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***Official PvE Progression V2***


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This has gotten out of control, this thread was meant to show everyone's progression. If you wanna fight about it either do it in game or in a new post. All we wanted to do ( you can go back and read what we said at the start ) was report our progression, call us elitists, jerks, what ever you like but we posted our progress and will post more as it happens. I hope other guilds do the same as its nice to see how every one is doing. Also grats to The Underworld Alliance on clearing HM Golden Fury.


- Dryst

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I initially posted in this thread for one reason: to announce <CI>'s progression in the new 2.0 content. When the debate over rankings and the progression value of 2.0, I joined in the debate to offer my guilds opinion on its value to progression rankings. While we still believe it should be weighted equally to S&V, we do understand that this viewpoint is not shared by everyone, and that the progression weighting process is not up to us.


I apologize if my tone became elitist and condescending, but hope you can understand where we are coming from. To see guilds actively posting with the intent of devaluing accomplishments in HM TfB, is extremely irritating and disheartening. I'd like to make a few things clear that may have not been conveyed in previous threads. We respect all the progression guilds on this server 's abilities and apologize for not being aware of the existence of some of theses guilds because we hadn't heard of their progression progress before (<SC>, etc). Any posts I've made concerning the progression value of certain ops is purely the opinion of the guild, and should not be read as an attempt to influence rankings. We do not actually use mumble, so I'm not sure what sated buffalo was speaking about with ¿poverty?.


If there are future debates within this thread, we will do our utmost to keep our opinions civil, respectful, and encouraging to others in the future. Here is a friendly rakata to signify our renewed dedication to niceness :rak_angelic:

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Are we reporting story mode Golden Fury? If so, The Corellian League has done so.
I haven't up to this point but I can start adding it if that's what the community wants. The reason I haven't added it yet is because so many players simply pug SM Golden Fury each week, diminishing its value as a progression boss. Conversely, HM Golden Fury is quite challenging and difficult, and certainly constitutes the level of guild effort normally associated with progression.


I had asked earlier what everyone thinks in regards to where Golden Fury should rank in progression but, unfortunately, the question was lost among all the childish, "Oh yeah? You are!" squabbles that have taken over this thread. So I'll try to renew the question: What does everyone think about where Golden Fury HM & SM should rank in progression?

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So I'll try to renew the question: What does everyone think about where Golden Fury HM & SM should rank in progression?


Personally, I think it should not be considered when ranking progression because it is not a true operation, but rather an instanced world boss. However, I think it would be a good thing to track, since it is a challenging fight. If you do end up tracking it, <CI> is 1/1 for SM Golden Fury (I'd abbreviate to GF, but my brain has been programmed to read that as girlfriend or group finder, lol)

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It is a shame so many are bickering. Makes the server look petty in my opinion. Much of progression simply comes down to how much time your guild has to raid. Given a full couple weeks of unlimited raid time I doubt any of our more serious raiding guilds on the server would have trouble clearing everything.


I never really considered this thread(or its predecessor) as a competition as much as an advertisement for our community. We have a solid PvE and PvP community on this server, especially for an RP server, and I thought this thread helped to foster that. If it's all about who got there first and my Richard is bigger than yours, not sure that I care to track our progress.


Anyways, like I said, much of the content in this game seems to just be how much time you have to dedicate to raiding. We didn't have our first "progression" run until this past Friday because RL is just taking much more time from our progression group.

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Being as how the majority of the Hatred towards <CI> is being thrown specifically at Hatredunbound, I'd just like to add a few things.


Whoever posted the pic of me calling <Empire> noobs, did a great job of not posting the rest of that conversation, which, why would they? They were trying to prove a point.


I saw nothing inflammatory by the way Kleric chose to show <CI> progression on the forum. He said what they've done, he said what he thought, he commented on what HE THOUGHT Imp side progression looked like.


The internet is full of epeen, and it takes a grown *** man to stand up and say he made a mistake. Both Kleric and Vimesis tried to do that, while other people continued to throw slander at both them, and <CI>. If you have a problem with either the guild, or specific toons within said guild, don't hide behind an arbitrary post on a thread. Be a man and bring it up in game.


Also, say what you will about IMP side progression, and I have nothing but respect for what <Empire> and <Nemesis> have done, but this time they didn't. So instead of sounding like elitist Junior High Schoolers, why not show some respect for an up-and-coming raiding guild. After all, if they were still capable of clearing content first...and knowing the epeen they both have, don't you think they would have.


Akkai, thanks bai.

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Update for TCO Imperium


<TCO Imperium>



Eternity Vault: (5/5 SM, HM, NM) 8man & 16man

Karagga's Palace: (5/5 SM, HM, NM) 8man & 16man

Explosive Conflict: (4/4 SM, HM) (3/4 NM) 8man

Terror from Beyond: (5/5 SM, HM) 8man & 16man

TFB 55: (2/5 HM / 5/5 SM) 8man & 16man

Golden Fury SM 8man &16man

S&V: 7/7 (SM) 8man

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I'm not sure if anyone has realized, but this is Bomb's thread of progression. If you have a problem with the way he is tracking progression you can simply start your own progression thread and keep track however you like. Bomb is not the SWTOR progression God. Let him run his thread however he likes. If you want to give inputs then do so constructively then leave it at that. Again, any of you have the power to make your own progression thread. Stop whining and go make one if it really matters that much to you.
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End all this petty bickering already. Take it up in general chat if you must, but this is not the place.


To answer bombbuster's question from earlier… HM Golden Fury is certainly on the same difficulty level as the two HM ops. Also, it drops underworld gear, both of which suggest that it should be considered for progression. With that said, we've never counted world bosses before. I'm not sure if there's any reason not to count them, but there you go.


My opinion is that HM TfB and HM GF should be treated similarly: not as the primary progression content, but still considered. If I had to pick an order between them, I'd say that HM GF is harder (and more boring) than HM TfB, but easier than Styrak.

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Refrain from discussing other guilds or players. Period. Post your own guild's progression, and/or any thoughts about progression rules, boss rankings and difficulty, and the like. I don't know how to be any more clear. This thread has officially become a drag and if it continues I'll no longer participate nor update.

Edited by Bombbuster
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CI in general are raid minded, there is a certain arrogance to that field that I have seen in my time from members of empire, nemesis, CI, Progeny, Bane and Silent Council on the imperial side of things.


Wait, what?!?!?!


Please PM me details of who when this happened. Otherwise please refrain from including Bane in a statement of this sort.

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Wait, what?!?!?!


Please PM me details of who when this happened. Otherwise please refrain from including Bane in a statement of this sort.


It wasn't an insult. Bane, I consider a rather good raiding guild. There is a certain level of arrogance all raid guilds show and need to show to push away from truly casual to more moderate-hard raiding. Not everyone on this server is a raider, there has to be a level of competence you want in a PVE end game guild comparatively to an RPing guild when it comes to gaming mechanics and situational awareness.


Either way yes this needs to stop. I again wish all the best of luck raiding at the top level. Ranking doesn't really matter to me and everyone should take this stuff at their own pace.


EDIT: AKA It was a generalization.

Edited by mastirkal
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Aisthesis is 5/5 TFB HM. We stopped procrastinating and got it done :-) No enrage, no anomaly up at the end. There was one up at the soft enrage but it got force swept to death.



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Does anyone know what the hard enrage timer on TfB HM is? We killed it 7:25 after the timer starts (the beginning of the second phase). Given that we had a DPS down for almost a full minute, I'm guessing the hard enrage is at 7:30, but I don't know for sure.
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Yea I would think that would be the hard enrage, we have been killing it in about 6:30 on the inside which comes to about an 11 min total fight and our runs have been sloppy on the terror so far. I couldn't imagine it being any more then 7:30, if it is they need to cut the hard enrage by at least 1 min for nightmare.
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Just a quick note on the current ordering…


Per our previous discussion, the list should be ordered according to kill time on HM Styrak, but grouped according to the number of bosses killed in HM TfB. (HM Golden Fury has also been proposed to be included, but I don't know whether or not Bombbuster has decided one way or another on this) The current list does not reflect these rules.


At present, the list is ordered strictly according to HM TfB kill times, with HM S&V not considered at all. The exception to this is the ordering between Wrath and UWA, which would need to be inverted if HM TfB alone were being considered. Thus, the current list does not have a consistent ordering, which should probably be fixed. If the list is adjusted to be ordered by HM Styrak kill time and grouped by HM TfB boss kills, then <Aisthesis> would presently be directly below <The Underworld Alliance> and above <Calamitous Intent> (since <Aisthesis> killed Styrak before CI, but killed TfB after). <Anger Management> would *currently* be listed below CI, but would be reordered to above <Aisthesis> and below <The Underworld Alliance> once they are 5/5 in HM TfB.


It's not clear where Army of Light should fall in this ranking. I would propose that they be listed above other guilds which have cleared TfB HM, but below the guilds that have fully cleared HM Styrak. I recognize though that this is a little inconsistent with the (somewhat incoherent) ordering we have agreed to, but I'm not sure what else to do with this situation. Linearizing multi-dimensional orderings *really* sucks (and provably has no coherent solution).


To put this another way, there are five guilds that have cleared HM TfB: Wrath, UWA, CI, Aisthesis and Army of Light. They should be listed together as a group and ordered according to their kill times on HM Styrak, which would thus be Wrath, UWA, Aisthesis and then CI. Anger Management has cleared HM Styrak, but not HM TfB. Per previous discussions, they would be listed after CI until they clear HM TfB, at which point the ordering would become Wrath, UWA, AM, Aisthesis, CI. Army of Light has cleared HM TfB, but not HM Styrak. Thus, they would be listed after Anger Management on the present list. Once they clear HM Styrak, they will be listed directly below CI (unless another guild clears HM Styrak first).


Regardless of how we all feel about TfB as progression, I think we can all agree that HM TfB is easier than HM Styrak, and thus the current ordering where HM Styrak is ignored in preference to HM TfB is somewhat odd.


Uggggghhhhh… Linear lists suck big time. Bomb, if all this semantic "ordering before/after such-and-such" discussion is getting to be too aggravating, just ignore my post. It's your list, and as much as I would like the ordering to stem from a consistent set of rules, I respect your right to do whatever you want with it. I just wanted to point it out in case the present configuration were an unintended error.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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