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Stun on sorc bubble break must be changed


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The problem isn't the bubble stun. The real problem is, that every single game, has about 6 melee in it. Maybe they should nerf melee so people play range for a few patches.


Trust me, as a Sorc/Sage, it would be refreshing to LoS instead of kite 3+ melee evey damn WZ.

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AS a 50 Lightning Sorc, I think this balances the playing field quite a bit. Being a DPS, I rarely cast the Lightning Barrier on allies, only myself.


Our sorc "bubbler" did over 500K Healing from casting the bubbles on his teammates. why wouldn't you cast them on other ppl? That just means you're not contributing to the team....

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The problem isn't the bubble stun. The real problem is, that every single game, has about 6 melee in it. Maybe they should nerf melee so people play range for a few patches.


Trust me, as a Sorc/Sage, it would be refreshing to LoS instead of kite 3+ melee evey damn WZ.


funny.. on my server (PoT5) majority of players in WZs are ranged. Infact my last Pug'd solo que there were 7 trooper/BHs and 3 sorcs. I guess that still leaves room for 6 melee.... nvm then. You're right, to many melee, thats the problem.


And WOW 6 melee out of 16 players in a wz!?


NO WAY!?!?!?

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Our sorc "bubbler" did over 500K Healing from casting the bubbles on his teammates. why wouldn't you cast them on other ppl? That just means you're not contributing to the team....


Because if you're not heals spec, the spell has a significantly longer CD, and costs more force as well.

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Yeah it would be a real shame of those damn bubbles interrupted all the 7K smashes. And to think that you spent 2 weeks grinding the latest fotm just to be able to beat up sorcs. I would file a ticket and demand those 2 weeks back because this is obviously not working as intended.
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funny.. on my server (PoT5) majority of players in WZs are ranged. Infact my last Pug'd solo que there were 7 trooper/BHs and 3 sorcs. I guess that still leaves room for 6 melee.... nvm then. You're right, to many melee, thats the problem.


And WOW 6 melee out of 16 players in a wz!?


NO WAY!?!?!?


PoT5 is my server too. My WZ's are usually melee fests or the occasional 4 sorc group which I don't stay in, due to to many sorcs = loss. I have no clue what class you play, but if most of your WZ's are ranged, then you shouldn't be having problems with the bubble stun. If you play melee, especially if you play a Sent/Mara, I have zero sympathy for you. I have spent months as a punching bag for any melee out there since the 1.2 nerf. 1.4 finally made sorc healers decent if they spec hybrid. DPS is still lackluster.


Sorcs aren't any less squishy, we were just given a chance to not instantly explode to the melee train.


Also, when I mean 6 melee, I mean 6 melee on my team. I have had teams of Mara/Juggs, I actually remember fondly a WZ where there were 12 lightsabers on the board. Yes a total of 12 knight/warrior's. It was fun being lept to over and over again. Thank God I had guard and another healer with me or it would've been impossible to do anything.


In closing, it's refreshing to see a nerf Sorc's post. Now as every pro Mara/Sent posted after 1.2, please go L2P.

Edited by dalin
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Because if you're not heals spec, the spell has a significantly longer CD, and costs more force as well.


Uhm... I dont understand. What Force cost, what CD? How can a lightning sorc have force pool issues and since when we cant spam bubbles anymore? Only pure madness sorcs should think twice whether to throw a bubble on another person. A tele-Sage who doesn't spam bubbles is sabotaging his team!

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Uhm... I dont understand. What Force cost, what CD? How can a lightning sorc have force pool issues and since when we cant spam bubbles anymore? Only pure madness sorcs should think twice whether to throw a bubble on another person. A tele-Sage who doesn't spam bubbles is sabotaging his team!




Force Cost is 65 (only the AoEs are more expensive)

CD is 4.5 seconds


Here is the healer tree skill that impacts cost and CD:



Edited by Darth_Philar
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My post was not meant to say I'd not know that there is CD and force cost and ways to adapt them. It was meant to say... how the hell would that insignificant CD and force cost stop you from spamming bubbles as a lightning sorc?


It was rather sarcastic: "what CD? what force cost?"


I played a tele-Sage for over half a year and something I never ran into was problems with my force pool (in PvP). Now I play it on balance and I still throw enough bubbles to have considerable number of healing... sometimes up to more than half of the amount of my DMG. I have to watch carefully not to run into force issues, but it works pretty well. So how can CD and force cost be a reason for a lightning Sorc not to provide bubbles to his team... that was the initial argument.

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Force Cost is 65 (only the AoEs are more expensive)

CD is 4.5 seconds


Here is the healer tree skill that impacts cost and CD:






If you're playing lightning spec you should have this... Also if you're dpsing in pvp with Lightning tree.. you're doing it wrong.

Edited by Jakev-
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Force Cost is 65 (only the AoEs are more expensive)

CD is 4.5 seconds


Here is the healer tree skill that impacts cost and CD:




You meant this:




As someone posted above... I hope none of you play sorcs.



So how can CD and force cost be a reason for a lightning Sorc not to provide bubbles to his team... that was the initial argument.


The reduced CD listed above is required to "spam" bubbles.


EDIT: add'l reponse.

Edited by ahduth
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At most, I would say the stun on bubble break should only happen when it is on the sorc/sage; not when they place the bubble on their teammates. Even then, I have not had any trouble with this on a ranged class, and I have very little sympathy for the melee classes in the game right now, as it seems all of them have their own unique annoying abilities themselves.
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You meant this:




As someone posted above... I hope none of you play sorcs.


No, If you're lightning spec DPS you shouldnt have a problem with force if you have


More than likely if you are against a decent team you should die before you run out of force anyway...

so spam bubbles on teammates as lightning spec whenever its off its 4 second CD

Edited by Jakev-
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1.4 comes, sorcs and sages finally get some tools that help them survive, and people call for nerfs.


Excuse me while I ignore the nerf request, while I blind you, slow you and kill you with DOTs, you underwhelming marauder.


I do so enjoy the expression on your little face as you go flying back from Force Push, too.



Edited by Ycoga
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The main issue is the stun fest. Honestly I would be content with changing the amount of resolve built to the appropriate amount (300 vs. 600). The 5m AOE stun on break isn't a big deal. L2P around it. And no I do not play a sage.
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No, If you're lightning spec DPS you shouldnt have a problem with force if you have


More than likely if you are against a decent team you should die before you run out of force anyway...

so spam bubbles on teammates as lightning spec whenever its off its 4 second CD


Agreed, except "whenever off CD" is a bit too much... we are supposed to make damage here and there too. ;P



And spamming does not require a reduced CD... god... for sure nobody asks Sorcs/Sages to only spam bubbles. So dont jump around on the "spam". I "spam" a lot of them and have no clue how not having that talent from the healer-tree skilled is any kind of excuse not to blow out huge amounts of bubbles.


The argument stays the same. A lightning Sorc who does not bubble teammates wastes a very usefull ability. Two DMG-Sages can easily keep the whole team bubbled until first encounter and then inbetween re-bubble on people in trouble whenever they gain awareness of that.

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The main issue is the stun fest. Honestly I would be content with changing the amount of resolve built to the appropriate amount (300 vs. 600). The 5m AOE stun on break isn't a big deal. L2P around it. And no I do not play a sage.




I have no issue with the stun itself, since it's part of their abilities. However since all hard stuns give 200 resolve per second, this one should give that as well IMO.

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Jeez... I was on the receiving end of this madness tonight. Enemy sage kept bubbling up all his teammates. No matter who I melee, I keep getting stunned from bubble breaking. Dps sage... stunned... dps gunslinger... stunned... shadow... stunned... the resolve it adds is so little, and by the time the next bubble breaks it has worn off somewhat.


Heck, even if I am not dpsing someone with a bubble directly, the guy next to me is dpsing a bubbled enemy, and it stuns everyone in the vicinity when it breaks. This is stupidly broken... I only have a couple of *ranged* attaacks, and really need to charge them up with my melee attacks to use them well. So breaking the bubble with non-melee attacks is very inefficient. Seems like I should play my ranged character only, so I could break bubbles safely without stuns.

Edited by CBRGhostRider
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all the FOTM Maras and PTs crying :) I'd like to see you all playing sorc after 1.2


The Crying isn't about the Socs getting a new toy that helps THEM. The crying is about them bubbling up their whole team and having the same effect.


As a marauder since early access. I have no problem with Socs getting a blind on there bubble when its ON THEM.


Let the Socs keep their blind/stun on the bubble for them... just don't let it work like that when they cast it on ppl.

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As someone who has been playing hybrid seer/tele healer since a little after 1.2, I have to admit- this thread makes me giggle, just a little bit.


With that being said....if the stun is not going to break on damage, as others have said previously, it does need to add the correct amount of resolve. That's only fair. (Either that or make it break on damage again. I'd also be ok with that.)

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