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How is CM these days?


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I dunno, what was wrong with CM.


I spec to get daily fp over with faster since there's more demand for healers than dps.


Can also heal through HM ops up to denova HM. Haven't tried TFB because we have too many full time healers now and I've never needed to step in.


It has solid single target heals and the kolto bomb now hits 4 players and crits for 3-4k which is nice.


It's less pitch a tent and heal from it like a sage and it's more heal on demand than a scoundrel.

Edited by Gyronamics
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So I recently came back to the game and I started up a trooper again. My original character was Combat Medic and was enjoying it, but when CM went to the dogs, I spec'd dps. Has CM gotten any better or would it be better if I went Vanguard?


Depends on what you want to do with yourself :p There are plenty of people saying that CM is useless in PvP and PvE -- it has some merit, but it isn't nearly as broken and melodramatic as people on these forums would have you believe. Its a strong healing build that is best at healing single targets but begins to struggle the more people they are responsible for. It arguably has a higher skill floor than the other healing classes.


As for DPS, in PvE you're good to go. Gunnery remains one of the best DPS in PvE -- mainly because they don't get ganked like they do in PvP. I'd say DPS Gunnery in PvP is way more handicapped than Combat Medic, but that's just me. If you are looking to be a full-time DPS in PvP though, I'd highly recommend the change to Vanguard. Vanguard was nerfed recently, however, so the difference between Commando and Vanguard Assault Spec is now range v. burst, respectively.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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reroll Vanguard thats the only way to go if you have a commando, sad but true, the forum trolls will try to convince u otherwise


Haters gotta hate...


Disclaimer: I only PVE

I love my CM, but it comes down to your play style.


Other people have said it true though, tougher for lower skilled CM's to get by than their counterparts on other healers. And takes a special person and some serious attention to your gear to compete at the top end.

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CM got balanced. As did all healing. Personally I love the class, people who claim it is not a viable class just need to man up. Yes that is a call to L2p. Yes it was ez mode before. But the changes help distinguish the strong from the weak. People are complaining that the healing beam screws them in PvP. I say if they are smart they are going to target you anyways, so it does not matter.
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CM got balanced. As did all healing. Personally I love the class, people who claim it is not a viable class just need to man up. Yes that is a call to L2p. Yes it was ez mode before. But the changes help distinguish the strong from the weak. People are complaining that the healing beam screws them in PvP. I say if they are smart they are going to target you anyways, so it does not matter.


what? DPS commando in PVP is a joke and healer isnt that much better also, everyone knows this , what planet did you come from?

Edited by xxIncubixx
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Haters gotta hate...


Disclaimer: I only PVE

I love my CM, but it comes down to your play style.


Other people have said it true though, tougher for lower skilled CM's to get by than their counterparts on other healers. And takes a special person and some serious attention to your gear to compete at the top end.


PVE sure but for PvP playing a commando or mercenary is just ... painful and broken

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PVE sure but for PvP playing a commando or mercenary is just ... painful and broken

Dusted off my lvl 30 commando and specced him for heals. It was a horrible experience. I had 4 jumping monkeys on me as soon they saw the green beam of death. I think I managed to output 80-130k healing. I almost selfheal as well on my tank assassin. Specced back to gunnery and at least I had a fighting chance. Maybe I'll give healing spec a try again at level 40.

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Good Combat medic/ healing merc are nearly unkillable in PvP and can heal and keep their group up without any problem. That being said, they dont stand in plain view and try to position themselves so they can see their team, and hide from the other team.


The green beam is one of the most dangerous thing to do. It simply say to the other team follow the light im hidding here! No need to point them out where you are, even if you are marked or they know you are healing, no need to help them out by pointing them to your location.


The green beam is not your main heal ability, its something to heal when you dont have ammo anymore.

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You SHOULD be able to use your free heal (GBoD) without it being a suicide signal since that's the only way your spec is able to function as a healer when you're low on ammo (which happens all too quickly & easily btw), and it's the only way to build up your CSC charges when you've reached that point. I mean really. You should also be able in insta-cast it on yourself imo.
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So I recently came back to the game and I started up a trooper again. My original character was Combat Medic and was enjoying it, but when CM went to the dogs, I spec'd dps. Has CM gotten any better or would it be better if I went Vanguard?


I just recently came back too, but before I quit playing several months ago, I was in the best Rep pvp guild on the server, and I did fine as a CM in our RWZ games.


From what I've read of the 1.4 notes, CM got buffed, so I imagine that healing has gotten even better now.


But ya, the green beam of death still hasn't been fixed and I really wish they would because it's just dumb.

Edited by Smashbrother
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I switched to CM after 1.4 launch, been a great experience seeing that DPS Commando went down the drain.


It's fun going into WZ's and it takes about the entire enemy team to kill me or to stun-lock me to death. I once had a 3 min constant heal myself/team when I was under attack by 3 Imperial players. :cool::D

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So I recently came back to the game and I started up a trooper again. My original character was Combat Medic and was enjoying it, but when CM went to the dogs, I spec'd dps. Has CM gotten any better or would it be better if I went Vanguard?


Okay here is my simple answer :

COmabt Medic is very strong in pvp. Gunnery is very strong in pve. Vanguard is amazing melee dps in pve and pvp. Vanguard tank is bad in pvp but good in pve.

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