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Why i dont wanna log on in SWTOR anymore


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No EVERYONE has ability lag issues, some people that know how to play notice them those that don't know how to play don't notice them.




This doesn't really happen to me very often, but then again I don't constantly spam the hotkeys for my toon's abilities.


EXACTLY! Spamming is the optimal way to DPS though and anyone who isn't button mashing will have a far lower DPS output than optimal. But when you actually attempt to be competitive and do the optimal key spam, you hit the wall that is ability lag and all your hard work becomes meaningless.


Again, this is NOT something that people will notice, unless they are playing perfectly, i.e. button mashing to queue casts. Hence the ability delay only affects the people who attempt to play optimally.

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Well, I have good news for you! We, as human beings, have this great thing called "free will". It's a beautiful thing because when we don't feel like doing something, or paying for something, we can simply stop doing it.


I know right? Can that really be true? IT IS! I know it's hard to believe but it really is true.


Here is my recommendation. If you feel like you're not having fun anymore, you can stop paying for the game and go play something else. It's cool because if you ever want to play again, you can come back! No seriously, they will let you play again. It's great, I love free will.



Otherwise, if you want to stay, simply make a constructive post about how you find certain features not working the way you expect. I humbly suggest avoiding exaggerating and hyperbole as most folks won't take you seriously if you just claim the entire game is broken.



The more you know!


I don't know if I want to laugh or cry over the fear and frenzy you have over the OP's post.


Calm down son and don't be such a hole.

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EXACTLY! Spamming is the optimal way to DPS though and anyone who isn't button mashing will have a far lower DPS output than optimal. But when you actually attempt to be competitive and do the optimal key spam, you hit the wall that is ability lag and all your hard work becomes meaningless.


Again, this is NOT something that people will notice, unless they are playing perfectly, i.e. button mashing to queue casts. Hence the ability delay only affects the people who attempt to play optimally.

I disagree. Playing perfectly means queuing an ability the moment it becomes available, not spamming buttons. If spamming buttons is causing ability delay, then you aren't playing optimally now are you?


Spamming hotkeys is actually counter-productive because it interrupts the ability queue. If you insist on spamming the buttons then you at least need to set the ability queue to 0.

Edited by MorgonKara
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I disagree. Playing perfectly means queuing an ability the moment it becomes available, not spamming buttons. If spamming buttons is causing ability delay, then you aren't playing optimally now are you?


Spamming hotkeys is actually counter-productive because it interrupts the ability queue. If you insist on spamming the buttons then you at least need to set the ability queue to 0.


So its the users fault for shoddy programming? You can que and spam abilities in every MMO. None of them have this problem of not firing or acting as if it fired and doesnt.

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I disagree. Playing perfectly means queuing an ability the moment it becomes available, not spamming buttons. If spamming buttons is causing ability delay, then you aren't playing optimally now are you?


Spamming hotkeys is actually counter-productive because it interrupts the ability queue. If you insist on spamming the buttons then you at least need to set the ability queue to 0.


No, since human reactions take miliseconds and you take into account latency (the cast does not finish when the bar is full, it finishes X ms earlier, where X is your latency to the server) the optimal action is to mash the key and queue the next cast straight after. Of course you need to set ability queue to 0, that's really basic. The issues are lying somewhere in the engine and the animations being tied to the actual cast. If you are interested and unaware, you can check out the videos that were posted in December/January about it.


This whole thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=159300 as well as countless videos show the problem. For comparison, here's how WoW does it

and people seem to correctly point out that the issue lies within the dependability on animation.


Edit: Actually, lol, check out these videos


Edited by Anubis_Black
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I disagree. Playing perfectly means queuing an ability the moment it becomes available, not spamming buttons. If spamming buttons is causing ability delay, then you aren't playing optimally now are you?


Spamming hotkeys is actually counter-productive because it interrupts the ability queue. If you insist on spamming the buttons then you at least need to set the ability queue to 0.

I would have you look at it another way. With latency and human reaction, lets say you are fast and you are only delayed for.1 seconds to activate the next skill. Lets average casts and instants to say you use a skill every 2 seconds. In a 10 min boss fight you are basically just standing doing nothing for 30 seconds.

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I don't know if I want to laugh or cry over the fear and frenzy you have over the OP's post.


Calm down son and don't be such a hole.


You guys are my favorite. Oh don't worry, I'm sitting here in my halloween costume. Trust me, I'm not in arms about it.

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No EVERYONE has ability lag issues, some people that know how to play notice them those that don't know how to play don't notice them.


Rubbish, I just spammed Double Strike on my Shadow and every attack went off, I've never had any attack not go off while activating a GCD.

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No, since human reactions take miliseconds and you take into account latency (the cast does not finish when the bar is full, it finishes X ms earlier, where X is your latency to the server) the optimal action is to mash the key and queue the next cast straight after. Of course you need to set ability queue to 0, that's really basic. The issues are lying somewhere in the engine and the animations being tied to the actual cast. If you are interested and unaware, you can check out the videos that were posted in December/January about it.


This whole thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=159300 as well as countless videos show the problem. For comparison, here's how WoW does it

and people seem to correctly point out that the issue lies within the dependability on animation.


Edit: Actually, lol, check out these videos



Nice videos from Dec 2011. It was fixed around patch 1.1 which was in early 2012. I'm not saying people aren't still getting it, but the example of speeder bikes in that video and the majority of people's problems have been fixed

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So its the users fault for shoddy programming? You can que and spam abilities in every MMO. None of them have this problem of not firing or acting as if it fired and doesnt.


Strictly speaking what he said is true. Doing something optimally means just that. If you identify an issue and know what causes it and your subsequent dip in performance but still run into it headlong you're not playing TOR optimally. Doesn't really mater what's at fault that the optimal way to play isn't the same as in every mmo out there, it just isn't. It is what it is, adapt to it or not, but you're not playing "optimally", you know that, that's why you brought the problem up.

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I have the best PC money can buy. I have noticed these issues. You have to actually pay attention to catch it, otherwise you can easily be oblivious when it actually happens.


Hmmm if you have to actually pay attention to it to see it because it it is not easy to notice - is it really an issue? I mean... you can not see it otherwise, correct? I do not have this issue, I guess I do not pay enough attention.

Edited by Evensong
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I think this ability delay issue has a lot to do with directional positioning requirements for attacks

I get lot of attacks simpliy not firing when a Player is almost infront of me and happens mostly on my vanguard when im strafing away trying to kite a melee character And when using assault plastic and sticky grenade it seems to set off a double global cool down, On my guardian the attack most noticeable is blade storm you can be attacking somone right infront of you and it won't fire I'm not saying all these thing happen every time but it does every so often and with the face paced pvp it does become noticeable when every second counts

Edited by denpic
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in alot of ways i wish SWG (starward galaxies) was back. i played swtor for a month and saw all the delays, and cooldowns are kind of stupid in ways. lag is a huge issue,glitches are continuous and dont thing they will ever be fixed. space is dumb in swtor compared to swg. sorry to say this game is falling
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No EVERYONE has ability lag issues, some people that know how to play notice them those that don't know how to play don't notice them.


Or those that notice notice them work around them and beat those that don't.


I have been playing since release and I have yet to be discouraged because of a minor issue like a .5 second delay here and there. If a fight is so close that you need the .5 seconds then even if you won you were just lucky they didnt critshot you.

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No EVERYONE has ability lag issues, some people that know how to play notice them those that don't know how to play don't notice them.


Seems like a small thing to complain about. Personally I have noticed it now and then, but it does not hinder me from pulling off my rotation properly (or lack there of in my spec :p)

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I'm a new subscriber. I barely play 2 months now.

Because of how easy all the PvE content is (even NM are still piss easy), how shallow the PvP content seems and how much technical issues this game currently has and how there's really nothing to do outside of that (farming the same dailies over and over again doesn't count) i already don't feel like logging in, and i highly doubt i will re-subscribe.

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wow, I havnt notice this issue at all O_o


I mean, there was a bit of an issue at launch, but they fixed it a few patches in. I get no ability delays. Is it certain classes or what? I dont see any on my assassin, operative, or guardian.


Yep. I have no idea what's being talked about here. I really enjoy combat with all my classes and have done since beta.


I'm a new subscriber. I barely play 2 months now.

Because of how easy all the PvE content is (even NM are still piss easy), how shallow the PvP content seems and how much technical issues this game currently has and how there's really nothing to do outside of that (farming the same dailies over and over again doesn't count) i already don't feel like logging in, and i highly doubt i will re-subscribe.


I'm guessing this wasn't the game for you right from the start. You can't have finished more than one story in two months, let alone more than one, and if you found yourself bored while playing the story content.... Well, uh...yeah. wrong game for you.

Edited by errant_knight
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My biggest complaint is the ability lag. As a melee character my actions get delayed continuously when the global cooldown keeps refreshing keeping me away from actually playing the game but trying to activate the abilities.


Ability lag is possibly one of the biggest issues in game for me, always has been, and it's looking like it always will be!

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