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Looking for PvP Groups


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There aren't a lot that PvP in my guild and I find myself mostly solo queuing. I don't have an interest in joining another guild, but I am looking for some groups to PvP with. I'd like to build up my friends list with folks willing to group up and I'd love to finally get into some rated PvP.


I have 4 lvl 50's that I PvP with currently and if I'm online and not raiding I'd love to get into a group.

Tann'se(republic,scoundrel) - healer- Mix of BM/War Hero. Only a small handful healers out there that can outheal me currently..I'd love the make that number shrink after finishing out my gear!


Siir(republic,sentinel) - focus/watchmen hybrid - Mix of BM/War Hero. Used to play Combat but switched to try something new. Probably end up back at Combat at some point.


Atone(republic,sage) - swap between heals and hybrid dps - Recruit w/ War Hero Ear/Offhand, BM Main/Hands/Feet


Rees(Imp,Powertech) - tank - mix of Recruit/BM/War Hero

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Your best bet for ranked PvP as a solo is "kickball". Hex, Guerilla, and Mandalorians have all been kind enough to host these events where 16 players try to form balanced teams and queue against each other. It's great fun and the RWZ comms are nice too. I think Mandalorians are trying to get a weekly event going but I don't know if that's meant to be public info so I can't say when.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've not had any luck...it's getting frustrating that PvP has basically turned into PuGs made of single and double queued people getting rolled over by 1 or 2 groups of 4 man premades. I tried playing both sides last night and it was either getting stomped on the Pub side by Empire and/or Guerilla premade while I was with 3-4 mostly recruit players, or the same experience against Azure Blades from the imp side. Bioware really needs an intelligent matchmaking system in place rather than the FIFO method they seem to use. Ideally AB and Empire/Guerilla would have been getting matched against each other and the several solo PuGs should have been getting matched up. Maybe I was just unlucky, but I only had one or two matches out of about 15 between both faction last night that I got put on a team w/ a chance of being competitive.
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<<I've not had any luck...it's getting frustrating that PvP has basically turned into PuGs made of single and double queued people getting rolled over by 1 or 2 groups of 4 man premades. I tried playing both sides last night and it was either getting stomped on the Pub side by Empire and/or Guerilla premade while I was with 3-4 mostly recruit players, or the same experience against Azure Blades from the imp side. Bioware really needs an intelligent matchmaking system in place rather than the FIFO method they seem to use. Ideally AB and Empire/Guerilla would have been getting matched against each other and the several solo PuGs should have been getting matched up. Maybe I was just unlucky, but I only had one or two matches out of about 15 between both faction last night that I got put on a team w/ a chance of being competitive.>>



You were not unlucky. I queue up solo most times and this is exactly my experience. It's not very fun. It is very rare I get a PUG v PUG game, which I find far more enjoyable.

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The truth of the matter is premades have just about ruined warzones, like they did on smaller servers before the merge. That's not to say people shouldn't be allowed to queue together, but when premades get matched against PUGs regularly, solo queuers lose the incentive to queue... meaning its even more likely the solo queuers still left end up facing a premade.


Until you're left with the same few stacked premades queueing against each other, with no room for the solo queuer to find a niche for himself, meaning less warzone population overall.


I've played both sides of the coin, solo queue and premade, and while its fun to stomp someone when you have a good team put together, it gets old. I'd rather all games be solo queue, have it be a coin flip who you get paired with, and wind up with competitive games most of the time, than the current system, which is excluding those who want to just hop in and queue if they hope to be at all competitive. A lot of us don't want to feel forced to join a PvP guild to always have a full premade available any time of the day.


All that being said, the only option you really have at this point if you want to regularly PvP AND win games, is to join one of said PvP guilds.

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I've played both sides of the coin, solo queue and premade, and while its fun to stomp someone when you have a good team put together, it gets old. I'd rather all games be solo queue, have it be a coin flip who you get paired with, and wind up with competitive games most of the time, than the current system, which is excluding those who want to just hop in and queue if they hope to be at all competitive. A lot of us don't want to feel forced to join a PvP guild to always have a full premade available any time of the day.


All that being said, the only option you really have at this point if you want to regularly PvP AND win games, is to join one of said PvP guilds.


I agree 100 %. But, I usually don't do guilds due to my erratic schedule (less so lately) where I would be two or three weeks out of town (i.e. no computer access) and then home for a couple. So, I am left with the solo queue which gets very discouraging. And to be fair, I dont' like being WITH a premade against another PUG and stomping them either. I usually try to encourage the group I am with not to THREE cap and leave the defenders with a chance to at least win some defensive medals.

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The truth of the matter is premades have just about ruined warzones, like they did on smaller servers before the merge. That's not to say people shouldn't be allowed to queue together, but when premades get matched against PUGs regularly, solo queuers lose the incentive to queue... meaning its even more likely the solo queuers still left end up facing a premade.


Until you're left with the same few stacked premades queueing against each other, with no room for the solo queuer to find a niche for himself, meaning less warzone population overall.


I've played both sides of the coin, solo queue and premade, and while its fun to stomp someone when you have a good team put together, it gets old. I'd rather all games be solo queue, have it be a coin flip who you get paired with, and wind up with competitive games most of the time, than the current system, which is excluding those who want to just hop in and queue if they hope to be at all competitive. A lot of us don't want to feel forced to join a PvP guild to always have a full premade available any time of the day.


All that being said, the only option you really have at this point if you want to regularly PvP AND win games, is to join one of said PvP guilds.


+1, solo queuers are currently getting shafted.

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