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Dodge doesn't work


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I could be wrong on this, but there are 4 types of attacks. As you can see on your character sheet, you have tabs for Ranged, Melee, Tech and Force. Dodge protects you only from the first two types.


Also I only read about it, never tested it - but Dodge is supposed to give you 100 % extra Defense chance. Which means that if that puts your Defense around 105 %, someone with 106+ % Accuracy can still have a chance to land a hit with Melee/Ranged.

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Also I only read about it, never tested it - but Dodge is supposed to give you 100 % extra Defense chance. Which means that if that puts your Defense around 105 %, someone with 106+ % Accuracy can still have a chance to land a hit with Melee/Ranged.


Good point... so if a sniper pops "target acquired" to increase accuracy by 30% it may even go through dodge...

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Dodge is mainly useful against....other snipers/gunslingers. Though it also counters ravage/masterstrike, maras/sents have too many other abilities it doesn't stop and in any case it only last what, 5 seconds if specced?
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In my experience, there are very few times I've found it helpful, mostly against other snipers/gunslingers, where it can be useful either against Ambush/mirror equivalent, or Takedown if your health is low. Occasionally I can survive long enough by using it to get healed.


Most classes either aren't affected by it or have skills they can use to bypass it. (Even on my sniper, if I see someone else use it I'll try to toss explosive probe on them and then detonate it as soon as Dodge wears off, or throw a frag grenade to set it off).


Other than that, it's a nice slightly greenish bubble to die in, I guess.

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OK so dodge isn't that good. I guess I have an argument for those sentinels and marauders that claim I have an equal defense to them.. too bad


It's pretty good, but it's nothing like the sent/mara "lol you can't hurt me" ridiculousness, and any of them who compare it are showig their ignorance.


Having said that, don't be too quick to correct them, best to let them continue thinking you are invulnerable. That way they stop hitting you with any ability when they see the green glow, including ones that might actually hurt. Ignorant opponents are less of a threat. ;)

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Evasion is for 100% "Weapon Based Attacks"

Force Shroud is for 100% "Tech and Force attacks" (tooltip error)


Difference is according to game files. Evasion gives 100% defense which can be mitigated by certain CD like sniper's CD with massive accuracy bonus. But Force Shroud gives 200% defense to the Tech and Force which is true "immune" unless attacker has 200+% tech/force accuracy which is impossible to obtain in game.

Edited by warultima
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Thought I could use it to counter a mara's undying rage and still have a chance to level the playing field...Nope... to be quite frank, with how terribly squishy snipers and gunslingers are, I don't see the harm in changing it from dodge chance to defense chance.
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OK so dodge isn't that good. I guess I have an argument for those sentinels and marauders that claim I have an equal defense to them.. too bad


I completely agree with you. Every time I activate it, it's like nothing happened. Instant death afterwards. No joke, I don't think I have EVER noticed an advantage.

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I completely agree with you. Every time I activate it, it's like nothing happened. Instant death afterwards. No joke, I don't think I have EVER noticed an advantage.


First, it's not undying rage in the least.


If you're using it as an emergency cooldown ****-almost-dead, you're using it badly. Dodge is extremely useful against marauders and snipers' big attacks. (And against PT's railshot if you see their proc). Use it when you see the big white damage attack, not because you're sure you're about to die. You're generally better off mitigating on the front end than the back end. Occasionally healers will pull off amazing rescues, but generally they triage and someone really low on health is unlikely to be a priority unless everyone else is in good shape. You haven't bought yourself time to recover and do anything effective in your remaining lifespan.


Thankfully, marauders' ravage and sniper's ambush/cull are both superobvious. You see a target on your head, you dodge. If you see a marauder launch their ravage/MS (the animation is really exaggerated), dodge. Nothing better than to see a n enemy channel the whole ravage uselessly.


With shield probe, again, don't start it when you see yourself really dropping. Use it to absorb the front end of the attack. You'll have it off cooldown to use again sooner.

Edited by stringcat
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OK so dodge isn't that good. I guess I have an argument for those sentinels and marauders that claim I have an equal defense to them.. too bad


no. it pretty much sucks (compared to other dcds that work by percent dmg or compared to shroud)

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Which means that if that puts your Defense around 105 %, someone with 106+ % Accuracy can still have a chance to land a hit with Melee/Ranged.


No one is really going to have accuracy that high. It starts at 90% and people who use it get it to 100%. If you go higher like to 106%, your surge will be 60-65% and it will be a gimped build.


And also, if you have 10% defense and I have 105% accuracy, it lowers my accuracy to 95%. If you had 105% defense and I had a standard 110% acc, my accuracy would be lowered to 5% and I'd miss almost every single ranged attack.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Thanks everyone for the clarification. I have been told numerous times on these forums that I shouldn't complain about Marauders defenses because I have dodge to which I was incredulous because they seemed nothing alike though the description may lead one to believe it would be quite good.


I really do think that many Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors have no idea what other classes have to go through and they often distort the facts and deflect to stay kings of the hill in this game.

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I really do think that many Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors have no idea what other classes have to go through and they often distort the facts and deflect to stay kings of the hill in this game.


I don't know that it's based in some subtle conspracy to retain an edge, but I think you're right that people who play one class don't understand, and tend to dismiss, difficulties others face. When all they know is playing a Marauder, they have no frame of reference to understand another class has a much tougher time.

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Defense isn't that hot since so many things ignore it, types of attacks but also crits. Sucks for defensive builds which have to rely more on defensive CDs than high defense chances. That's why most juggs go for DPS gear instead of tank gear. At least that's what I've read.
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Defense isn't that hot since so many things ignore it, types of attacks but also crits. Sucks for defensive builds which have to rely more on defensive CDs than high defense chances. That's why most juggs go for DPS gear instead of tank gear. At least that's what I've read.


Are you sure that defense is negated by crits? The two roll system should be hit vs dodge for the first roll and crit vs non crit vs shield the second one. Shield is negated by crit, but auto crits are still dodgeable.

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Are you sure that defense is negated by crits? The two roll system should be hit vs dodge for the first roll and crit vs non crit vs shield the second one. Shield is negated by crit, but auto crits are still dodgeable.


That's probably right. Still learning the terminology but guide after guide says the defense stat is not that hot.

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