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'Twas the Night Before TOR Release


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'twas the night before TOR release and all through the house,

the only creature that was stirring was my desktop mouse.

Seven days of pre-release I had played with care,

and now I sit waiting, pulling at my hair.


All the drinks and snacks had been stocked ceiling high,

as the release for TOR drew ever nigh.

My retina-scarred eyes only grew worse as I stared;

There's only so much stress this body can spare.


And as I succumbed to the fact that the servers were down,

I pushed away from my desk with a "hmph!" and a frown.

I plodded through the house looking for something to do,

Instead my eyes came back to my monitor, stuck like glue!


I read blogs and forums and tweets galore,

but my dear soul only wanted to play TOR.

Minutes ticked by like they were days so it seemed,

as I waited for the hour the "Play" button gleamed.


And suddenly the internet was abuzz with a chatter;

I opened my TOR client to see what was the matter.

The client opened, but wait the servers weren't there!

And now my high hopes were dashed to despair.


And now I sit fighting the symptoms of withdrawals,

but I do have one thing I would say to you all.

This thing I would say to you is, if I might,

Happy TOR release to all and to all a good night!

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