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1.4 Merc DPS bugs/nerf


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I am suprised there is not more discussion and outrage at the bugs which significantly affect our dps as of 1.4.


1) Unload is only hitting 4/6 times most of the time, a 33% reduction to our best attack.


2) Barrage is no longer buffing the damage of unload, a furthar nerf of our best attack.


3) The four piece PvE bonus does not work 100% of the time, leading to increased heat -- and a dps loss.


4) The tracer lock buff/stacks no longer buff the damage to Rail Shot


If the community does not continually bring these issues to the attention of the dev team. They will NEVER be fixed. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.

Edited by Tobradex
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I think people have just given up hope that the devs will ever care enough about mercs to fix them. The bugs that effect dps are well known and there are a couple of threads about it already and still nothing to fix them in this last patch. Its been over 2 weeks, I think BW/EA has forgotten that they have commandos/mercs in swtor.
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I have a post in Customer Service asking for aknowledgement of these bugs. If mercs that care could post a reply on that thread aknowledging that they have the same problems, maybe it has a slightly higher chance of getting attention. I will continue to bump that thread untill they delete it over the next weeks/months.



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I contributed to 2 other threads in the merc forum and started a third in the cs forum. No response from BW. I did have another poster call me a liar, though. He suggested that I was not experiencing any of these bugs. Instead, I was simply a 10-year-old child who created the issues in my head and wanted to throw a tantrum on the internet.
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I would think Rail Shot is benefiting because I am hitting 5100+ with Rail Shot...


I should have ammended that. It seems to be intermittantly not working. Same with barrage damage buff.

Try yourself on the target dummy.


BTW, thanks for all the great guides.

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I really should pull out on of my logs to check this. My DPS seems so low compared to what others are doing, and things I am attacking seem to drop randomly. In 8 man HM TFB on operator I have gotten a node to 20% before the other one dies and then the next one is on 60% when the other dies. I was putting it down to a lucky crit streak.
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Could do with logs / screenshots as proof?


I've proven that a crit damage bonus to CGC doesn't work if you refresh the dot and they've done jack about it, note to devs, thread in the forum, no fix.


Here's an updated version from right now: http://s11.postimage.org/47d8hjgwj/tmp.png


Best part of 200 damage missing on the crits of a refreshed CGC dot, clear as day missing the 30% crit damage boost on refresh.


Boosted should be 206% damage on crit, unboosted 176% damage on crit.


Also armour debuffs from a jugg don't count as a debuff to allow railshot.

Edited by Gyronamics
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There was a dev response on my posting in the Customer Service forum:




I hope all mercs who are concerned about the problem follow this proceedure and report these intermittant bugs which are in affect a nerf.

The more of us that report these issues, the more likely they are to address the problems. While I do not have any hope of a timely fix, I am at least hoping for an EVENTUAL fix so that we are not bugged forever.


Last night in HM TFB my DPS was again extremely erratic. Sometimes I would get 6 hits from unload, other times 3-4 as one example which was easy to see in real time.

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I am suprised there is not more discussion and outrage at the bugs which significantly affect our dps as of 1.4.


1) Unload is only hitting 4/6 times most of the time, a 33% reduction to our best attack.


2) Barrage is no longer buffing the damage of unload, a furthar nerf of our best attack.


3) The four piece PvE bonus does not work 100% of the time, leading to increased heat -- and a dps loss.


4) The tracer lock buff/stacks no longer buff the damage to Rail Shot


If the community does not continually bring these issues to the attention of the dev team. They will NEVER be fixed. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.


I dunno man. I just just did some testing on my Merc cause I was curious. First attempt I did 1850 dps (6 min parse) on the ops dummy on the fleet...with all the lag. Heat management is as usual.


Raided HM TFB and I'm seeing 4600-5000 rail shots. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Seeing 4000 tics on unload when I hit my attack adrenal. Same as always. I'm seeing 3 big tics of unload almost every time. Sometimes lag nixes the last tic but its rare.


I really think it must be lag issues or a fluke or user error (you sure you have the 4pc bonus or did you have your PVP gear on?) Nobody can seem to agree what the problem is, and no one can produce any kind of proof or figgure out how to replicate the error. I'd rather have the devs fix the fundamental issues with out class instead of chasing wild geese.

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The affects seem to be intermittant.


To truly test go onto the target dummy for 5-6 mins.


Look for the number of unload hits. There should be 6 each time unless you are not accuracy capped.


I get big hits as before the patch as well.


8/10 or more times the 4-piece set bonus works. However, sometimes (in the same fight) it doesn't. I didnt believe this one either untill raiding with another merc who was complaining about it I watched my heat after every Rail Shot. Every once in awhile my heat went up after using a rail shot.


This can all be easily tested looking at parses in your damage logs after attacking the target dummy.


Unfortunately, intermittant problems are the most difficult to diagnose. There are many posts on these, as well as other forums, noting the same issues.


It is not as if I am upset because of my DPS or that I am pulling up the caboose as far as DPS in raids that I write this. Remember the bug with unload after 1.2 that lasted months...

Edited by Tobradex
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I had noticed weird heat issues but 1st blew them off as rng.


But after upgrading 5 agile mods & 2 initiative enhancements from lvl 26 to lvl 27 plus adding 1 hazmat implant. I ran 5 5 min parses to compare vs last 5 5 min parses I ran in 1.3 on ops dummy and saw a averaged loss of DPS.


That's when I went in deeper and found same intermittiate issues.

Edited by DarkForster
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I had noticed weird heat issues but 1st blew them off as rng.


But after upgrading 5 agile mods & 2 initiative enhancements from lvl 26 to lvl 27 plus adding 1 hazmat implant. I ran 5 5 min parses to compare vs last 5 5 min parses I ran in 1.3 on ops dummy and saw a averaged loss of DPS.


That's when I went in deeper and found same intermittiate issues.


Link the parses. Lets see whats going on. What does "I went deeper" mean in your language? "found same intermittiate issues" ***? Do you mean you found THE same intermittent issues, or that you found SOME? Do you really think that switching out mods is causing you heat issues?


So far no one is even able to put their finger on the problem. This thread is LOL-worthy.

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I am suprised there is not more discussion and outrage at the bugs which significantly affect our dps as of 1.4.


That's because a lot of the mercs have left the game. After the continuous nerfs beginning with 1.2, the lack of dev response at the outrage that prompted, and the lack of bug fixes for things that have been broken since beta (Unload) most people have chosen to simply quit rather than continue to waste their time complaining to a company that doesn't give a crap about them.

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Also armour debuffs from a jugg don't count as a debuff to allow railshot.


I dunno if you you wrote this because you meant to report this as a bug or as an affirmation of normality, but this is normal. I quote the Rail Shot ability :


Only usable against incapacitated targets and targets suffering from periodic damage.


Armor debuffs are none of these effects.

Edited by Altheran
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I dunno if you you wrote this because you meant to report this as a bug or as an affirmation of normality, but this is normal. I quote the Rail Shot ability :


Only usable against incapacitated targets and targets suffering from periodic damage.


Armor debuffs are none of these effects.


What do you call Tracer then.

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