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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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I have always been a staunch anti-premade guy... and still am in unranked and/or solo queue WZs due to the advantage it provides, BUT, heres the thing... taking all the BS and trash talk out of it, the reality is that this game no longer has the population to work with multiple queues. People are already freaking out about queue times, splitting the pool even further would only make that far worse.


Now IF they removed the "Queue as group" option from unranked that would help as it would eliminate the need and level the playing field, but i suspect a few people would lose their minds over that as well.


At this point i would almost suggest everyone get in groups and try to balance it out but hat would kill growth as new players getting steamrolled by groups are certainly not going to queue again anytime soon.


Bottom line, its a giant carp sandwich, take a bite


^this. Take out the queue as group option in unranked and I think things will get a little better

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On TRE in lowbies it is getting to the point where I quit more games than I play. Very frustrating.


Edit: And another one. That was 3 out of the last 4 and the 4th being QB that I don't play. So great.


i hit midbies on my sorc 2 about weeks ago. didn't find lowbies bad. maybe quit 2-3 wzs throughout 10-40. saw a few premades, but not in the real sense of the word. usually 2-3 ppl from guilds (scare bears, dark crusaders for example) grouped, but rarely in fotm composition. had a loss rate of maybe 20% and i wasn't grouped at any time.

much more frustrating if you roll a republic toon atm.

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The fun of a Multiplayer game is playing with friends


If you take the group queue away you will kill off the rest of the pvp community. I have seen this before... take it from someone that has been playing MMO games for 15 years now.


Sometimes it can be frustrating pugs against premades but what would be the fix? just implement the below and all will go well


1) Make sure that only 1 full group joins a team so you dont get double premades


2) make sure that you equally share the healers and tanks

I have been in games that the enemy team has 2 tanks 3 healers and my team none.....


Dunnot remove the premades in pvp servers



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The fun of a Multiplayer game is playing with friends


If you take the group queue away you will kill off the rest of the pvp community. I have seen this before... take it from someone that has been playing MMO games for 15 years now.


Sometimes it can be frustrating pugs against premades but what would be the fix? just implement the below and all will go well


1) Make sure that only 1 full group joins a team so you dont get double premades


2) make sure that you equally share the healers and tanks

I have been in games that the enemy team has 2 tanks 3 healers and my team none.....


Dunnot remove the premades in pvp servers




There's also guilds that run 8 man premades in regs.

Technically they count as a single premade since they aren't queue syncing.


An 8 man premade with VOIP would make short work of 99% of pugs.

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95% players grouping not for a challenge, for easy wins to feel better then they are and the most MMO's allow it. Deal with it. If u tired get rekt by premades, find a guild and que toogether.

Korean playstile conversely preffer solo play, but its different story.

Edited by helpmewin
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95% players grouping not for a challenge, for easy wins and the most MMO's allow it. Deal with it. If u tired get rekt by premades, find a guild and que toogether.


Again, if the only way to be viable is to queue in a group then remove solo queues.

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No, just get friends and join a guild.

It's simple.


There is a group ranked who want challenge, there is que grp who want easy wins and there is solo q who want it. Game for everyone. Why should i try to find someone to play PvP if i don't want? I played every aspect in this game RWZ, grp ranked arenas, PVE raids e.t.c. Game for me is few wz-s and mb solo ranked matches. Mb some guys should get a life?

Edited by helpmewin
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There is a group ranked who want challenge, there is que grp who want easy wins and there is solo q who want it. Game for everyone. Why should i try to find someone to play PvP if i don't want? I played every aspect in this game RWZ, grp ranked arenas, PVE raids e.t.c. Game for me atm is few wz-s and mb solo ranked matches. Mb some guys should have a life?


The problem is that people who group to optimize their team composition are ruining the game for people who solo queue.


So say I got home from work and want to play some pvp. but I can't because FOTM premade comps and smashing everything into the ground. I log off and play something else.


Thankfully I only feel obligated to play this garbage for one more day.

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The problem is that people who group to optimize their team composition are ruining the game for people who solo queue.


So say I got home from work and want to play some pvp. but I can't because FOTM premade comps and smashing everything into the ground. I log off and play something else.


Thankfully I only feel obligated to play this garbage for one more day.


I think its devs problem to do some balance and not players who abuse it? Devs fixing FOTM for monthes and sometimes years as smash maras for example. This is the main reason why PvP-rs quit, not all are FOTM re-rollers, someone just like their specs/classes. But seems devs think about $$$ form CM stuff.

Edited by helpmewin
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I think its devs problem to do some balance and not players who abuse it? Devs fixing FOTM for monthes and sometimes years as smash maras for example. This is the main reason why PvP-rs quit, not all are FOTM re-rollers, someone just like their specs/classes.


Players will always abuse whatever the FOTM is. Balance is just a small part of the problem.

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Players will always abuse whatever the FOTM is. Balance is just a small part of the problem.


For u mb it is. Everyone have their reason why he decided to quit this project. We have very poor PvP player base atm. But its came from 3.0+ times when they decided do not balance, close class rep project, close PTS and ignore all balance feedbacks, its my opinion.

Edited by helpmewin
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There's also guilds that run 8 man premades in regs.

Technically they count as a single premade since they aren't queue syncing.


An 8 man premade with VOIP would make short work of 99% of pugs.


Please dont say inaccurate things


No guild can queue 8 people without sync ( AND yes i agree it shouldnt be allowed for the sync to take place)


the group que is 4 man for 8 man premades the 2 groups must sync queue

Edited by Princz
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I would suggest making your decisions based on the assumptions that the things won't change in the short term. If playing the game as it is right now is not fun/doesn't make you happy, stop playing it. An individual gamer's unhappiness won't change minds of either fellow gamers, nor BioWARE's. Edited by DomiSotto
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Please dont say inaccurate things


No guild can queue 8 people without sync ( AND yes i agree it shouldnt be allowed for the sync to take place)


the group que is 4 man for 8 man premades the 2 groups must sync queue


Fair enough. I wasn't aware that op groups couldn't queue.

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As the pvp population on some servers dwindle down you will more likely see premades farming pugs in unranked warzones. At the same time you'll start to see matches abandoned by the team being farmed ( who can blame them).


It's like a snake eating it's own tail. While the tail tastes delicious to the snake getting an easy meal at the same time it's killing itself.

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  • 4 months later...
Fair enough. I wasn't aware that op groups couldn't queue.


What I did asking good players I shared warzones, fleet or friends, to make a group and as balance team make a better fight to premades. Add these guys so when they connect u can make group again. Also look which class is missing on WZ, sometimes no healers popping, so u might swap into a heal class to help your faction. Best way is joining pvp guild, if u can't atm, ask players to make a group and is good way to make new friends too. :cool:

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