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Sail barges


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Bioware has given us a preview of how new areas will be added to planets. The Black Hole is reached by shuttle. Section X will be reached the same way. All planets can benefit from a new area. I would like to see an area added that has a couple sail barges. I think that the place that makes the most sense to have them (and already has a couple) is Nar Shaddaa.


Most Star Wars games have levels where the scenery is whipping by and you move along a ship. How bout an area on Nar Shaddaa that is free for all PvP on a moving sail barge! This may be totally out of the question with the game engine but a free for all PvP area on Nar Shaddaa would be great.


Pretty much I'm in favor of any use a sail barges.

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Bioware has given us a preview of how new areas will be added to planets. The Black Hole is reached by shuttle. Section X will be reached the same way. All planets can benefit from a new area. I would like to see an area added that has a couple sail barges. I think that the place that makes the most sense to have them (and already has a couple) is Nar Shaddaa.


Most Star Wars games have levels where the scenery is whipping by and you move along a ship. How bout an area on Nar Shaddaa that is free for all PvP on a moving sail barge! This may be totally out of the question with the game engine but a free for all PvP area on Nar Shaddaa would be great.


Pretty much I'm in favor of any use a sail barges.


I actually hope and would like for if they were to do that to the Origin Worlds that are accessible to Players who have completed Chapter 3 [or whatever] could go to which would have quests or whatever that reflect stuff that have been done in previous chapters



For example: Agent's can kill Fa'athra and one of the Companion Quest's of the Doc Companion [Jedi Knight Companion] informs the player that Nim'ro had been killed or died (iirc), so having a new area on Hutta that would have the Sith Imperial Player gain favor with a new Hutt or whatever would be nice. Cause as it is, going to Hutta as an Agent who had killed Fa'athra and seeing Nim'ro still feuding with Fa'athra's people after Fa'athra had died seams a tad strange.


I mean, I know that things can't be changed because it is an Origin World, but at the same time, still.


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... Pretty much I'm in favor of any use a sail barges.


Great idea!


I've always thought that either an Operation that takes place on sail barges over a Sarlacc Pit or a Warzone area that does would be awesome.


Think about the strategy involved with leaping to people on other barges. Or trying to get to some control that would "launch" you over to a different barge, or pushing people off if they leave themselves in a poor position, a la Boba Fett. :D


I think that entire concept could have tons of applications.


Or perhaps have something like Han saving Lando. Maybe, if in a Warzone, one of your teammates got knocked into/fell off into the Pit, there would be some kind of mechanic where another player could try to save them. Maybe they would have to "make themselves prone," or possibly just like they do now with planting a bomb on a door in Voidstar. If they don't get it started in a few seconds, too bad, you die for a certain amount of time.

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