )Recharge and Reload (same)

V ) Stock Strike

E ) Pulse Cannon (in PVE you DEFINITELY want this)

F ) High Impact Bolt

R ) Demo Round

T ) Grav Round

Q ) Concussion Charge

B ) Cryo Grenade

H ) Advanced Medical Probe

U ) CC Breaker

Y ) Distraction

O ) Pass Hutt Ball (used to be my relic

P ) Adrenal

[ ) Concussion Round

] ) Interrupt

\ ) Medpack

; ) Quick Travel (not necessary to be keybound

' ) Cleanse

, ) Tech Override

. ) Reserver Powercell (yes again. Shutup)

J ) Adrenaline Rush


Now some of that is suboptimal now, but my keybinds have become so ingrained that I'm not going to change them now since it would take longer to relearn a more optimal layout. Since we're stationary this hasn't been an issue much, but on my other classes that need to move more (like my shadow in PVP) I've strived to keep things more streamlined for running and gunning. I'm pretty sure I use all of those at various times, so I'm loathe to unbind them.


i use 1-= for the first bar and q-] for the second and the key that get unbound like legacy i just rebind lower, but i put tech override and reserve power cell next to each other for fast clicking together at the start of a fight as my 3rd gav round before hib(which for me is free) and demo round or to drop a plasma nade if its all trash mobs

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