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1.4 Merc DPS bugs/nerf


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What do you call Tracer then.


For Tracer Missile, it is explicitely written that it allows Rail Shot. It's an exception built in the Tracer Missile skill.


"Heat signatures leave the target vulnerable to Rail Shot."

Edited by Altheran
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There's only like 15 people still playing their mercenaies, so the dev team isn't going to listen even if they do complain.

IDK, despite of all the issues surrounding the merc on my server there is a vast amount of mercs, even in my guild. Yesterday I did a daily fp and there were 3 mercs and a pt lol. I think every single person in my guild has a merc alt.

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The issues seem to be tied into the arsenal spec, and yes, I've noticed most of the mentioned issues as well with my arsenal merc.


nah its also assault/pyrotech... charged bolts/power shot is just a terrible skill (its a stationary skill on a mobile tree... no sense), compare it to flame burst on powertech... yeah


arsenal/gunnery is to easily shut down, and assault on merc is not that much better also. 16% proc chance is just terrible, when powertech has 100% proc chance of plasma cell (ON A SPAMMABLE ATTACK) who was the genius behind this really?

Edited by xxIncubixx
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Was anybody able to see in anything in those parses I posted?


I'm going to try and get more this week, but my gear has changed (dropped power crystals for crit and my dps appears to have gone up, but need to get back in to TFB for a proper comparison) and we are going to be attempting 16 man so they aren't going to be very good anyway.

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I am suprised there is not more discussion and outrage at the bugs which significantly affect our dps as of 1.4.


1) Unload is only hitting 4/6 times most of the time, a 33% reduction to our best attack.


2) Barrage is no longer buffing the damage of unload, a furthar nerf of our best attack.


3) The four piece PvE bonus does not work 100% of the time, leading to increased heat -- and a dps loss.


4) The tracer lock buff/stacks no longer buff the damage to Rail Shot


If the community does not continually bring these issues to the attention of the dev team. They will NEVER be fixed. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.


1)Unload mainhand will always hit if your accuracy is at +10%. Offhand needs +30? or 35% to not miss. This is working as intended since beta.


2)Looking at logs i see a damage increase to unload when barrage procs. Recall that you will not see a 25% increase in damage vs no barrage proc. I did this math months ago and a dev confirmed it's additive and not muliplicative. Non barrage proc is 1+.30=1.30%. With barrage proc it's 1+.30+.25=1.55% and not 1*1.30*1.25=1.625%. This means barrage proc and non barrage unload should look like this;


1300 (base damage for this example)

1+.3=1.3 so1300*1.3=1690 (base damage+Riddle talent)

1+.3+.25=1.55 so 1300*1.55=2015 (base damage+Riddle talent+barrage=correct math)

1*1.3*1.25=1.65 so 1300+1.625=2112 (base damage*riddle*barrage=incorrect math)


Damage increase between non barrage proc and barrage proc is 2015/1690=119% or 19% increase (correct math)

Damage increase between non barrage proc and barrage proc is 2112/1690=125% or 25% increase (incorrect math)


Looking at some logs i'm seeing up to a 20% increase and as low as 13% increase. RNG i would say. We've been over this so many times in the past and it was always proven to be working correctly. However I have only looked at a smallish sample size. So please download SCLR. Get min, max, and average unloads with barrage proc. Then run another test of unloads without the barrage proc. And please don't use adrenals and such while testing.


3)I have not confirmed this. However the logs i've looked at do not show using heat for railshot. I see activates Rail Shot. gains 0 in the logs i've looked at. If you have any showing activates Rail Shot. gains 8 or 16 then please provide them. Without proof nothing will be done and i've yet to see proof.


4)Damage appears to be where it should be. At least looking at the logs i've seen. But i did not go into great length to verify exactness.


As far as i can tell you are incorrect about all 4 of these. But there may be intermitent issues i'm not seeing or possibly barrage isn't quite increasing damage as much as it should. Although it appears to be fine. So please provide data confirming what is broke. If something is broke i sure as heck want it fixed. I'm just not seeing any of the 4 listed things broke in the logs i looked at.

Edited by deadandburied
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I am suprised there is not more discussion and outrage at the bugs which significantly affect our dps as of 1.4.


1) Unload is only hitting 4/6 times most of the time, a 33% reduction to our best attack.


2) Barrage is no longer buffing the damage of unload, a furthar nerf of our best attack.


3) The four piece PvE bonus does not work 100% of the time, leading to increased heat -- and a dps loss.


4) The tracer lock buff/stacks no longer buff the damage to Rail Shot


If the community does not continually bring these issues to the attention of the dev team. They will NEVER be fixed. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.




you think so?


How long have concealments/scrappers been complaining about our 6 consecutive nerfs?


We squeak more than any other class in the game for nerf's that were far more devistating.


BW's Response: Is in my signature. (I did add mercs to it as well)

Edited by Ahebish
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guys guys guys.. please... the dev's dont give two ***** about this game, all they are trying to do is make SOME money back with free to play... do even think BW read this forum... THe dev team is Fooked up.


Kinda starting to agree with you here, I don't expect an auto fix, or a hot patch, but put something out there that lets us know that the Dev's are aware of the issue and are looking into it, rather than continuing to let us just fade away.

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1)Unload mainhand will always hit if your accuracy is at +10%. Offhand needs +30? or 35% to not miss. This is working as intended since beta.


2)Looking at logs i see a damage increase to unload when barrage procs. Recall that you will not see a 25% increase in damage vs no barrage proc. I did this math months ago and a dev confirmed it's additive and not muliplicative. Non barrage proc is 1+.30=1.30%. With barrage proc it's 1+.30+.25=1.55% and not 1*1.30*1.25=1.625%. This means barrage proc and non barrage unload should look like this;


1300 (base damage for this example)

1+.3=1.3 so1300*1.3=1690 (base damage+Riddle talent)

1+.3+.25=1.55 so 1300*1.55=2015 (base damage+Riddle talent+barrage=correct math)

1*1.3*1.25=1.65 so 1300+1.625=2112 (base damage*riddle*barrage=incorrect math)


Damage increase between non barrage proc and barrage proc is 2015/1690=119% or 19% increase (correct math)

Damage increase between non barrage proc and barrage proc is 2112/1690=125% or 25% increase (incorrect math)


Looking at some logs i'm seeing up to a 20% increase and as low as 13% increase. RNG i would say. We've been over this so many times in the past and it was always proven to be working correctly. However I have only looked at a smallish sample size. So please download SCLR. Get min, max, and average unloads with barrage proc. Then run another test of unloads without the barrage proc. And please don't use adrenals and such while testing.


3)I have not confirmed this. However the logs i've looked at do not show using heat for railshot. I see activates Rail Shot. gains 0 in the logs i've looked at. If you have any showing activates Rail Shot. gains 8 or 16 then please provide them. Without proof nothing will be done and i've yet to see proof.


4)Damage appears to be where it should be. At least looking at the logs i've seen. But i did not go into great length to verify exactness.


As far as i can tell you are incorrect about all 4 of these. But there may be intermitent issues i'm not seeing or possibly barrage isn't quite increasing damage as much as it should. Although it appears to be fine. So please provide data confirming what is broke. If something is broke i sure as heck want it fixed. I'm just not seeing any of the 4 listed things broke in the logs i looked at.


Of course this post gets overlooked.

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